fredag 25. februar 2011

Mer fra #blablabla

Session Start: to feb 24 00:00:41 2011
Session Ident:#blablabla
[00:00] * Einstein2 sets mode -b *!*@* for #blablabla
[00:01] * Quizzie2 sets mode +b *!*@* for #blablabla

[00:39] * Einstein2 sets mode -bbb *!* *! *!* for #blablabla

[00:39] * Quizzie2 sets mode +bbb *!* *! *!* for #blablabla

[00:53] * nilats (webchat@ has joined #blablabla
[00:54] * nilats (webchat@ has left #blablabla

[01:15] * nilats (webchat@ has joined #blablabla
[01:22] * nilats (webchat@ Quit ( Quit: 'nuf 'z nuf )

[01:23] * nilats (webchat@ has joined #blablabla
[01:26] * nilats (webchat@ Quit ( Client Quit )

[03:02] * Einstein2 sets mode -b *!*@* for #blablabla
[03:02] * Quizzie2 sets mode +b *!*@* for #blablabla
[03:26] * Quizzie2 ( Quit ( Remote host closed the connection )

[03:39] * Einstein2 sets mode -bbb *!* *! *!* for #blablabla

[06:02] * Einstein2 sets mode -b *!*@* for #blablabla
[06:26] * Quizzie2 ( has joined #blablabla

[08:37] * _cons_awa sets mode +o Quizzie2 for #blablabla
[08:37] * Quizzie2 sets mode +bbbb *!* *! *!* *.c7C355A!*@* for #blablabla

[09:11] ->> Connection closed from
[09:12] ->> Connection closed from
[09:12] ->> Connection closed from

[09:13] ->> Connection closed from
[09:13] ->> Connection closed from
[09:14] ->> Connection closed from

[09:14] ->> Connection closed from
[09:15] ->> Connection closed from
[09:15] ->> Connection closed from

[09:16] ->> Connection closed from
[09:16] ->> You re-joined channel #blablabla
[09:16] ->> Topic is: Ny Isbre-mint butikk:

[09:16] ->> Topic set by john_cons! on 13.01.2011 21:28:15
[09:17] * Einstein2 sets mode +o _cons_awa for #blablabla

[11:37] * Einstein2 sets mode -bbbb *!* *! *!* *.c7C355A!*@* for #blablabla

[11:37] * Quizzie2 sets mode +bbb *!* *! *!* for #blablabla

[16:39] ->> You joined channel #blablabla
[16:39] ->> Topic is: Ny Isbre-mint butikk:
[16:39] ->> Topic set by john_cons! on 13.01.2011 21:28:15

[16:39] ->> Channel Modes are: +tn
[16:39] ->> Channel created on 31.12.2010 09:58:40
[16:39] ->> Attempting to join #quiz-temp
[16:39] * Einstein2 sets mode +o _cons_awa for #blablabla

[16:53] ->> You are now known as _cons
[17:41] * Einstein2 sets mode -bbb *!* *! *!* for #blablabla

[17:41] * Quizzie2 sets mode +bbb *!* *! *!* for #blablabla

[18:44] * Deezire ( has joined #blablabla
[18:44] * Deezire ( has left #blablabla

[18:45] * Moorater ( has joined #blablabla
[18:45] * Moorater ( has left #blablabla

[18:49] * Erik_952 ( has joined #blablabla
[18:49] <Erik_952> Erik Ribsskog, søk profesjonell hjelp

[18:49] <Erik_952> eller er de styrt av mafian de også?
[19:28] * Erik_952 ( Quit ( )
[20:42] * Einstein2 sets mode -bbb *!* *! *!* for #blablabla

[20:42] * Quizzie2 sets mode +bbb *!* *! *!* for #blablabla

[22:49] * Blueshift (Blueshift@ has joined #blablabla
[22:49] <Blueshift> Hei
[22:49] * Proactive (proactive@2001:470:1f09:b:eef::42) has joined #blablabla

[22:49] * Proactive (proactive@2001:470:1f09:b:eef::42) has left #blablabla (470:1f09:b:eef::42 PART #blablabla)
[22:50] <@_cons> hei hva skjer?
[22:50] <@_cons> (dette er en kanal for meg og mine kjente)

[22:50] <@_cons> er det noe spes?
[22:51] <Blueshift> Jeg leste bare et par interessante ting på bloggen din som jeg føler jeg kan relatere meg til,
[22:58] ->> You joined channel #blablabla

[22:58] ->> Topic is: Ny Isbre-mint butikk:
[22:58] ->> Topic set by john_cons! on 13.01.2011 21:28:15

[22:58] ->> Attempting to join #england
[22:58] ->> Channel Modes are: +tn
[22:58] ->> Channel created on 31.12.2010 09:58:40
[22:58] * Einstein2 sets mode +o _cons for #blablabla

[23:02] * Blueshift was kicked by _cons ( Reason (idle)