mandag 1. november 2010

Jeg sendte en ny e-post til Ambassaden i London

Gmail - Bestilling av pass


Erik Ribsskog

Bestilling av pass

Erik Ribsskog

Mon, Nov 1, 2010 at 6:15 PM



jeg klarte visst å miste passet mitt(!), en dag jeg var ute på byen og tok noen halvlitere, her i Liverpool, i våres, var det vel.

(Som jeg såvidt skrev om til hun Ambassaderåd Sommerstad vel, når hun sendte meg tilbake den arbeidssaken min, mot Bertelsmann Arvato Microsoft Scandinavian Product Activation, som jeg har vært i møte, i lobbyen hos dere i ambassaden i London om, i 2006, var det vel).

Og nå har jeg begynt netthandel,, og har søkt om forretningskonto, fra RBS.

Men da må jeg visst ha pass, som legitimasjon.

Det koster £45, stod det, på deres hjemmeside.

Jeg må vel nesten ta meg råd til det, selv om jeg er arbeidsledig.

Passene koster vel mye mer i Norge, hvis jeg husker riktig, så da har kanskje til og med jeg råd til nytt pass.

Jeg må vel ta National Express, ned til London, for toget for dyrt for meg.

Jeg har ikke fått meg noe jobb igjen, (annet enn som selvstendig næringsdrivende), etter at jeg jobbet for Arvato.

Men men.

Men, må jeg bestille time da?

Jeg får noen penger, fra Employment Zones, på tirsdag i neste uke, så da kan jeg kanskje dra ned til London.

Men da må dere nesten sende det passet til konsulatet her i Liverpool, siden jeg synes det er ganske dyrt, for meg, som er arbeidsledig, å dra ned til London hele tiden.

Men men.

Bare for å si fra at jeg nok dukker opp der med de to skjemaene, på hjemmesiden deres, men uten gammelt pass, siden jeg nok tok en halvliter eller to for mye her på byen, i Liverpool, for noen måneder siden.

Men men, beklager dette!


Erik Ribsskog

Jeg fikk et brev fra RBS, angående en 'business-account', for, osv.





Det fulgte til og med med en CV, (eller DVD).

Ikke dårlig.

Så vi får se om jeg klarer å skjønne hva det er for noe på den.

Vi får se om jeg klarer det.

Vi får se.


Erik Ribsskog

PS 2.

Her er mer om dette:


PS 3.

Jeg har jo rota bort passet mitt.

(Jeg mista det når jeg var ute på byen, og tok noen øl, for en del måneder siden vel.

Som jeg bl.a. har skrevet om, til Ambassaden i London).

Og førerkortet mitt, er fra Norge.

Så jeg har visst ikke mulighet til å få en sånn konto.

Jeg får vente til jeg har fått nytt pass, eller noe, tror jeg.

Jeg får se det an litt.

Så vi får se hva som skjer.

Vi får se.

Jeg sendte en anmeldelse til Politiet i Drammen

Gmail - Anmeldelse/Fwd: Voff voff


Erik Ribsskog

Anmeldelse/Fwd: Voff voff

Erik Ribsskog

Mon, Nov 1, 2010 at 5:45 PM



jeg har overhørt i Oslo, i 2003, at jeg er forfulgt av noe som blir kalt 'mafian', og ble forsøkt drept, på min onkel Martin Ribsskog sin samboer, Grete Ingebrigtsen, sin gård, i Kvelde, i 2005.

Jeg får ingen av mine rettigheter fra norsk politi og norske myndigheter.

Jeg har derfor en blogg, (johncons-blogg, etter mitt nick, fra chat og debattforum, på internett), hvor jeg skriver om alt som skjer, i min kamp, for å få mine sivile rettigheter, fra myndighetene i Norge, og for å bekjempe maktmisbruk mm., mot vanlige folk, når dette forekommer i samfunnet.

Jeg får mye hat e-post og trakasserende e-poster.

Bak av hver av disse sitter det nok ofte en galning, eller en hat-kriminell person.

Og jeg mener at jeg ikke har gjort noe galt, og at jeg har mitt navn og mitt rykte ganske uplettet.

Så jeg vil ikke finne meg i å bli trakassert og ærekrenket på denne måten.

Derfor vil jeg anmelde senderen av den videresendte e-posten for trakassering/æreskrenking.

Jeg ønsker gjerningsmannen tiltalt og straffet, (som dere har opplyst meg å ta med, som en påtalebegjæring, heter det vel).


Erik Ribsskog


Jeg sender dette til dere hos Politiet i Drammen, siden jeg er fra Drammensområdet.

Jeg er født i Drammen, døpt i Svelvik kirke og konfirmert i Berger kirke.

Så selv om jeg har bodd i Larvik og Oslo også, i Norge, så er det vel Drammensregionen som jeg er mest knyttet til.

Håper dette er i orden!

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: <>
Date: Mon, Nov 1, 2010 at 5:39 PM
Subject: Voff voff
To: Erik Ribsskog <>

Voff voff, Erik

Voff voff voff voff voff!

Voff voff! Voff voff voff voff!

Voff voff mafian voff voff?

