søndag 3. april 2011

Mer fra #blablatemp

Session Start: Sat Apr 02 00:20:07 2011
Session Ident:#blablatemp
[00:20] * Wizz0 was kicked by cons_ (~v_beider@host109-145-111-151.range109-145.btcentralplus.com) Reason (idle)

[04:55] * gakjeir (585878da@ti0171a380-dhcp1747.bb.online.no) has joined #blablatemp
[04:55] <gakjeir> hei
[04:56] <gakjeir> det er jo lørdag i dag

[04:56] <gakjeir> og på mandag blir du kastet ut, som kjent
[04:56] <gakjeir> to dager igjen
[04:56] <gakjeir> i morgen kommer vel han Kieron med en avskjedsgave
[04:56] <gakjeir> har du fortsatt lapp på døren?

[04:57] <gakjeir> har politiet hentet den nye øksen ennå?
[04:58] <gakjeir> Kieron skrev vel at du måtte tømme leiligheten og vaske osv.
[04:58] <gakjeir> og være ute i tide

[04:59] <gakjeir> kommer du til å gå ut frivillig på mandag?
[04:59] <gakjeir> eller vil du la politiet bære deg ut?
[05:00] <gakjeir> jeg antar at hvis du ikke fjerner tingene dine selv, så vil kieron leie noen til å fjerne og kaste alt innboet ditt

[05:00] <gakjeir> husk å få med deg laptopen når du går, hvertfall ;-)
[05:01] <gakjeir> hvor skal du sover når det lir mot kvelden på mandag?
[05:01] <gakjeir> er det for kaldt til å sove i parker osv. i liverpool nå?

[05:02] <gakjeir> du er Erik Ribsskog!
[05:03] <gakjeir> Alle tiders Erik Ribsskog!
[05:04] <gakjeir> Hipp hipp!
[05:04] <gakjeir> Litt respekt for Erik Ribsskog!

[05:05] * gakjeir (585878da@ti0171a380-dhcp1747.bb.online.no) Quit ( Quit: http://chat.efnet.org (EOF) )
[10:17] * gorg (~gorg@ti0210a340-0149.bb.online.no) has joined #blablatemp

[10:18] <gorg> Hei c. I morgen er det den tredje, var det ikke da Mr. Grimes kom innom med avskjedsgave?
[10:18] <gorg> Hva er det, mon tro
[10:18] <gorg> Marsipankake?

[11:15] <gorg> Risperdal?
[11:24] <gorg> Abonnement på Gaylord Online?
[11:59] * cons_ sets mode +b *!*@ti0210a340-0149.bb.online.no for #blablatemp

[11:59] * gorg was kicked by cons_ (~v_beider@host109-145-111-151.range109-145.btcentralplus.com) Reason (gorg)
[13:46] * Quizzie2 (15262@server7.bouncer4you.de) Quit ( Ping timeout: 244 seconds )

[14:00] * Einstein2 sets mode -b *!*@ti0210a340-0149.bb.online.no for #blablatemp
[20:53] * rubena (585878da@ti0171a380-dhcp1747.bb.online.no) has joined #blablatemp

[20:53] <rubena> Israel?
[20:53] <@cons_> hva med israel?
[20:53] <rubena> You're not popular there
[20:54] <@cons_> oh?
[20:54] <@cons_> i have never been there

[20:54] <@cons_> so that seems strange
[20:54] ->> rubena is 585878da@ti0171a380-dhcp1747.bb.online.no ([585878da] I <3 EFnet)

[20:54] ->> rubena is on: #blablatemp
[20:54] ->> rubena using chat.efnet.org (slower traffic keep right)
[20:54] ->> rubena :End of /WHOIS list.

[20:54] <rubena> but it's not really
[20:55] <rubena> You're a well known Israel hater, on the Internet
[20:55] <@cons_> i can't say i'm an israel hater

[20:55] <rubena> but why do you hate Jews/Israel/zionism?
[20:56] <@cons_> well i'm trying to find out what zionism is
[20:56] <@cons_> i'm writing about 'world-zionism'

[20:56] <rubena> see, there you go again
[20:56] <rubena> that's anti-semitic
[20:56] <@cons_> well, i haven't invented that term
[20:57] <@cons_> is it anti-semitic to mention world sionism?

[20:57] <rubena> yes
[20:57] <@cons_> well for the first it's freedom of speach
[20:57] <@cons_> i'm trying to understand what that term means
[20:57] <@cons_> that has nothing to do with rasism

[20:57] <rubena> why are you in doubt?
[20:58] <@cons_> well it's not in my vocabulary
[20:58] <@cons_> we didn't learn at school in norway
[20:58] <@cons_> about what sionism

[20:58] <@cons_> or world-sionism
[20:58] <@cons_> means
[20:58] <rubena> "Zionism (Hebrew: ×¦×™×•× ×•×ªâ€Ž, Tsiyonut) is a Jewish political movement that, in its broadest sense, has supported the self-determination of the Jewish people in a sovereign Jewish national homeland"

[20:58] <@cons_> ok i'm not against that
[20:58] <@cons_> but i see the guaridan using the term 'world-zionism'
[20:58] <rubena> you write a lot about Jews and Zionism at your blog

[20:59] <@cons_> so i'm wondering what that's about
[20:59] <@cons_> not really that much
[20:59] <@cons_> i write about the illuminati and everything
[20:59] <@cons_> i'm just trying to understand what's going on

[20:59] <@cons_> i'm not writing in a bombastic way
[20:59] <rubena> why do you write about the Illuminati?
[20:59] <@cons_> so i'm not a hater or anything
[21:00] <@cons_> why this and why that

[21:00] <@cons_> there's freedom of speach isn't it?
[21:00] <@cons_> but you shouldn't worry in israel
[21:00] <rubena> i'm not sure
[21:00] <@cons_> i'm not a jew-hater or anything

[21:00] <@cons_> i'm not writing in a bombastic way
[21:00] <@cons_> i'm just trying to find out what's going on
[21:00] <@cons_> in the world
[21:01] <@cons_> i'm not that interested in the midle-east to be honest

[21:01] <@cons_> never been there
[21:01] <@cons_> the closest is cyprus
[21:01] <@cons_> so i'm sorry if i've offended anyone in israel
[21:01] <@cons_> i haven't meant to do that

[21:01] <rubena> You spent your childhood in Yugoslavia, right?
[21:01] <@cons_> my blog is mostly a norwegian project really
[21:01] <@cons_> no
[21:01] <@cons_> i was there for two week a summer-holiday, the summer i was 10 years

[21:02] <@cons_> i've lived in norway all my life
[21:02] <rubena> and now you're about 50 or so?
[21:02] <@cons_> (except for the latest 5 years or so)
[21:02] <@cons_> no, i'm 40 y.o.

[21:02] <@cons_> who are you rubena?
[21:02] <rubena> Rubena
[21:02] <@cons_> ok
[21:02] <rubena> a native of
[21:02] <rubena> the USA

[21:03] <@cons_> okey, i see you use a norwegian ISP
[21:03] <rubena> that's right
[21:03] <@cons_> if i'm not mistaking
[21:03] <rubena> now i live in norway

[21:03] <@cons_> ok
[21:03] <@cons_> rubena is a female name, is that right?
[21:03] <rubena> yes
[21:04] <@cons_> ok, well i don't hate anyone really, i'm just trying to get my rights really

[21:04] <@cons_> ok,
[21:04] <rubena> do you have children?

[21:04] <@cons_> no, why?
[21:04] <rubena> do you want children?
[21:05] <@cons_> are these some kind of threats?
[21:05] <rubena> ?
[21:05] <rubena> why would they be threats?

[21:06] <@cons_> ok, you changed the subject a bit fast that's all
[21:06] <@cons_> it's not so easy on the net
[21:06] <rubena> i came to think of baby names, because of the link i posted

[21:06] <@cons_> oh ok
[21:07] <@cons_> well i guess, sometime in the future if i find a wife and have a job and a house, or at least a flat
[21:07] <rubena> do you think you would be a good father?

