fredag 4. mars 2011

Mer fra #quiz-show-styre

Session Start: Thu Mar 03 01:16:12 2011
Session Ident:#quiz-show-styre
[01:16] * ludoleif ( has joined #quiz-show-styre

[01:16] * ludoleif slaps _cons_ with a wet trout!
[01:16] * ludoleif ( Quit ( Quit: Leaving )
[01:20] * ludoleif ( has joined #quiz-show-styre

[01:20] * ludoleif slaps _cons_ with a wet trout!
[01:23] * ludoleif ( Quit ( Quit: #quiz-show-styre )

[06:05] * _cons_ sets mode -b *!* for #quiz-show-styre
[06:05] * _cons_ sets mode -b *!* for #quiz-show-styre

[14:37] ->> Connection closed from
[14:40] ->> You joined channel #quiz-show-styre
[14:40] ->> Topic is: quiz-show konsern-styre. (Kun høyere ledelse, dvs. kanalsjefer, konsernsjef og designsjef). This channel is in Norwegian.

[14:40] ->> Topic set by _cons! on 12/02/2011 02:25:37
[14:40] ->> Channel Modes are: +tn

[14:40] ->> Channel created on 06/02/2011 21:41:18
[14:40] ->> Attempting to join #quiz-temp
[14:50] * OldGnom (~RS@ Quit ( Read error: Connection reset by peer )

[15:05] * OldGnom (~RS@ has joined #quiz-show-styre
[15:14] * blablabot sets mode +o _cons for #quiz-show-styre
[17:43] ->> You joined channel #quiz-show-styre

[17:43] ->> Topic is: quiz-show konsern-styre. (Kun høyere ledelse, dvs. kanalsjefer, konsernsjef og designsjef). This channel is in Norwegian.

[17:43] ->> Topic set by _cons! on 12/02/2011 02:25:37
[17:43] ->> Channel Modes are: +tn

[17:43] ->> Attempting to join #quiz-temp
[17:43] ->> Channel created on 06/02/2011 21:41:18
[17:49] * blablabot sets mode +o _cons for #quiz-show-styre
[18:23] * skorpa ( has joined #quiz-show-styre

[18:23] * skorpa is now known as skorpion
[18:24] * Quizzie2 sets mode +o skorpion for #quiz-show-styre
[20:57] * Tingeling ( has joined #quiz-show-styre

[20:57] <Tingeling> hallo
[20:57] <Tingeling> hva skjer?
[21:14] * OldGnom (~RS@ Quit ( Read error: Operation timed out )

[21:32] * OldGnom (~RS@ has joined #quiz-show-styre
[21:39] * OldGnom (~RS@ Quit ( Ping timeout: 375 seconds )

[21:49] * Tingeling ( Quit ( Quit: Ha det bra! )
[21:51] * Solitare ( has joined #quiz-show-styre

[21:51] * OldGnom (~RS@ has joined #quiz-show-styre
[22:13] * OldGnom (~RS@ Quit ( Quit: fuck it all )

[22:29] * OldGnom (~RS@ has joined #quiz-show-styre
[23:21] * Solitare ( Quit ( )