Voff voff, Fido

Jeg sendte en ny klage til ICE

Gmail - Complaint/Fwd: Stage 3 Complaint, to the Jobcentre Plus Chief Executive/Fwd: Stage 2 Complaint, to the District Manager, for the Jobcentre, Williamsson Sq., Liverpool/Fwd: Complaint about the Jobcentre, Williamson Sq./Fwd: Problems with the Employmen


Erik Ribsskog

Complaint/Fwd: Stage 3 Complaint, to the Jobcentre Plus Chief Executive/Fwd: Stage 2 Complaint, to the District Manager, for the Jobcentre, Williamsson Sq., Liverpool/Fwd: Complaint about the Jobcentre, Williamson Sq./Fwd: Problems with the Employmen

Erik Ribsskog

Mon, Nov 1, 2010 at 5:21 PM

DWP ICE gateway team <>


I also wanted to please make this case into an ICE-complaint, since I don't think the replies that I've gotten from the Jobcentre, has been any good, regarding these 16 complaints.

Hope this is alright, and sorry that I have to send many complaints.

I'm now at Employment Zones, with Sencia, so hopefully, it shouldn't be more complaints like this, from me.

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: Mon, Oct 4, 2010 at 11:24 PM
Subject: Stage 3 Complaint, to the Jobcentre Plus Chief Executive/Fwd: Stage 2 Complaint, to the District Manager, for the Jobcentre, Williamsson Sq., Liverpool/Fwd: Complaint about the Jobcentre, Williamson Sq./Fwd: Problems with the Employment-zone meeting/



I received a letter, the other day, regarding my stage 2-complaint, from the Senior Business Manager Gary Folkens.

(Even if it says in your complaint procedure, that the District Manager, should have answered it).

But anyway.

Mr. Folkens write, that the Jobcentre-manager, Mr. Winter, asked me when I wanted to have a meeting, regarding my complaint.

But that wasn't so.

I was grabbed hold of, at the Jobcentre, by Mr. Winter, when I went there, for a sign-on meeting.

(Like Mr. Winter have done a couple of times now).

I had to suggest to come back the next day, and Mr. Winter didn't suggest this.

I had to repeat myself, regarding that this was a surprise-meeting.

This was definately, a surprise-meeting.

So I still stand by my two new complaints.

And to be frank, I think a lot of what Mr. Folkens write, in the 16 points, (from what I could stand to read, without getting sick), is b*llshit, frankly.

(The reason I write a bit hars, is because I didn't like the tone of Mr. Folkens, from what I read.

It was decending, I think, towards me.

Like he writes, under point 1:

'It is not acceptable for you to regard this as a protest'.

But who's he to decide that.

Where does it say that I'm not allowed to regard this as a protest?

I think my action must be seen as a Freedom of Speech/Protest-act, really.

At least, I don't think he can decide how to view my act.

That is subjective.

And maybe a court could have decided it.

But Mr. Folkens isn't in a court, so he's not really allowed to jugde me.

He makes this in to a complaint about me, I think.

Where as we have already had several meeting, regarding my behaviour there.

So this isn't about me.

This is about the Jobcentre.

Where as Mr. Folkens makes this about me, like e.g. in the quote from point 1., that I wrote above).

So I'm not happy with Mr. Folkens answering-letter, unfortunately.

And I still stand by every word I wrote, in the 16 complaints.

Which I also wrote sincere.

I want to please escalate this, to stage 3, in your complaint-procedure.

So that the Jobcentre Plus Chief Executive, can answer the complaints, about the Jobcentre, without making this into something about me, because I'm at trial, in this complaint, like it seem's to me, isn't that clear, possibly, for Mr. Folkens.

I attach Mr. Folkens letter, with his answers, which I thought were a bit sickening really, in the way the thruth was threated, in his reply.

So I want to please try to get a better answer from you, therefore I escalate this.

My complaint also have 3-4 police-complaints in it, for reasons I've explained in the complaint.

I had an IPCC-case against the Merseyside Police, to do with how they treated me, regarding my employment-case against Bertelsmann Arvato.

The IPCC, have never replied to this complaint, so I've escalated to the Prime Ministers Office, when Mr. Brown was in Office.

But they sent it back, twice, to the Ministry of Justice/Home Office.

So then I've sent it to the UN.

So I also forward this to the UN, since that's where my police-complaint is now.

I'm also attatching the letter from Mr. Folkens.

Hope this is alright!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog


I think it's my refugee-case, that's with the UN.

So I have to forward this to the EU-commission, where my Police-complaint is.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: Thu, Sep 23, 2010 at 4:00 PM
Subject: Stage 2 Complaint, to the District Manager, for the Jobcentre, Williamsson Sq., Liverpool/Fwd: Complaint about the Jobcentre, Williamson Sq./Fwd: Problems with the Employment-zone meeting/Fwd: New review-meeting?



I was at the Williamsson Sq. jobcentre today, regarding a regular sign-on meeting.

But, the Jobcentre Manager, Mr. Winther, surprised me, with an un-scheduled meeting.

He told me, he wanted to discuss, my complaint, from 6/9.

He started accusing me of always complaining, and tryed to make this to a complaint about me, instead about the jobcentre.

But, I told Mr. Winther, that I hadn't had time, to prepare, for a meeting like this.

I only went there, to have a sign-on meeting.

I would have needed to read through the complaint from 6/9 again, since I've been at Employment Zones, and dealt a lot with JET, etc., since then, to update my memory, about this complaint.

So we agreed, that I would read up, and go back there tomorrow, at 10 AM.

But, now I'm reading up here, at home, and I'm going through the Jobcenter-folder, that's called 'Our service standards', which among other subjects, also contains your complaint-procedure.

And it says there, for 'Stage 1', that I would be sent a written answer.

But I haven't been sent that.

So I think the Jobcentre has failed, with Stage 1, and that this complaint now is at Stage 2, in the Jobcentre complaint-procedure.

