onsdag 27. oktober 2010

Jeg sendte en e-post til HiO IU

Gmail - Bachelor-grad/Fwd: Hello Dr. Erwin,


Erik Ribsskog

Bachelor-grad/Fwd: Hello Dr. Erwin,

Erik Ribsskog

Wed, Oct 27, 2010 at 11:59 AM

"Postmottak, Avdeling for ingeniørutdanning" <iu@hio.no>


jeg har en Høgskolekandidat-grad, fra HiO IU, som er veldig sterk, for det er nesten en Bachelor-grad.

Det var krøll med studielånet, fra Lånekassa osv., da jeg studerte i Sunderland.

Men her jeg fått bekreftet, av en amerikansk foreleser, Dr. Erwin, at jeg fikk to 'C'-er på 2 av 4 obliger.

Og da mener jeg, at det burde jo være nok til en 'E', i faget E-Commerce.

Som var et tredjeårs-fag, på Faculty of Applied Sciences, Bachelor Hons vel, i Computing.

(Jeg kom inn på tredjeåret, høster 2004).

Og jeg fikk også beste karakter, som jeg mener var '1', hvis ikke det var 'A', på TROFL-testen.

Så jeg har vel også klart en språk-modul.

Mener jeg ihvertfall.

Jeg har litt problemer med å få det siste bekreftet, fra University of Sunderland.

Og jeg hadde også masse fler obliger bestått.

Blant annet sånne møter, på Final Year Project, sånne 'milepæl'-møter, hvor to sensorer grilla meg, om alt mulig da, i forbindelse med research osv., som vi hadde om der.

Jeg har også startet en webshop, (for jeg er arbeidsledig):


Og et nettsted:

Så kanskje de kunne telt som prosjekt, sånn at jeg fikk nok credits, til å få en Bachelor-grad?

For engelskmenna har ikke hørt om Høgskolekandidatgrad ofte.

Og jeg har jo det meste som trengs for en Bachelor, mener jeg.

Det er bare det, at jeg mangler et fag som 'programmeringslab', som egentlig var mye det samme, mener jeg, som 'programutvikling'.

Men jeg har jo hatt hatt prosjekt, fra før, (kryssordkompilerings-program), fra NHI, i 1992.

I Pascal.

Så jeg har jo prosjekter og sånn og.

For det programmet klarte å lage kryssord.

Men jeg tror kanskje at Ole Øren, eller noen andre fra NHI stjal det.

For jeg leste i VG, at en franskmann, fra Hvaler, Matje, tror jeg, hadde laget den samme type kryssordprogram, noen måneder senere.

Og jeg fikk 3.7 i det faget.

En karakter som ble satt ned, til 4.0, for jeg var i infanteriet, og fikk ikke lov å ringe NHI, av troppsjef Sverre Frøshaug, og si at jeg var på øvelse, og derfor ikke rakk klage-møtet.

Så jeg driver nå og prøver å jobbe meg fram til å få en Bachelor, for å letter får meg en jobb.

Selv om det er masse klager som ligger i bakgrunnen, på Erasmus-søknader osv.

Men de driver nå Kunnskapsdepartementet å trenerer.

Så sånn er det.

På forhånd takk for hjelp!


Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>

Date: Wed, Oct 27, 2010 at 10:06 AM
Subject: Fwd: Hello Dr. Erwin,
To: harry.erwin@sunderland.ac.uk

I remember I got exactly 50% on the second assignment.

I also remember that there was a website, where I could log in, and check my results.

But all my files are in Norway, and my relatives don't want to send them.

But maybe I can get a new log in, and it will still work, so that I can see tests from 2004/05.

I've contacted the Gateway now, so maybe they can help me with this.

Sorry that I'm sending many updates!

Thanks again for the replies.

I've been going on for months, trying to get a confirmation like that, that I passes some tests.

And been in contact with half of the university, of something.

But they say they can't find my files, that they throw TROEF-test results after a couple of years.

And things like that.

So you are the only one at the university, who answer in a 'normal' way about this.

I've been going on for more than a year, trying to the the uni. to send some files, but for no use.

I even went to Sunderland by train, and spoke with the Gateway, but they like refuse to send me a confirmation about my results.

