onsdag 13. oktober 2010

Jeg sendte en klage på Accenture Texas og One.com Danmark, så kanskje de slutter å kødde med meg

Gmail - Accenture Texas and One Com Denmark on my online candy-shop, with Norweigan language, www.Godtebutikken.no


Erik Ribsskog

Accenture Texas and One Com Denmark on my online candy-shop, with Norweigan language, www.Godtebutikken.no

Erik Ribsskog

Wed, Oct 13, 2010 at 8:51 PM

"leah.c.clark@accenture.com" <leah.c.clark@accenture.com>



why are Accenture Texas on my online Norwegian candy-shop.

Is it my platon-boss from the home defence, in Norway, (støtte-området now Derby), Eirik Andersen, Accenture Norway, who is messing with me?

And why are One.Com Denmark om my web-shop?

Do you stop the customers from shopping?

You owe me a lot of money in compensation.

Is this because I'm directly after Heegaard, Fog, Løvenbalk, Charlesmagne, Wodin, Cleopatra, Rollon, Willhelm the conqueror, king David og Israel and Batseba?

Could you please stop f*cking with me?

Erik Ribsskog

3 attachments
one com danmark.JPG
accenture i usa på webshopen.JPG
accenture i usa 2.JPG


Her er vedleggene:

one com danmark

accenture i usa på webshopen

accenture i usa 2