I would also have liked, to make a new complaint, today.

And that's these complaints:


Mr. Winther didn't inform me, in advance, that we had a complaint-meeting, today.

This was an indexed complaint, with 16 complaints in it, so I would have needed to prepare myself, for å meeting like this, I think.


Mr. Winther, didn't do it like it says in the Jobcentre Complaint Procedure, in the folder, 'Out service standards'.

From what I understand, from the Complaint Procedure, on page 14, in that folder, I should have received an answer to complaint.

It says 'We will aim to send you a full reply within 10 working days'

Today it seemed to me, that Mr. Winther wanted to argue with me almost.

And he started blaiming me for the problems, by accusing me of complaining more than other clients there.

But, I wasn't the one, who my complaint was about.

So I thought Mr. Winther started mixing things up.

And it could be, he wanted to trick me, I suspect, since he rather wanted to deal with the 16 complaints, from 6/9, in an un-scheduled meeting.

Rather than sending documents in the post, like I understand he is meant to do, from your Standard of services-folder.

So now, I'm just trying to escalate this, to Stage 2, in your Complaint Procedure.

Since Stage 1, didn't work at all, according to the Complaint Procedure, I think.

And it's now 17 days, since I sent the complaint, so I think I should have received a written answer, on Stage 1, by now.

Hope you agree with this.

And now I found it most reasonable, to take this from here.

So if you could please inform Mr. Winther about this, so that he doesn't expect me, to be on the meeting, at the Jobcentre tomorrow.

Since I wanted to make sure about these things first.

Hope this is alright!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Date: Mon, Sep 6, 2010 at 8:32 PM

Subject: Complaint about the Jobcentre, Williamson Sq./Fwd: Problems with the Employment-zone meeting/Fwd: New review-meeting?

Cc: Sommerstad Gunn Karin <>


regarding this complaint, I have to explain what happened, at the Jobcentre, last Thursday.

I've been unemployed now, for two years here in the UK, and it has never happened anything similar, with me, earlier.

I went on the meeting, with Jenny there, and gave her a form, where I've written all the things I've done, to find work, since the last 'sign on'-meeting.

I also gave her two vacancy-files, from the Jobcentre-machine.

Then, Jenny pointet at the screen, and she said I had a sanction, so I wouldn't get money, on Tuesday, (last week).

I thought this was very unfair, because I don't think I've done anything wrong, to do with Sencia/Employment Zones.

(Which I'm going to write an appeal about, so I won't go into detail about this here).

But I was in a daze almost, since I was a bit tired, and since I've unemployed a long time, perhaps.

I got very angry, because I need those money, to pay my bills, and to pay for food.

I'm on a shoe-string budget, that I've set up, in co-operationg, with the CCCS.

So I depend on the Jobseekers Allowance, to have money, to pay for bills and food.

So when I was told, I wouldn't get the money, for two weeks, then I got very mad, and it was like my whole world fell apart.

Since I almost have no money.

And I have hard fought payment-plans, with creditors, that I know I can lose, (and get taken to court about), if I don't pay those bills.

So I thought this sanction was very disrespectful, and I don't think a thing like this, could ever have happened, in Norway, that people get punished like that, in a way, so that one risk running out of food.

This was very low-ly, I think.

So I got angy.

And on top of this, Jenny there, said I could write about my feelings, in an appeal.

But I thought that was just a provocation, to ridicule and harass me.

Because I would have wanted to write about facts, and write my thoughts and opinions.

But I wouldn't just write about my feelings.

That wouldn't have made any sense, to just write 'I want my money because I'm sad/angry'.

So I think I was very ridiculed, by Jenny there.

And each time I go to that Jobcentre, I have to write a new complaint, because they really mess with me there.

(Some mobsters or some mafia, or something).

Like I think you know, since I've sent you a large number of e-mails, about this, in the last months.

I thought I was so unfairly threated, so I lost my temper, (like the police said).

Or rather, I thought I had to protest, for being threated, in a way like this.

So while Jenny went to find the appeal-form.

I got up from my chair, and went further into the corner, of the Jobcentre there, on the First floor, and wondered how I could protest.

I thought, maybe I should throw Jennys computer out the window.

But I decided that that would have been a bit much.

So I decided not to do that.

But I was very angry.

(I don't think I've ever been this angry before.

Only if someone steal from me, then I sometimes get angry, if I'm tired etc.

But this isn't very often.

I'm 40 years old, and this has happened a couple of time only.

And the last time, was in the 90's, I think, when someone stole some orange-juice from me, in Oslo, and the house was full of people my sister had let in to our house, (Ungbo), then I got angry, and kicked a football, in the wall.

But, there wasn't a football at the Jobcentre, but I kicked a litter bin there.

Just to protest and get out my aggression.

It fell over and made a plump noise, and I saw that it had some documents inside it.

Then, I had got to protest and got my aggression out.

So then I was calm and quiet and fine.

But then, someone screamed at me.

A jobcentre-woman.

'Go out of this office now'.

Even if I was calm and quiet, I was just walking back to my chair.

Then I just tryed to get my files with me, from Jennys desk.

Before the screaming woman and a man, attacked me, I think I have to say.

They went so close behind me, (while they screamed at me, to get out), that when I tried to put my Attendance arrangement booklet, (that had been lying on Jennys desk), in my back-pocket, while I walked towards the exit-door, then my elbow thouched the blond job-centre woman, in her 40's, I think, 'tits', since she walked so close behind me.