So sorry that I had to send a lot of e-mails about this to you, when this is really Gateway/Students Office/Study Abroad-stuff!

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>

Date: Wed, Oct 27, 2010 at 9:36 AM

Subject: Fwd: Hello Dr. Erwin,
To: Harry Erwin <harry.erwin@sunderland.ac.uk>

I only lack like one mudule, to get a Bachelor degree, from my Home University, you see.

So that's why I'm so interested in this.

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Oct 27, 2010 at 9:32 AM

Subject: Re: Hello Dr. Erwin,
To: Harry Erwin <harry.erwin@sunderland.ac.uk>

Hi again Dr. Erwin,

yes I understand that.

But I thought if I had gotten to 'C'-s and to 'F'-s.

Then maybe I would have ended up with an 'E', which is the lowest pass.

But I'm not an expert on this, so I don't want to argue.

I just wanted to explained how I though.

Thanks again for you reply!

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

On Wed, Oct 27, 2010 at 9:20 AM, Harry Erwin <harry.erwin@sunderland.ac.uk> wrote:

It was only half of the elements of assessment.

On 27 Oct 2010, at 08:44, Erik Ribsskog wrote:

> Ok,


> thank you very much Dr. Erwin.


> That wasn't enough to get a pass I guess?


> It's not important anyway I guess.


> I'll contact the study-office now, and hear if they can find my TROFL-test and other test-results.


> Thank you very much for your help again!


> Best regards,


> Erik Ribsskog



> On Wed, Oct 27, 2010 at 7:30 AM, Harry Erwin <harry.erwin@sunderland.ac.uk> wrote:

> You earned a 'C' (50-59) on each of those assignments.


> On 27 Oct 2010, at 04:49, Erik Ribsskog wrote:


> > I don't know if you remember me, but we had a meeting, at freshers week, in 2004, when I had gone from Norway, to the University of Sunderland.

> >

> > Because I had to try to find modules, that went ok with my Norwegian Bachelor, (even if I was at the British Bachelor Hons. program, year 3), but I was a bit stressed, and wanted to have both a degree from my home university, Oslo University College, and from the University of Sunderland.

> >

> > I didn't get my study-loan from Norway, untill four months late, so my studies got ruined, and also my sister and her friend, a woman from Norway, and their two children, insisted to stay at the Forge, to visit me for Christmas and New Year, for almost two weeks.

> >

> > So didn't get to read anything in the Christmas-holiday, because their kids wanted to use my computer, and play with Paint etc., and watch dinosaus-movies, or something, the whole holiday.

> >

> > And the university wanted to move me to another part of the Forge, in February, when the Germans went home.

> >

> > So I didn't think it was any idea to go on, at Sunderland.

> >

> > Because I would have just ended up without my degree, and without money, in June.

> >

> > So I went away, to London, in February, to find a job, etc.

> >

> > I passed two assignments in E-commerce, I remember.

> >

> > But the university don't want to give me a file that shows this.

> >

> > I know it isn't much, but it would be fine to have a file from my studies in Sunderland.

> >

> > Did I fail or pass the E-commerce-module, by the way, (since I passed on both the assignments I had, I mean).

> >

> > Also, I went a bit around, to try to get control, but I think I got some hooligans after me in London, for cheering at the 'wrong' football-team in a pub in Kensington.

> >

> > So I ended up going a bit around, on my study-loan.

> >

> > Because I really tried to find a job and a flat, but it wasn't that easy, with the hooligans etc.

> >

> > So I also went on a flight to Detroit actually, because I thought after a while I needed a break from Europe.

> >

> > But there, the police on the Detroit airport, just sent me back to Europe, and wouldn't let me in, in to the USA, for some reason.

> >

> > Even if I've never been a criminal etc.

> >

> > I've now had genealogy, as a hobby, and found I'm actually directly after, (after my Danish grandmother), Woden, Charlesmagne, the profet Muhammed(!), King David and King Salomon of Israel, and Batseba and Cleopatra, Willhelm the conqueror, etc.

> >

> > But I'm from Norway, so I'm most proud of being after Woden actually.

> >

> > But anyway, this makes me a relative of the Danish royals, who I wonder if are messing with me.

