tirsdag 22. mars 2011

Jeg sendte en ny e-post til Liverpool County Court

Gmail - Update/Fwd: To the superior of Johan Hawley/Fwd: Update/Fwd: Taking my landlord to the County Court/Fwd: Your situation...


Erik Ribsskog

Update/Fwd: To the superior of Johan Hawley/Fwd: Update/Fwd: Taking my landlord to the County Court/Fwd: Your situation...

Erik Ribsskog

Tue, Mar 22, 2011 at 10:13 AM


joe.anderson@liverpool.gov.uk, inquiries2@un.org, mail.gva@efta.int, "Harker, David" <david.harker@citizensadvice.org.uk>, emb.london@mfa.no


I've read earlier in the Times, in 2005 or 2006, that one in the UK have the right to defend ones own home.

And also on Wikipedia now, about 'Castle doctrine', (which I think you have in the UK), that one can use up to deadly force, to defends ones home.

A mans home is his castle they say.

So in Norway this is maybe not ok, but in UK, one can attack people breaking in to your home, or trying to throw you out of your home etc.

It's known as the 'Castle doctrine'.

Even if I'm from Norway, I've also followed British media and been a lot on summer school and holidays in the UK.

So you don't have to threaten me with the police etc.

'Ikke skap deg', we say in Norway.

That means something like 'don't be phoney'.

In UK you have the castle doctrine, I think, so stop being phoney and pretend you don't know this.

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>

Date: Tue, Mar 22, 2011 at 9:04 AM
Subject: Update/Fwd: To the superior of Johan Hawley/Fwd: Update/Fwd: Taking my landlord to the County Court/Fwd: Your situation...
To: enquiries@liverpool.countycourt.gsi.gov.uk

Cc: joe.anderson@liverpool.gov.uk, inquiries2@un.org, mail.gva@efta.int, "Harker, David" <david.harker@citizensadvice.org.uk>, emb.london@mfa.no


it's just been 'balony' the whole time, from the Landlord.

Mr. Grimes has lied about the garbage throwing arrangement.

I haven't even had a tenancy-contract, since 2005, for some reason.

I haven't taken it seriously, what the Landlord has said, because when they say all the time they're going to fix the boiler, and the don't.

Then after a while you stop taking them seriously.

I've also contacted the Council and CAB regarding the Landlord, many times, but I haven't got any good advice.

So I haven't taken this threat of being thrown out seriously, due to all the lies and disrepair, etc., from the Landlord.

So this with a three month warning, haven't really sunk in with me.

So I don't think you should put any weight on that warning, it hasn't really stood out from all the other 'monkey-business', so just thought of it as 'more monkey-business', from the Landlord.

And since the CAB and the Council are messing with me, (I think I have to say), then I can really go anywhere for advice.

So I think we should do this proberly, with a process in the court, with a possessition order and where I can tell my side, and the Landlord their's.

This is not a fair process, this is just the UK tricking me, I think.

(Stop being arrogant and self-rightous, like I think Brits sometimes are.

Sorry that I'm direct).

I'm a refugee I think, and should have rights according to that.

And also rights as EU-citizien according to the EEA-agreement.

So you can't just skip the Court-process in a simple way like this I think.

I think it's unfair against me, when all comes to all, regarding this tenancy.

Just my opinion when I try to be objective.


Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>

Date: Tue, Mar 22, 2011 at 8:42 AM

Subject: To the superior of Johan Hawley/Fwd: Update/Fwd: Taking my landlord to the County Court/Fwd: Your situation...
To: enquiries@liverpool.countycourt.gsi.gov.uk

Cc: joe.anderson@liverpool.gov.uk


I have the right to defend my own home.

And I've read on the internet that they need a possestion-order, I think this sounds strange, that you say something else.

The CAB are f*cking with me, and tried to get me killed in a mafia-plot, or something, 3 or 4 years ago.

And the Chief Executive there, David Harker, don't reply to my e-mails.

Also the Merseyside Police are f*cking with me, in an IPCC-case, the Merseyside Police called me 'Miss Erik Ribsskog'. I've reported this to IPCC Manchester, 3 or 4 years ago, they don't reply.

I have no savings how can I find a new home in two weeks time?

I'm on Ladders, I can afford to pay this later.

(I need a year or two).

Please let me build up my businesses and continue my job-seeking project.

Please escalate this, as I think what you say isn't on line with what I've read on the internet, and I think you are unreasonable.

Erik Ribsskog


I have the Order of St. John in my extended family, and have probably been followed by them all my life.

Your name looks to me like a Order of. St. John-name.

Should he be answering my e-mails then?

I think I've mentioned this earlier, about that crusader-order.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Liverpool County Court <enquiries@liverpool.countycourt.gsi.gov.uk>

Date: Tue, Mar 22, 2011 at 8:16 AM
Subject: RE: Update/Fwd: Taking my landlord to the County Court/Fwd: Your situation...
To: eribsskog@gmail.com

Erik Ribsskog, please do not make threats about killing people. We take this very seriously and I already called your Landlord Kieron Griems to notify about this behaviour. Also we updated the Merseyside Police about the situation.

I see that the Landlord has given you three months of notification about your tenancy. According to Housing Act 2004 Sections 8 to 12, this is enough time for you to find a new place to live and a possessioning order is not needed.

I suggest that you visit the Citizens Advice Bureau to discuss about your situation.


Johan Hawley

35 Vernon Street

Liverpool Merseyside


L2 2BX

DX 702600 Liverpool 5

Court number 251