And also a man walked this close to me.

So I think I have to say, that I was throuwn out of there, even if I was calm and quiet, and just wanted to protest.

They screamed at me several times, that they would call the Police, and that the Police would contact me, etc.

So I think this was a punishment, for my protest, that I was throwed out, and screamed at.

So I think I've already been punished, by the Jobcentre-staff for my protest there.

This was just to explain what happend, at the Jobcenter, on 26/8.

Now to my complaint.

Today I was at the Jobcentre, again, after receiving a letter, from the Jobcentre-manager, (for Williamson Sq. Jobcentre, Liverpool), telling me to come to the Jobcentre, today, at 9.30, for an extra meeting there.

I'll index the comlaints, since there are a lot.


I was thrown out of the Jobcentre, Williamson Sq., on 26/8, even if I was calm and quiet, and was no threat.

I just wanted to protest.

But after that, I was fine, calm and quiet.

Still I was thrown out, and screamed at, many times.

So I think I was a bit harassed then.

Just to also explain about this.


The Jobcentre-manager, tell me I distroyed a fan.

But I didn't see any fan.

And I think I would have heard it, if the litter-bin had fallen on a fan.

So I can't see, that the Jobcentre, has given evidence, that I distroyed the fan.

This Jobcentre, has messed with me a lot, I'd see, (see all my earlier complaints).

I suspect that this could have been a fabrication/plot, by someone at the Jobcentre.

And I'm not convinced, that I did this.

So therefore I don't think I've really distroyed anything there, and I think it's un-fair that I have to pay for repair-work, on a fan.

This was probably a fan, that didn't work from before, and therefore was put away in the corner, close to the litter-bin there.

So I think you should tell Mr. Winter, the Jobcentre-manager, that he has to give me evidence on, that I have distroyed a fan there, before I have to pay for any damage.

Because this with the fan, was a big surprise, for me, when I read the letter, from Mr. Winter, last week.

My senses are quite good.

So I think I would have seen or heard it, if a fan had been damaged, in connection with my protest there.

So I'm not convinced, that this was my fault, and I haven't got much money, and I don't want to pay £50, for a fan, that I'm not convinced that I've damaged.

Like I told the Police, I didn't see any fan.

And then the Police desribed it, as an 'accident'.

And then I'm not sure, if I should.

I'm not sure if it was an accident, I think it could have been a fabrication, just to cause me problems, by some 'mafia', since I've overheard, in 2003, that I'm being followed, by the 'mafia', (who ever which mafia they meant).

And I have relatives in Norway, in the Order of St. John, whom I suspect, that also mess with me, through that crusader-organisation.


I was harassed by Jenny there.

She told me to write my 'feelings', on a form.

(On the sign-on meeting there, on 26/8).

But that form, is ment to be written 'thoughts' on.

So to describe my thoughts, as only 'feelings', that I think is to ridicule me, and to harass me.

So this was the last drop, from that Jobcentre.

They are horrible there, I think.

That's why I protested.

I wanted to escalate this complaint, from the Jobcentre-manager, Mr. Winter, who said today, he wouldn't go on with that complaint, in the meeting today.

But I think I can't accept being threated as degrading, as that, so I wanted to please escalate, that complaint.


I have been informed, by the Jobcentre, (by Jenny and Mr. Rimmer, at the Jobcentre Birkenhead), that I wouldn't get my Jobseekers Allowance, on 31/8.

Yet, I got it anyway.

(I thought that maybe the Jobcentre had understood, that they had made a bad desition or mistake.

And therefore let me have the money, anyway).

And now, Mr. Winter tells me, that now I'll lose the next payment, on 14/9 in stead.

So now, I've lost even more control, on my economy, since the Jobcentre change the sanction-date, all the time.

I think you shouldn't sanction me now, since you have 'messed' with the sanction-date.

And then, a sanction, would be even more unfair, against me, since this now has messed my economy, more up.

How am I supposed to keep track on my economy, when you change dates like this, all the time, more or less.

I think this is just silly.

I think you should stop 'messing' with my Jobseekers Allowance, and don't have a sanction at all, since you've messed with the dates, and completely ruined, more or less, my last weeks.


I'm also on a shoe-string budget, in co-operation, with the CCCS.

And my budget can't take sanctions on my job-seekers allowance, for two weeks.

I don't think it's healty to e.g. only eat rice og purridge, for two weeks.

What if this makes me lose my phone or electricity etc.

I live in my own flat, so you distroy a lot for me.

I isn't like I'm a teenager, who lives with his parents.

Then I could perhaps have understood a sanction like that.

But this is just ridicules I think, and iresponsible, I think, by the Jobcenter, to distroy peoples lives and mess with their economy, in a way like this.

So I hope you can please stop this mentioned sanction.

And please don't this again.

I don't think this is like a funny practical joke, or something like this.

I think the Jobcentre, show a lack of understanding, regarding how adult people are dependant on their regular income/allowance, (that they rely on), to be able to have control of their lives.

How can you expect people to keep control, and get their lifes sorted, in a way, that makes them able/fit for contributing, to society, when you mess with them like this?

This is just cruel/evin/silly, by the Jobcentre, I think.

So this I wanted to please complain about.


The letter from Mr. Rimmer, (the Jobcentre, Birkenhead), was sent, on 27/8, informing me about the mentioned sanction.

Yet, I was told about this, on 26/8, by Jenny, at the Jobcentre, Williamsson Sq.

That's why I lost my temper, since she said this, like lightning from clear sky, (like we say in Norway).

