søndag 8. mai 2011

Jeg sendte en ny e-post til the Post Office

Gmail - To Appeals Officer Michelle King


Erik Ribsskog

To Appeals Officer Michelle King

Erik Ribsskog

Sun, May 8, 2011 at 8:34 PM



thank you of your letter, from 3/5, which I received earlier this week.

I'm sorry that I misunderstood, about the postage.

I thought the postage increased, with every 20 grams, but I now understand that for packs weighing more than 300 grams, the postage increases for every 100 gram.

Thank you very much for clearing up this misunderstanding!

I was also wondering about my other complaints.

To show that I had sent the right goods, from my e-business, it would have helped, to have had receipts, with the weight stated on them.

Why didn't I get receipts like that, on this spesific occation?

I think this was a bit strange.

Also that your representative wore rings, that I would call devil-worship-rings, (even if I'm not an expert, a big ring with a black plate on, and one in silver, of a scull, or something).

Also, another time I was there, I was told off, that there was a queue.

Even if I never told customers that they should hurry up, because of the queue, when I worked in the check-out, in three different food-shop-chains, in Norway, around the time when I studied, and after my conscription-service.

We were thought that if there was a queue, we should still threat people fine, but call for a new check-out to be opened.

(Since this is the first business I set up, I have questions like these, how to I the receipts right, (do I have to ask in advance to get a receipt, or will I always get one), and how do I get the routines right, and which way of sending the packs is the best).

I think it's hard to get things like this explained.

If I ask what's the difference between A and B stamps, (since I'm from Norway), then your staff could perhaps answer, and not tell me off, that there's a queue, I think.

That's bad customer-service, I think, from working as a shop-manager, and in other roles in customer-service, in Norway and the UK, for more than fifteen years.

So I thought it would have been fine, to also get a reply about my other three complaints.

- Why didn't I get recepts showing the weight of the packs.

- Why did the staff-person wear devil-worship-rings?

- Is it right that Post Office-customers should be told off, that 'there's a queue', when they have a new business, and try to reset oneselves, and get the routines right, in co-operation with the Post Office?

Why haven't I got these questions answered, I'm wondering.

(But thanks anyway for clearing up about the postage-tarif).

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog