tirsdag 8. februar 2011

Mer fra #blablabla

Session Start: ma feb 07 01:14:24 2011
Session Ident:#blablabla
[01:14] <@_cons> lurer på hvem han trench er
[01:14] <@_cons> som har rappa nicket mitt
[01:14] <@_cons> forresten

[01:14] <@_cons> har ikke hatt så mye tid til å tenke på han
[01:14] <@_cons> siden rappinga skjedde
[01:14] <@_cons> men nå er det litt roligere
[01:15] <@_cons> siden sjutten og moholt har roa seg ned litt vel

[01:15] <@_cons> men men
[01:15] ->> cons is trench@midgard.efnet.no (trench)
[01:15] ->> cons using irc.efnet.no (I am the god of hellfire)

[01:15] ->> cons :End of /WHOIS list.
[01:15] ->> john_cons is trench@warp.underworld.no (trench)
[01:15] ->> john_cons using irc.du.se (Dalarnas University, Borlänge/Sweden)

[01:15] ->> john_cons :End of /WHOIS list.
[01:15] ->> johncons :No such nick/channel
[01:15] ->> johncons :End of /WHOIS list.
[01:15] <@_cons> [01:14] <@_cons> lurer på hvem han trench er

[01:15] <@_cons> [01:14] <@_cons> som har rappa nicket mitt
[01:15] <@_cons> [01:14] <@_cons> forresten
[01:15] <@_cons> [01:14] <@_cons> har ikke hatt så mye tid til å tenke på han

[01:15] <@_cons> [01:14] <@_cons> siden rappinga skjedde
[01:15] <@_cons> [01:14] <@_cons> men nå er det litt roligere
[01:15] <@_cons> [01:15] <@_cons> siden sjutten og moholt har roa seg ned litt vel

[01:15] <@_cons> [01:15] <@_cons> men men
[01:15] <@_cons> [01:15] ->> cons is trench@midgard.efnet.no (trench)
[01:15] <@_cons> [01:15] ->> cons using irc.efnet.no (I am the god of hellfire)

[01:15] <@_cons> [01:15] ->> cons :End of /WHOIS list.
[01:15] <@_cons> [01:15] ->> john_cons is trench@warp.underworld.no (trench)

[01:15] <@_cons> [01:15] ->> john_cons using irc.du.se (Dalarnas University, Borlänge/Sweden)
[01:15] <@_cons> [01:15] ->> john_cons :End of /WHOIS list.

[01:15] <@_cons> [01:15] ->> johncons :No such nick/channel
[01:15] <@_cons> [01:15] ->> johncons :End of /WHOIS list.
[01:15] <@_cons> hm
[01:16] <@_cons> johncons er det visst ingen som har rappa for øyeblikket

[01:16] <@_cons> men men
[01:16] <@_cons> ikke dårlig
[01:16] ->> You are now known as johncons
[01:16] <@johncons> sånn
[01:17] <@skorpion> jøsses

[01:17] <@skorpion> kanskje trench har gitt seg og da
[01:17] <@johncons> ja, men han har fortsatt
[01:17] <@johncons> john_cons
[01:17] <@johncons> og cons

[01:17] <@johncons> men men
[01:17] <@johncons> hvem er han trench egentlig
[01:17] <@johncons> vet du det?
[01:17] <@johncons> er det en spillegal-kar

[01:17] <@skorpion> aner ikke
[01:18] <@johncons> åkey np
[01:18] <@skorpion> vet bare at han henger på #johncons
[01:18] <@skorpion> sammen med de andre verstingene

[01:18] <@johncons> okey
[01:18] ->> trench is trench@trench.no (The Lonely One)
[01:18] ->> trench is on: @#spotify #oslo #news.no #iphone @#hideout @#bwp.no

[01:18] ->> trench using efnet.bredband2.se (Bredband2, Malmoe/Sweden)
[01:18] ->> trench :End of /WHOIS list.
[01:18] <@johncons> [01:18] ->> trench is trench@trench.no (The Lonely One)

[01:18] <@johncons> [01:18] ->> trench is on: @#spotify #oslo #news.no #iphone @#hideout @#bwp.no
[01:18] <@johncons> [01:18] ->> trench using efnet.bredband2.se (Bredband2, Malmoe/Sweden)