Why wasn't the letter from Mr. Rimmer, sent to me, before the meeting with Jenny, on 27/8.

I think this was a bit stupid almost, I think I have to say.

Like I told Mr. Winter, in the meeting today.

If I'd got the letter from Mr. Rimmer, before the sign-on meeting, last Thursday.

Then I would have just maybe hit the wall, at home, in anger, after un-fairly, (I think I have to say), losing my Jobseekers Allowance.

Why do you tell people about sanction-desitions face-to-face, rathing than sending a letter.

Wouldn't it be better to send the letter about this, before the face-to-face sign-on meeting?

I think that would have been better, so I wanted to please complain about this, as well.


Mr. Winter, today had four meetings set up for me, at the Jobcentre, in a row.

First a security-meeting, (held by himself).

Then a police-meeting, (where Mr. Winter also was present).

Then a sign-on meeting, (by a young man in his 20's, I think. Mr Winter wasn't present in this meeting. This was a meeting to replace the meeting, on Thursday 26/8, which really finished then, since I had signed on and all, I just didn't get the appeal-leaflet).

And then a final summarisation-meeting, by Mr. winter.

I think this is to many meetings, on a row.

I didn't have time, to prepare, for the Police-meeting.

And in the sign-on meeting, I didn't get to exlain, that I had really signed on, last Thursday.

Because I was really over-run, (or what it's called), with all these meeting, I think.

I think I should only go to one Jobcentre-meeting, at a time.

And not on three or four, like Mr. Winter arranged for me, today.

Because then it's hard to stay on top, through all these meetings.

And then I can get tired, and forget to make points, that would have helped my side/case, etc.

So I wanted to please complain about.


Mr. Winter, didn't tell me, in advance, that the Police would meet with me, today, at the Jobcentre.

When I was thrown out, last Thursday, they screamed at me, that the Police would visit me, at my address.

Williamsson Sq. Jobcentre, isn't my address.

I didn't have the chance to prepare for this.

And Mr. Winter, was present in this meeting.

Which I think, was really between me, and the Police.

Why didn't the Police go to my address, if they wanted to speak with me?

I have an IPCC-case, against the Merseyside police, (to do with an employment-case, against Arvato, etc), and I thought I recognised Mr. O'Brian, from that complaint(?).

Why are the Police and the Jobcentre, having secret Police-meetings at the Williamsson Sq. Jobcentre.

I find it hard to trust Mr. Winter after this surprise.

Why didn't he prepare me for that the police would be there.

Mr. Winter told me, after the security-meeting, to prepare for a sign-on meeting.

And suddently, to Police-officers, in white shirts and black wests, shows up, to speak with me.

Then I have to go upstairs, with Mr. Winter in front, and the two Police-officers behind.

In front of all the people at the Jobcentre.

I thought this was embarrasing.

Just because I wanted to protest, doesn't make me a criminal.

Is there a secret police, in the UK, I'm wondering.

Shouldn't there be opennes, in society.

Why wasn't I told that the Police would be present, in today's meeting.

This I want to please complain about.


Mr.Winter said I had been using violence there.

But, I don't think one can call kicking a litter-bin over, (as a protest), for violence.

Violence, as far as I understand it, is if you kick og hit a person or an animal.

So I can't say I've done violence.

Just protest, I'd call it.

I don't think I was violent there, since a plastic wheelie litter-bin, doesn't get damaged by a kick like that.

So this was very unfair I think.

So this I wanted to please complain about.


I remember that I signed on, (in the meeting with Jenny), on 26/8.

Why did I have to sign on, for the two weeks commencing 26/8 again today?

This makes no sense.

How could you lose that form, that I signed on, on 26/8.

This I wanted to please complain about.


In the meeting today, I was writing down notes.

But the Police, (the officer in his 20's, I think, with brown eyes. (he ordered me to look in his eyes, that's why I remember)), ordered me, not to write notes.

Is this civil?

Are the Police at war?

This was very out of line I think.

What has this go to, with civilised behaviour, to order people not to write notes, in a meeting, with the Police.

What was it that the Police wanted to cover up.

Why do the Merseyside Police act like we are living in a police/fascist-state?

Is there a war I don't know about?

This I wanted to please complain about.


The Police, (the officer in his 20's, I think, with brown eyes), in todays meeting, threatened my, that they would arrest me.

If I escalated the complaint, against Jenny there.

How can the Police mix cases like this?

This seems corrupt and dirty to me.

Are they allowed to make threats?

I don't think so.

So this I want to please complain about.


The police accused me of 'Criminal damage' on a fan there, at the Jobcentre.

But, I haven't even touched a fan there.

He then changed it to 'accident'.

But I think something is wrong, how can he accuse me of this, when I haven't done it.

Someone must have lied there.

At worst it was an accident.

Then how could he get it to 'criminal damage'.

Someone must have lied at the Jobcentre, I reackon.

So this I please want to complain about.


The Police didn't interduce themselves, to me, in today's meeting.

This I think, isn't good behaviour.

So this I wanted to please complain about.


After the sign-on meeting, on 26/8, when I kicked the litter-bin, as a protest.

Then I sent two e-mails, to this e-mail address.

One with an explanation, and an update later, where I apologised.

Mr. Winter hadn't received the e-mail where I apologised, (he told me in the security-part of the meeting, today).

I also remember, from a meeting with the former Jobcentre Manager, Mrs. Hart, that she also didn't get e-mails sent to her, from you at the Contact-us department, I think it was.

