onsdag 10. november 2010

Jeg sendte en ny e-post til Sencia

Gmail - File from meeting today


Erik Ribsskog

File from meeting today

Erik Ribsskog

Wed, Nov 10, 2010 at 2:22 AM


Hi again Mr. Ellis,

you also asked me in the meeting today if it was cold outside.

Why these strange questions?

Which relevance has this to our meeting?

Are these trick questions, this with the weather and the fairground atraction, or what it's called?

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Nov 9, 2010 at 5:19 PM
Subject: File from meeting today
To: david.ellis@sencia.co.uk


thank you for showing me the fairground attraction outside your Sencia-window, in the meeting today, (even if it puzzels me a bit why you interrruped the meeting to show me this).

But anyway.

I'm sending a copy of the file you wanted, (but which I myself needed since it had employer contact-information on, that I wanted to keep myself).

You asked me about my conscription-service.

It's not that easy to explain, but this was a though conscription-service, in which we did the same skiing-competitions etc., as British special(?) troops, which were on winter-training in Norway.

So my army service was though even if I wasn't a volountere, it was only conscription service.

I was a slim youth, so I had enough with completing this though service, and didn't try to be a coroporal/sergant, or anything.

After this, I was in the mobilisation-army, in Norway, for a few years.

Then I was transfered, (after a 3 week rehersal), to a new Home Defence-unit, in Oslo.

This was some 'new age'-stuff, I think, in which the Home Defence became like the army.

It was called 'Støtte-området HV02 2018', 'Support-area'.

And is now called 'Derby', after an allied operation in Norway, behind nazi lines, in world war II.

But this home defence company, had a platoon called 12.7-platoon.

And that's Browning 12.7 machine guns with a special ammunition called multi-purpose, which are exploding bullets with high-explosives etc.

So I sometimes wonder if this Home-Defence unit was a kind of muslim or mafia or something 'coupe de etat' in Norway.

Because when the Home Defence changes and is like the Army, then something is wrong, I thing.

But this was beside the agenda, some of it, unfortunately.

Just something I had on my mind.

I'll do the job-seach and the reminders, untill the next meeting.

Like I said in the meeting, I also think some of my IT-skills, like Web Design, should be on top of the CV.

After all, I've made a website, from scratch, www.johncons.org , where the meny-bar, at least, should be up to date, what is it one call it, the meny-bar should be almost state of the art i web-design, at the moment, I think.

Just something I had on my mind.

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog
