mandag 16. mai 2011

Jeg sendte en ny melding om Arvato-saken

Svar:Re: Svar:I so get it

Hi Kathy,

thank you very much for you message!

The division I worked for was Bertelsman Arvato MSPA, that's Microsoft Scandinavian Product Activation.

I'm not sure how it's going with my collegues from there, I have no contact with any of them at the moment, (they were mostly women that were a bit younger than me, and I don't think they want to be involved in an employment-case perhaps).

Myself, I got a job as self-employed, in the packaging-industry, for a couple of years, after being constructivly dismissed, at Arvato.

But after that again, I've been unemployed, and am now trying to start a webshop, selling UK sweets to Norway, and the rest of the world, but this site is being hacked several times, so it could have been easier, I think I have to say.

I've sent about my employment-case, to a university college, from the part of Norway, where I was in the army, for my conscription service, like we have in Norway.

But I haven't heard anything yet.

I could try the University in Oslo as well, but I'll wait and see if I hear anything from the other university first.

I've also joined the Scandinavian Church here in Liverpool, (even if I'm not really religious, but it's about the only place to meet fellow Scandinavians here, if one aren't a student).

And there, I found that one of my collegues, from working as a food shop-manager, in Norway, was on the Facebook-group.

And he had the same last-name, (Wallin), as one of the young women, involved in my employment-case against Arvato.

So I've been wondering if the problems I had at work in Oslo could be linked with my Arvato-case.

Who knows.

Like I think I wrote to you earlier, I have a blog,, where I could publish your case if you want it published.

I have around 1000 readers a day, mostly Norwegian readers, but also some British readers, etc.

I also think that in the USA, there are lawyers, who only charge money, if you win in court.

Maybe that's an option for you, to contact a law-firm like that, in the USA.

Just a thought I had here, when I read your message.

Also, I think the newspapers would be more interested, perhaps, in your case, than in mine, since you are a young woman.

And then they could sell more newspapers, if they could put a young woman on the cover of their newspaper.

Because I think newspapers, don't really think that much, in general, about being responsible, like they perhaps did, in the 1900's and the centruries before.

Now a days, I think the newspapers only worry about making money, and don't care about being responsible.

So if you have a nice cleavage etc., then I'm sure the papers would write about your Arvato-case.

Just to joke a bit :)

Also, I'm beginning to understand why people left from Europe, to America, some hundred years ago.

I can't get any of my cases to court.

It seems like there are some invisible power-structures, here in the 'old World', Europe.

Maybe it's just me over-reacting and being silly, but I think it's like walking in the type of sand where one sink down, sometimes.

But anyway, I haven't given up.

I'll update you again, if I hear anything more.

Good luck with your case, and if you e.g. speak with a law-firm, who are interested in my case, then I'll e-mail it right away.

Could luck again, and again thank you very much for you e-mail!

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

Sendt til: kathyscv