So this I wanted to please complain about, that your system for giving your managers e-mails, doesn't seem to work, at the Jobcentre, Williamson Sq.

So this I wanted to please complain about.


In the letter, from Mr. Brimmer, (from the Jobcentre, Birkenhead), from 27/8.

It says something that doesn't make any sense, really.

It first says, (to do with the mentioned sanction):

'We can't pay you Jobseekers Allowance from 27 August 2010'.

Adn then:

'We can't pay you Jobseekers Allowance from 10 September 2010'.

This I don't think makes any sense at all.

Why have you written two different dates?

This I please wanted to compain about, that looks confusing.

Why do you want to confuse your clients.

This I want to please complain about.

I send a copy of this e-mail, to the Norwegian Embassy, (since they are involved in the Arvato-case, which I've mentioned), to the UN, (since the IPCC and other British Government, don't answer my correspondance, and don't accept me as a refugee, after I've run to the UK, after I overheard, in Oslo that I was followed by "the mafia'n", and after I was attemped killed, in Kvelde, near Larvik, in 2005, and then went here to Liverpool, and has stayed here since), also I send a copy to the CCCS, since I have co-operated, and gotten a lot of advice, from them, with setting up a budget, that I can live with, while I'm unemployed.

So I guess you can't answer the complaints about the Police, at the Jobcentre.

So please just ignore the complaints about Police-officers.

Those are really for IPCC, but they don't reply to my correspondence, so those complaints are really to the UN.

I just write them here, since the Police was at the meeting at the Jobcentre.

So they fit in, in this complaint, I think, due to this.

To get the whole picture and better overview.

But please just ignore answering the compaints about the Police, that you at the Jobcentre, really can't answer, since you don't control the Police.

This I understand, I just thought those complaints, belonged in this complained, since the Police and the Jobcentre, where so closely 'knitted', at least from my point of view, in this case, to do with my protest at the Jobcentre.

Again, I apologise, that I kicked the litter-bin.

I'm not going to that again.

But I think that Jobcentre threat me in a horrible way, unfortunatly.

I hope you have the chance to look at this complaint.

And I hope you don't think I'm inpolite, since I complain so much.

I really hope I wouldn't have to write complaints like this.

So I'm sorry that I have to.

Hope this is alright!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: Thu, Jul 1, 2010 at 1:57 PM
Subject: Problems with the Employment-zone meeting/Fwd: New review-meeting?


now I was at Sencia, in Pall Mall, for the Employment-zone meeting, at 1.30 pm.

The only problem was, that while I tried to get the calling to work, in that building, in Pall Mall 30-32, then someone told me, that they've moved, to Hanover St.

Then I called Sencia, on 0151 236 1204.

And they told me, that the inductions would start in 5 minuttes, and that it would probably take me 10-15 minuttes, to get to their new address.

So Sencia told me to contact the Jobcentre, and get a new appointment.

So that's why I'm sending this e-mail.

And to complain about that your Employment-zone information-pack litterature, should be up to date.

I remember telling Mrs. Smart, at Jobcentre, Williamsson Sq., that I chose Sencia, among other things, that they were close to my address, (in Leather Lane).

So I wasn't given the information about the new Sencia-address, by Mrs. Smart eighter.

So this is a new complaint in the long line of complaints, that I've had to send about Williamson Sq. Jobcentre.

Can you please explain how you can not have up to date litterature, in you information-packs, about Employment-zones, after you didn't give me the right information at first eighter, (like I've also complained about, to this e-mail address, on 20/5).


Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: Thu, Jul 1, 2010 at 11:22 AM
Subject: New review-meeting?


almost a year ago, I received my university-level degree in IT, from my 'home-university', Oslo University College.

And I've mentioned this, from time to time, in sign-on meetings, at the job-centre, (Williamson Sq.).

But, I was wondering.

Should one have a new review-meeting, if one get a new university-level degree, (and a new jobseekers-agreement).

Also, I was wondering.

I have the internet at home.

Do I still have to use the machines at the Jobcentre, for the job-search?

(I think it's better to do at home, because then there's less noise, etc.).

I haven't got a regular contact-person, at the Jobcentre, so I thought I could try to send an e-mail about this.

Thank you very much for any help in advance!

Yours Sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

3 attachments

Jeg ble så lei av den modereringa til Dagbladet, så jeg meldte meg ut av det kommentarsystemet deres

Gmail - Sletting av konto på kommentarsystem


Erik Ribsskog

Sletting av konto på kommentarsystem

Erik Ribsskog

Mon, Nov 1, 2010 at 4:10 PM

" Support" <>


jeg vil gjerne protesterer på at dere tillater for mye personangrep, fra 'Bjartleif Gundersen', med mere, så jeg vil gjerne bli slettet fra deres kommentarsystem.

Jeg leste mye avisa deres, da jeg bodde i Norge, men det var vel mest som tidtrøyte og for å vite hva som stod på agendaen, i dagsdebatten, i Norge.

Og vel ikke så mye fordi jeg hadde så mye tillit til dere kanskje.

Og det har jeg funnet ut nå, at det har jeg ihvertfall ikke nå, etter å ha sett hvordan dere modererer kommentarer.

Og lar folk få mobbe og trakasserer og terrorisere andre, i kommentarer hos dere.

Det står i reklamen hos dere, for Windows eller om det var vinduer nå, at 'om du skal gjøre noe, så gjør det skikkelig'.

Det synes jeg ikke dere gjør i Dagbladet, og dere prøver ikke engang å moderere kommentarer skikkelig, synes jeg.

