fredag 24. desember 2010

Jeg sendte en anmeldelse til Politiet i Steinkjer

Gmail - Volunteering at the LGF


Erik Ribsskog

Volunteering at the LGF

Erik Ribsskog

Fri, Dec 24, 2010 at 2:46 PM

Nigel Maddock <>



someone have registered me on your web-site as part of an harassment-campaign.

Please unsubscribe.

I'm also sending a copy of this e-mail to the police.

Erik Ribsskog

On Tue, Dec 21, 2010 at 1:21 PM, Nigel Maddock <> wrote:

Thank you so much for your interest in volunteering with The Lesbian & Gay Foundation. We have loads of exciting new campaigns and areas of work to get involved with in 2011 and look forward to welcoming you on board! We have a Welcome Event on Sunday 23rd January from 11am – 1pm where we will give a tour of the building, explain more about our services and campaigns and highlight key areas for volunteering.

Please email back to confirm your place on the welcome event a.s.a.p., as we anticipate a lot of interest and places are limited! Please don’t worry if you don’t hear back right away, I’m away now until 4th Jan!

Also, just before the welcome event we are launching a Volunteer Mentoring and Befriending Service. I have attached a role profile for your information. The reason I am mentioning here is that I don’t want any of you to miss out who may be interested!!! If you can commit to volunteering throughout 2011 and have relevant experience and/or training then please do contact us with an email explaining what past experience, any relevant qualifications, and why you want to become a volunteer ‘befriender’.

Interviews will take place on the 11th January 2011 from 6.30 – 9pm. You also need to be available for a full day training session on the 12th February 2011. If you have any problems downloading the document, then please do let me know.

Thanks for your time, and look forward to meeting you very soon!

Nigel Maddock
Customer Services Officer

Tel: 0845 3 30 30 30 Email:
The Lesbian & Gay Foundation,

Number 5, Richmond Street, Manchester M1 3HF
Fax: 0161 235 8036
The Lesbian & Gay Foundation

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