> >

> > I rent a shell from One.com, for the web-shop.

> >

> > One.com are from Denmark.

> >

> > The Danes have messed with me, in the EU, after I've complained about injustice against me from government.

> >

> > And they National Library, in Copenhagen, make red tape, especially for me, to refuse me to see my Danish grandmother, Ingeborg Ribsskog, Grand-uncle in law, Holger baron Adeler, (after a famous Norwegian sea-hero, that fought for Naples against the Turks etc), Cort Adeler.

> >

> > So I wonder if it's the Danes who are messing with my website, www.godtebutikken.net.

> >

> > A web-shop I've set up.

> >

> > Because they've stopped selling a British mint, called Glacier Mint, in Norway, after selling them threre, for at least a generation, I think.

> >

> > So people in Norway miss them, so I want to sell them on the internet.

> >

> > But I'm hacked all the time.

> >

> > I now have a very long passord, on osCommerce, with signs and letters and numbers.

> >

> > But still the hackers get in.

> >

> > I've had Accenture, from the USA, ripping my website, with a browser called 'Rippers0'.

> >

> > Do you btw. know what this is about?

> >

> > I send some screen-shots if you please have the time, to eighter send a confirmation that I passed two assignments, in 2004/05, in the module E-Commerce, (3rd year Bachelor Computing-module).

> >

> > Or if you have the time to please give advice about the hacking.

> >

> > Could it be a Trojan?

> >

> > I understand that lecturers on the university has a lot to do, so I understand it if you haven't got the time to reply.

> >

> > But thanks anyway, for the help with advice about the modules, in September 2004, in the Goldberg Building, I think it must have been.

> >

> > I'm sorry I couldn't stay for the whole year.

> >

> > (The univerisity don't even find the result of my TROEFL-test, where I got the best grade, so I think they mess with me.

> >

> > Is it muslim mob/mafia, since I'm also after the profet Muhammed, since I'm related to the Danish royals, (I'm directly after a king called Waldemar Victory of Denmark, who's after the profet Muhammed, if I've understood it right).

> >

> > My relatives have never told me about this, but I found it by chance almost, I think I have to say, on the internet, the other week, from several different genealogy-websites, when I added the information from them.

> >

> > Sorry if I write to much in the e-mails!

> >

> > Thanks in advance for any help!

> >

> > Yours sincerely,

> >

> > Erik Ribsskog

> >

> > PS.

> >

> > You talked about defending Unix and Windows from hackers, being like defending the coast of England and just a castle, from invading Scandinavian Vikings, since Windows had a much bigger core, than Unix.

> >

> > Maybe One should switch to Unix?

> >

> > I've also worked for Bertelsmann Arvato Microsoft Scandinavian Product Activation, in 2005 and 2006, here in Liverpool, and have an employment-case, against them:

> >

> > http://www.scribd.com/groups/view/14830-arvato-services-ltd-s-microsoft-scandinavian-product-activation

> >

> > You also mentioned something about the Scream-robbery, in one of your lectures.

> >

> > Have you been to Norway, since you know much about both Vikings and the Scream-robbery, in Oslo?

> >

> > I overheard in Oslo, in 2003, that I was followed by the 'mafian'.

> >

> > That's why I went to Sunderland.

> >

> > Last year, Oslo University College, gave me a foundation-degree, (from modules I took in Oslo, before I went to Sunderland).

> >

> > But I can't find an IT-job, even if I've made a website:

> >

> > http://www.johncons.org/

> >

> > And a web-shop:

> >

> > http://godtebutikken.net/

> >

> > So I'm now unemployed after working as self-employed, after I started with the Employement-case, that I've sent to the University of Sunderland Almuni about.

> >

> > Maybe some law-students at the unversity could have my employment-case as a Final Year Project etc?

> >

> > Sorry again that I write a lot, I've only spoken with you once, so I don't really know what you think of me, (an other students), updating about their university-problems etc.

> >

> > Hope this is alright anyway!

> > <trojan eller.JPG><rippe-firma.JPG><noen har hacket godtebutikken net igjen.JPG>


> --

> Harry Erwin

> harry.erwin@sunderland.ac.uk

> mobile: 07595494289










Harry Erwin


mobile: 07595494289