[21:08] <@cons_> why these personal questions?
[21:08] <@cons_> have you been drinking?
[21:08] <rubena> no
[21:08] <rubena> i don't drink
[21:08] <rubena> I'm very religious

[21:08] <@cons_> ok, are you a muslim?
[21:08] <rubena> no
[21:08] <@cons_> ok, you are jewish?
[21:08] <rubena> yeah
[21:08] <@cons_> ok

[21:09] <@cons_> i don't think i've chatted with many jews before
[21:09] <@cons_> so that's a new experience for me
[21:09] <@cons_> there aren't that many jews in norway

[21:09] <@cons_> but there are many muslims
[21:09] <rubena> you have written on your blogs that you are persecuted by the Jews. Maybe that's the reason
[21:10] <@cons_> well i don't think i've written that in a bombastic way

[21:10] <@cons_> but maybe i've been wondering what's going on
[21:10] <rubena> i've read it
[21:10] <rubena> that's really anti-semitic
[21:10] <@cons_> ok sorry then

[21:10] <@cons_> i don't know that many jews, so i don't mean to be inpolite, or hurt
[21:10] <rubena> what *is* really going on, did you find out eventually?
[21:10] <@cons_> no

[21:11] <@cons_> i have the order of st. john
[21:11] <@cons_> in my fathers new family
[21:11] <@cons_> so it could be them who are following me as well
[21:11] <@cons_> i can't say for sure unfortunately

[21:11] <rubena> why would they follow you?
[21:11] <rubena> Order of St. John nowadays is a religious fringe group, afaik
[21:11] <@cons_> maybe because the couldn't control me as a child

[21:11] <@cons_> i'm wondering
[21:12] <@cons_> ok, i guess it could be the illuminati or something
[21:12] <rubena> why would they want to control you as a child?

[21:12] <rubena> that sounds paranoid
[21:12] <@cons_> well, my mother sent me to my father when i was nine years old
[21:12] <@cons_> and then my father let me live alone from i was nine years old

[21:13] <@cons_> so something must have been going on
[21:13] <rubena> what has that got to do with the Order of St John?
[21:13] <@cons_> i also remember strange episodes

[21:13] <@cons_> well my father found a new woman, and her daughters half-brother is in that order
[21:13] <@cons_> and i had to read about it in a newspaper-archive
[21:13] <@cons_> to find out

[21:13] <@cons_> noone has told me
[21:14] <@cons_> so i almost got shock when i found out
[21:14] <rubena> do you think they should have told you?
[21:14] <@cons_> and i'm wondering what this is about

[21:14] <@cons_> well yes, it shouldn't be in the way that one find out about things like this, unexpetedly, in a newspaper archive, i think
[21:15] <@cons_> it shows somethings wrong in my family at least

[21:15] <@cons_> but the reason i ran from norway
[21:15] <@cons_> was because i overheard i was followed by the 'mafian' in oslo in 2003 and 2004
[21:15] <@cons_> and i was attempted to be killed, in larvik, in 2005

[21:15] <rubena> Is this your diagnosis that's posted here: http://encyclopediadramatica.com/Erik_Ribsskog
[21:15] <@cons_> so after that i've been in the uk

[21:16] <@cons_> well it's not a real diagnose
[21:16] <@cons_> just a working-diagnose
[21:16] <@cons_> i've compained to 'helsedirektoratet' in norway

[21:16] <@cons_> about it
[21:16] <@cons_> it's just a lot of non-sense really
[21:16] <rubena> you don't believe in it?
[21:17] <rubena> you're right and they're wrong?

[21:17] <@cons_> no, noone has told me i have a diagnose
[21:17] <@cons_> they can't just say 5 or 6 years later that i have a diagnose
[21:17] <@cons_> and she also gets a lot of facts about me wrong

[21:17] <rubena> and you'll be homeless by monday, right?
[21:17] <rubena> what are you going to do then?
[21:17] <@cons_> writes i'm 24 years old, while i'm 34 years old, etc

[21:18] <@cons_> well, i'm not really, my landlord can't just throw me out without a possessioning-order
[21:18] <rubena> how do you know?
[21:18] <@cons_> well i've read up about this on the net etc

[21:19] <rubena> they were quite clear on that from what i've read, viz., they are going to evict you forcefully on monday if you don't leave
[21:20] <@cons_> well anyhow, then won't have the law on their side, because the law is clear, they need a possesstion order

[21:20] <rubena> even if they don't have the law on their side, bottom line is, you will have nowhere to live, right?
[21:20] <@cons_> well, i don't take my landlord that seriously

[21:21] <@cons_> they have threaten to throw me out earlier
[21:21] <rubena> i can tell
[21:21] <@cons_> last year
[21:21] <@cons_> and nothing happened

[21:21] <rubena> why did they back off then?
[21:21] <@cons_> and they also lie all the time
[21:21] <@cons_> i don't remember
[21:21] <@cons_> after a time you stop taking companies like that seriously

[21:21] <@cons_> after so and so many lies
[21:22] <@cons_> so i'd say that's a hoax
[21:22] <@cons_> the way i see it
[21:22] <rubena> do you want to continue living there?