Så det vil jeg gjerne protestere mot, ved å melde meg ut, av kommentarsystemet deres, og heller bruke ytringsfriheten min andre steder.

Med takk for tidtrøyta!

Erik Ribsskog sender hundrevis av lesere til bloggen min, så jeg så litt mer, på hva som ble skrevet om meg og bloggen min der

dagbladet sender hundrevis av lesere til bloggen min


Jeg har jo skrevet om den første kommentaren, om bloggen min, fra han 'internett-terroristen', Bjartleif Gudrulfsen, tidligere idag.

Så jeg sjekket om det hadde blitt skrevet noe nytt, siden sist.

PS 2.

Forresten, hvorfor lar de journalistene i Dagbladet, folk skrive dritt om min blogg, under en artikkel om interiør-blogger?

Det er jo helt hårreisende!

Det er jo som at de journalistene i Dagbladet er noen f*tter, som lar de kommentatørene kødde med meg, på den måten der, synes jeg.

Men men.

Bare noe jeg tenkte på.

PS 3.

Tilbake til det nye som ble skrevet, om bloggen min og meg, på Dagbladets kommentarsystem der:

mer fra dagbladets kommentarsystem

PS 4.

Vi ser at han 'internett-krigeren', med det falske navnet 'Bjartleif Gudrulfsen'.

Sier at jeg ikke burde nevne personvern.

Men, det er forskjell på personvernet til uskyldige tredjepersoner, dvs. f.eks. kunder i en netthandel.

Og til personer som har vært direkte involvert, i f.eks. tull mot meg, i livet mitt.

Jeg har jo noe som heter ytringsfrihet.

Og det betyr at jeg kan skrive om det som har skjedd meg.

Og det har jo ikke noe med personvernet til kunder i netthandelen min å gjøre.

De sensurerte jeg jo navn og telefonnummer og e-post adresse for, når jeg hadde fotografier av pakkene jeg sendte, på bloggen.

Men jeg har en nødblogg her, som dere f*tter i Norge sitter og leser hver dag, men ikke reagerer på.

For jeg får ikke rettighetene mine, av Sovjetstat-myndighetene i Norge.

Også begynner noen fisler i Norge, å 'fislefi*tte' om personvern.

For her er det jeg som prøver å varsle, om at Norge har blitt pil råttent.

Og alt jeg får er sånt anonymt interiør-syting, om personvern.

Nei, fy faen.

Norge er råttent på rot.

Dere får ta å henge dere alle mann, som de gjennområtne krapylene dere er.

Med hilsen

Erik Ribsskog

Norge - Et land uten ryggrad?

Nå sjekket jeg hvilke sider som var mest lest på bloggen idag.

Og der hadde det sneket seg med en bloggpost fra 2008, var det vel.


Her er mer om dette:

mafiaens advokat

PS 2.

Hva gjør en blogpost, fra 2008, på 3. plass, idag, i 2010, kan man kanskje lure på.

Det lurte jeg på og.

Og jeg måtte trykke litt på StatCounter, for å skjønne noe av det.

PS 3.

Her er mer om dette, (man kan se at 48 av de 50, som leste den bloggposten, idag, de har søkt om 'Stuer-saken'):

stuer saken 48 søk

PS 4.

Hva er Stuer-saken, og hvorfor er det så mange som søker om den saken nå, lurte jeg.

Så jeg trykket på Google-søket.

Og det viser seg at johncons-blogg, havner øverst, hos Google, hvis man søker på 'Stuer-saken', da.

PS 5.

Her er mer om dette:

google søk stuer saken

PS 6.

Har jeg skrevet spesielt om 'Stuer-saken', på bloggen, lurer kanskje mange.

Men nei, det har jeg ikke gjort.

Jeg hadde bare kopiert en liste fra Wikipedia, (i et av mine mest døsige øyeblikk kanskje).

En liste over advokat John Christian Elden, sine saker, hvor han har vært advokat.

(For jeg lurte på hvorfor han alltid virka å være advokat for 'slemmingene', blant annet for han som drepte en kar, i en av mine gamle hjembygder, Østre Halsen, i Larvik, i stykkmord-saken der, som vel var uka før Benjamin-draper, med fulle fakkeltog og full mediadekning, i hovedstaden, osv.

Gikk du i det fakkeltoget min søster Pia Ribsskog, forresten?

Jeg tipper sjangsene var ca. 50/50 for at min søster Pia Ribsskog gikk i et av de Benjamin-fakkeltogene.

Ikke for å si noe stygt om han Benjamin.

Men hva med han som ble stykkdrept i Østre Halsen da?

Han ble jo nesten ikke nevnt i media.

Var Benjamin-drapet et plott, for å overskygge stykkdrapet i Østre Halsen?

Hvem vet).

Og John Christian Elden, han har jo kontaktet meg, for å få slettet den listen, seinere.

(På vegne av en klient da).

Men jeg svarte det, at jeg ikke sletter noe fra bloggen, før jeg har fått rettighetene mine fra myndighetene i Norge, osv.

Så sånn var det.

Så vi får se hva som skjer.

Vi får se.


Erik Ribsskog

PS 7.

Men jeg gikk også på Wikipedia, nå istad.

Og så gjennom de gamle versjonene, av den Wikipedia-artikkelen, om John Christian Elden.

Og den listen over sakene hans, den var forsvunnet, (som jeg kunne se det, ihvertfall), som noe med vinden.

