onsdag 9. februar 2011

Det her syntes jeg var litt smakløst nesten. Et firma kjøper blogger, for å bruke de til å trikse med rankingen hos Google, eller noe. Men men

Gmail - I want to buy your blog:


Erik Ribsskog

I want to buy your blog:


Tue, Feb 8, 2011 at 9:12 PM

Paul <paul@evolvedmanagement.com>


Hi, I am interested in purchasing your blog .

I represent a firm that purchases entire blogs, that is, the URL as well as the content of the blog. We use these blogs to improve the search engine rankings of our clients.

Our firm requires that the blog has correct English and grammar. It must have original content (not duplicate content from other blogs or websites) as well as having no pornography or other distasteful content. In addition, the blog must be able to be found on Google.

If you are interested in selling your blog(s), please reply with your URL(s) as well as your asking price(s). An actual offer for your blog would happen after a detailed analysis of it that showed that it met all of our criteria.

Below is the typical pricing (in US dollars) based on the PageRank of your blog:

PageRank 1 - from $200. to $300.
PageRank 2 - from $250. to $400.
PageRank 3 - from $340. to $575.
PageRank 4 - from $475. to $700.
PageRank 5 - from $625. to $1,000.

You can contact me at paul@evolvedmanagement.com.

Thank you,


Evolved Management