[01:18] <@johncons> [01:18] ->> trench :End of /WHOIS list.
[01:18] <@johncons> ja, han var ikke der nå
[01:18] <@johncons> kanskje han har roa seg
[01:18] <@johncons> vi får se

[01:20] <@skorpion> de har satt kanalen i +s
[01:20] <@skorpion> derfor den ikke synes
[01:20] <@johncons> åja ok
[01:20] <@johncons> i c
[01:20] <@johncons> hm

[01:20] <@johncons> jeg liker ikke sånn baksnakking greier
[01:20] <@johncons> men men
[01:21] <@johncons> det har jeg vel sagt før
[01:21] <@johncons> får se om oppvaskmaskinen er ferdig her osv

[01:21] <@johncons> så jeg få i meg noe mer mat
[01:21] <@johncons> vi får se
[01:22] * johncons is now away - Reason : away
[01:22] ->> You have been marked as away

[01:22] ->> Error 407 - #london :Too many recipients.
[01:42] * Einstein2 sets mode -b tailpush!*@* for #blablabla
[02:17] * skorpion (~asdfasdfa@116.79-160-164.customer.lyse.net) Quit ( )

[16:29] ->> You are now known as _cons_awa
[17:39] * skorpion (~asdfasdfa@116.79-160-164.customer.lyse.net) has joined #blablabla

[17:58] ->> You are now known as _cons
[18:05] ->> You are now known as _cons_awa
[18:06] * TerjeK (TerjeK@ti0153a380-0705.bb.online.no) has joined #blablabla

[18:06] <TerjeK> Tror du at de kan ha boken i Oslo?
[18:06] <TerjeK> Jeg kunne kanskje scannet
[18:07] <TerjeK> ok. neivel da
[18:07] * TerjeK (TerjeK@ti0153a380-0705.bb.online.no) has left #blablabla

[18:09] ->> You are now known as _cons
[18:16] ->> You are now known as _cons_awa
[18:46] * skorpion (~asdfasdfa@116.79-160-164.customer.lyse.net) Quit ( Read error: Connection reset by peer )

[18:48] * skorpion (~asdfasdfa@116.79-160-164.customer.lyse.net) has joined #blablabla
[19:24] * _cons_awa sets mode +o skorpion for #blablabla

[19:49] * _cons_awa (~v_beider@host86-145-46-8.range86-145.btcentralplus.com) Quit ( Excess Flood )
[19:49] ->> Connection closed from efnet.xs4all.nl

[19:50] ->> Attempting to join #oslo
[19:50] ->> You re-joined channel #blablabla
[19:50] ->> Topic is: Ny Isbre-mint butikk: www.Isbre.net

[19:50] ->> Topic set by john_cons!~v_beider@host86-148-252-176.range86-148.btcentralplus.com on 13.01.2011 21:28:15
[19:50] * Einstein2 sets mode +o _cons_awa for #blablabla

[19:52] <@_cons_awa> skorpion
[19:52] <@_cons_awa> er du på #quiz-show-styre?
[19:52] <@_cons_awa> kommer ikke inn der
[19:53] <@skorpion> hmmm?
[19:53] <@skorpion> hva får du som feilmelding da?

[19:53] <@_cons_awa> [19:51] ->> Can not send to channel #quiz-show-styre :Reason (Cannot send to channel)
[19:53] <@_cons_awa> kanskje det var fordi oldgnom satt kanalen +s?
[19:53] <@_cons_awa> hm

[19:53] <@skorpion> prøv nå da
[19:53] <@_cons_awa> ok et sec
[19:54] <@skorpion> tror ikke +s skal ha noe å si for det men
[19:54] <@_cons_awa> okey

[19:54] <@skorpion> nå er den -s
[19:54] ->> Attempting to join #quiz-show-styre
[20:33] * bean_ (webchat@ has joined #blablabla

[20:34] * bean_ (webchat@ has left #blablabla
[20:36] * Scatlover (~user@cm- has joined #blablabla

[20:36] * Scatlover (~user@cm- has left #blablabla (Leaving)
[22:24] ->> You are now known as _cons
[22:38] ->> You are now known as _cons_awa