Og da lurer jeg, er det bare jeg, i Norge, som tørr å skrive om John Christian Elden?

Det er i sånne øyeblikk, at man skjønner det, at Norge er i Sovjetstaten, mener jeg.

Når man ser det, at jeg, flyktningen, er den eneste som ikke lar seg diktere av John Christian Elden.

Man kan se det hos Wikipedia, at John Christian Elden er nesten litt 'russisk'.

Jeg skal se om jeg finner det igjen.

Vi får se om jeg klarer det.

Vi får se.

PS 8.

Her er mer om dette:

er elden russisk hm

PS 9.

Vi lever jo i tiden etter Perestrojka og Glasnost og murens fall, i Europa.

Så jeg mener det blir nærliggende å spørre seg, er Elden den russiske mafiaens advokat?


Jeg mener det må være lov å spørre seg om det, ihvertfall.

Det regner jeg med at ytringsfriheten nok dekker.

Så sånn er nok det.

Så vi får se hva som skjer.

Vi får se.

PS 10.

Og hvorfor denne overskriften, om Norge er et land uten ryggrad?

Jo, fordi at jeg mener også å ha lest det.

At det ikke bare er Wikipedia, og norsk presse(?), som lar seg diktere av advokat Elden.

Nasjonalbiblioteket, har visst tatt vare på, alt som blir skrevet, på norsk, på nettet.

Men det skal de visst slutte med, mener jeg å ha lest.


Hvorfor slutter de nå?

Var det Øst-Europa som ble fritt.

Eller var det Vest-Europa, som havnet innenfor jernteppet, da muren falt, lurer jeg.

Hvorfor blir det mer og mer som i Sovjet, i Norge, med 'Sovjetstat-politi', og det hele, lurer jeg?

Er det GRU, eller hva de heter, som slår til?

(Jeg har jo lest spionromanene til Le Carre osv., fra 80-tallet).

Hvem vet.

Vi får se hva som skjer.

Vi får se.

PS 11.

Her er mer om dette:

PS 12.

Og det som er dumt, med det norske militæret, sånn som jeg husker det, fra Geværkompaniet, Terningmoen.

Det er jo at grunnutrustningen, (dvs. magasinstasker, vannflaske, bajonett og feltspade).

Det blir kalt GRU-en.

(Etter GRUnnutrustning da).

Og GRU er også Sovjet sin Spetsnaz militære etterretning, (eller noe sånn).

Så alt kommunistene, eller 'kommunistene', på Terningmoen, (Schellum, fra Vågå, som var på samme lag som meg da, lag 2, var vel sånn, hvis jeg husker riktig. Hm).

At det eneste de spurte om omtrent, på oppstillingsplass, var:

'Skal øs ha på GRU?'.

Noe sånt.

Så det var jo GRU her og GRU der.

Og det blir litt feil, mener jeg.

Siden GRU også er noe sovjetisk spion-etterretning.

Så Forsvaret burde nok ha valgt et annet navn på grunnutrustningen sin, enn GRU, mener jeg.

Det navnet var det nok noen kommunist-spioner der, som hadde funnet på, hvis jeg skulle gjette.

Så skjerpings til det norske 'Sovjetstat-forsvaret'!

Ikke bra!

Så vi får se om de klarer å skjerpe seg.

Vi får se.

Anne-Kathrine, (min tidligere distriktsjef i Rimi), har nettopp sett på et e-kort, fra 'meg'. Det er det ikke jeg som har sendt, (hvis hun leser her)

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Erik Ribsskog

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'Bjartleif Gudrulfsen' rider igjen

bjartleif gudrulfsen rider igjen


Nevnte 'internett-kriger' 'Bjartleif Gudrulfsen', har jeg klaget på til PFU og Politiet og det som er vel.

Han har spydd ut hatet sitt på Dagbladets kommentarsystem tidligere.

Mon tro om det er en politimann?

(Siden han virker så tørr).

Jeg har jo overhørt at politiet har brukt meg som en 'target guy'.

(Hva nå det er).

Hverken politiet eller Pressens Faglige Utvalg gjør jobben sin i Norge, vil jeg si.

Og vanlige folk må ta piss som det her.

Det norske samfunnet er på nedadstigende kurs, vil jeg si.

Så sånn er nok det.

Med hilsen

Erik Ribsskog

PS 2.

Jeg vet ikke hva som hjelper mot sånt her.

Nå sendte jeg bare en klage til Dagbladet, om personangrep.

Men sånn har jeg også klaget tidligere, uten at det har hjulpet noe.

Men vi får se hva som skjer.

Vi får se.

PS 3.

Her er mer om dette:


PS 4.

Jeg har prøvd å klage til '' også, på sånne her ting.

Men de konene som jobber der, de begynner bare å angripe meg for bloggen min, osv.

Så de klarer ikke å være saklige, og da blir det bare en eneste smørje, vil jeg si.

Når jeg ser sånne her angrep, mot meg, på nettet, hvor folk skal ha det til at jeg er gal osv.

Og de bruker fullt navn på meg.

Da tenker jeg på å kontakte '', som det har vært om i pressen osv., i underbevisstheten min.

Men '', det er bare som en sånn 'hønsesuppe', eller noe, er mitt inntrykk av det.

Så det er bare som noe usaklig tull, vil jeg si.

Så hva poenget med det ''-greiene er, det vet ikke jeg.

Og jeg har gått Handel og Kontor, økonomilinja, og lært mye personvern osv.

Så sånn er det.

Så vi får se hva som skjer.

Vi får se.