[21:22] <@cons_> so i don't really take it that seriously unfortunately
[21:22] <@cons_> well i haven't got anywhere else to live
[21:22] <@cons_> so i haven't got much choice the way i see it

[21:22] <rubena> you haven't been looking for a new place
[21:22] <rubena> ?
[21:23] <@cons_> i'm also trying to set up a business here
[21:23] <@cons_> no, like i'm trying to explain

[21:23] <@cons_> that landlord-company can't be taken seriously
[21:23] <@cons_> because they're lieing all the time
[21:23] <@cons_> i have to stand up for my rights i think

[21:24] <rubena> on that, i agree
[21:24] <rubena> it's really nice talking to you
[21:24] <@cons_> yeah the same
[21:25] <@cons_> so i hope you have a nice saturday night

[21:25] <rubena> do you think you will get your rights at some point?
[21:25] <@cons_> well i haven't given up at least
[21:25] <@cons_> i'll try to write less about jews and israel etc

[21:25] <@cons_> i worked for microsoft some years ago
[21:26] <@cons_> and sometimes we got calls from israel
[21:26] <@cons_> when it was overflow on the hebrew line

[21:26] <@cons_> so i remember i spoke with many nice israelian women
[21:26] <rubena> oh, a flirtatious johncons
[21:26] <@cons_> but the men where more aggressive i think

[21:26] <@cons_> no i wasn't flirting
[21:27] <@cons_> but in norway we sometimes have a tone like that
[21:27] <@cons_> nice or jolly or something
[21:27] <rubena> i see

[21:27] <@cons_> :)
[21:27] <rubena> norway is quite new to me
[21:27] <@cons_> ok, what brought to norway then
[21:27] <@cons_> if it's ok to ask
[21:27] <@cons_> work i guess

[21:27] <rubena> yes
[21:28] <@cons_> ok, is it ok to ask what you work with
[21:28] <rubena> as a barber
[21:28] <@cons_> oh
[21:28] <@cons_> ok i found it hard finding good barbers in oslo

[21:28] <@cons_> but the british ones are good i think
[21:28] <@cons_> or maybe i was the problem
[21:29] <@cons_> in norway i have to say 'short' or 'long' hair

[21:29] <@cons_> but in the uk
[21:29] <@cons_> i say 'number 4'
[21:29] <@cons_> and then they get the hair right all the time
[21:29] <@cons_> i don't think i can say 'number 4' in oslo

[21:29] <@cons_> but anyway
[21:29] <@cons_> not that important perhaps
[21:29] <@cons_> i'm working on my webshop now
[21:30] <@cons_> so maybe i should get that done before it's to late

[21:30] <@cons_> but it was very nice chatting with you
[21:30] <rubena> yes, you too
[21:30] <rubena> good bye
[21:30] <@cons_> feel free to chat more here at a later time if you want

[21:30] <@cons_> yep,
[21:30] <rubena> sure
[21:30] <@cons_> nice speaking you!
[21:30] <@cons_> bye!
[21:30] * rubena (585878da@ti0171a380-dhcp1747.bb.online.no) has left #blablatemp

[21:30] <@cons_> i'll try to write less bad about israel etc
[21:31] <@cons_> even if i'll use my freedom of speach, if that's ok
[22:34] * nils- (~gorg@ti0210a340-0404.bb.online.no) has joined #blablatemp

[22:35] <nils-> Hei cons, ville bare tilby deg å ta backup av bloggen nå før 4. april
[22:36] * cons_ sets mode +b *!*@ti0210a340-0404.bb.online.no for #blablatemp

[22:36] * nils- was kicked by cons_ (~v_beider@host109-145-111-151.range109-145.btcentralplus.com) Reason (nils-)