onsdag 9. mars 2011

Jeg fortsetter å søke jobber, denne gang som Team Manager

Gmail - Team Manager (WSQ/133828)


Erik Ribsskog

Team Manager (WSQ/133828)

Erik Ribsskog

Wed, Mar 9, 2011 at 4:40 PM



I read about this vacancy, on the Jobcentre Plus website, and wanted to please apply for this job.

I've been working as a Shop Manager, (and other management-roles), in Norway, in the Rimi-food shop chain, (owned by ICA), from 1994 to 2004, ( in the Oslo-area), with good results.

For the second half of 2001, I won a prestigous shop-running competition, in Rimi, called 'Rimi Gullårer', which only a few of Rimi's many hundred shop-managers win each year, and received a Rimi-pen and a personal congratulation-letter, from Forbes-billionaire and Rimi-founder Stein Erik Hagen.

I also have a degree in IT, from Oslo University College, (faculty of engineering), from 2009, so I'm both (very) computer literate, and I also have a proven record within management.

I've also been working at Arvato's contact-centre, (on behalf of Microsoft), here in Liverpool, so I'm used with working with customer-support over the phone, and I've also worked with Telemarketing, for a company in Norway, called Norsk Idrettshjelp, as an extra-job, when I saved up money for my driving licence there, so I'm also used with working in a telephone based sales environment, (like you wrote you wanted the candidates to be).

I attach my CV, and hope to hear back from you!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

CV - Erik Ribsskog.doc