onsdag 22. juni 2011

Jeg sendte en e-post til the Department for Work and Pensions

Gmail - Statement about Jobseekers-allowance/Fwd: To Mr. Lee Walker, Enforcement Sections/Fwd: Regarding Court Order, Flat 3, Hope Chambers


Erik Ribsskog

Statement about Jobseekers-allowance/Fwd: To Mr. Lee Walker, Enforcement Sections/Fwd: Regarding Court Order, Flat 3, Hope Chambers

Erik Ribsskog

Wed, Jun 22, 2011 at 11:35 AM

CONTACT-US <CONTACT-US@dwp.gsi.gov.uk>



could you please send me a statement, (for the County Court, who needs a statement no older than a month old), showing that I'm receiveing Jobseekers Allowance, and explaining that this is income-based or contribution-based, (I think it's income-based if I remember it right).

My address is: Flat 3, 5 Leather Lane, L2 2AE, Liverpool.

And my phone-number is: 0151 236 3298.

My National Insurance Number is: SG 27 09 67 D, (in case you need this).

And my date of birth is 25/7/70.

Hope this is alright!

Please just contact me if there is some information I've forgotten to provide about this!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>

Date: Wed, Jun 22, 2011 at 11:26 AM
Subject: Re: To Mr. Lee Walker, Enforcement Sections/Fwd: Regarding Court Order, Flat 3, Hope Chambers
To: "Liverpool County, Enquiries" <enquiries@liverpool.countycourt.gsi.gov.uk>


ok, I'll contact the Jobcentre, and ask them to send a statement, and then I'll contact you back as soon as possible.

Hope this is alright!

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

On Wed, Jun 22, 2011 at 11:19 AM, Liverpool County, Enquiries <enquiries@liverpool.countycourt.gsi.gov.uk> wrote:

Thank you for your email, unfortunately we
need proof that it is either income based or contribution based, this has to be
from the jobcentre.


Lee Walker

Lee Walker

Enforcements Section

Liverpool County Court

0151 296 2472


, Enquiries

Sent: 16 June 2011 17:33

To: Walker, Lee

Subject: FW: To Mr. Lee Walker,
Enforcement Sections/Fwd: Regarding Court Order, Flat 3, Hope Chambers


Jim Reid

J Reid

/File Registry

Liverpool Civil & Family Court

0151 296 2403


From: Erik Ribsskog

Sent: 16
June 2011

County, Enquiries

Subject: Re: To Mr. Lee Walker,
Enforcement Sections/Fwd: Regarding Court Order, Flat 3, Hope Chambers


you for your e-mail!

I'm attaching a scanned
copy of my bank-statement, which shows that I receive Job Seekers Allowance,

Hope this is enough
documentation, or else I'll contact the Jobcentre, since I can't afford to pay
that much as £40 this month, unfortunately.

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

On Wed, Jun 15, 2011 at 9:32 AM, Liverpool County, Enquiries <enquiries@liverpool.countycourt.gsi.gov.uk>

you for your email. Unfortunately we require proof of your income support
before we process your application, this must we within the past 3 months
otherwise it will not be accepted and a fee of £40 payable.


Lee Walker



County Court

0151 296


County, Enquiries

Sent: 15 June 2011 09:16

To: Walker, Lee

Subject: FW: To Mr. Lee Walker,
Enforcement Sections/Fwd: Regarding Court Order, Flat 3, Hope Chambers


Jim Reid

J Reid

/File Registry

Liverpool Civil & Family Court

0151 296 2403

-----Original Message-----

From: Erik Ribsskog [mailto:eribsskog@gmail.com]

Sent: 14
June 2011

Knut Angrim Overgaard; customerservicecshq@hmcts.gsi.gov.uk

Subject: Fwd: To Mr. Lee Walker,
Enforcement Sections/Fwd: Regarding Court Order, Flat 3, Hope Chambers


I'm trying to send this
again without the bank-statement.

It seemed to be to many attachments for the e-mail programmes, so the e-mail
didn't get to the receptient.

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded
message ----------

From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>

Tue, Jun 14, 2011 at 7:43 PM

Subject: To Mr. Lee Walker, Enforcement Sections/Fwd: Regarding Court Order,
Flat 3, Hope Chambers

To: enquiries@liverpool.countycourt.gsi.gov.uk

Cc: sales@tjthomas.co.uk


I'm refering to your
letter, from 10/6, which I received today.

I'm attaching a
application notice, for a court hearing, where I apply to withdraw the
possession-order, from Imperial Property, from 17/5.

I also attach a form
since I can't afford to pay the court-fee, at the moment.

I can pay e.g. £20 a month, for four months.

That's an option, but I'm
unemployed on a budget in co-operation with the CCCS, at the moment,

I own some property, in a co-ownership, (1/18 of a property with a beach etc.,
in Hurum, in

But this property, I can't get a loan in the bank for, (Nordea Tveita,
since it's a co-owned property.

But I've instructed the lawyer, in
Hurum, Norway, which dealt
with the inheritance, after my grand-uncles, (whom my father didn't want to inherit,
for some reason), to try to sell this property for me, so that I can pay
bills/debt in the UK.

So I also send a copy of this e-mail to that lawyer.

And to the Landlord, so that they know what's going on.

I also attach a bank statement, from the last three months, showing that I
received Jobseekers allowance.

I also get some payments from PayPal, to do with my webshop.

But I'm on level with Mr. Gallagher, at the Williamson Sq. Jobcentre, about
that I've had much expenses and burned in with a lot of Halloween-stock, last
year, and the webshop have been hacked twice, in the last months, so I haven't
had any profit yet, so it's just a hobby so far, to make me practice on my
web-design skills, (I have a degree in IT, and apply for IT-jobs).

So I haven't put that on
the form, like I'm on level with the Jobcentre about.

Hope this is alright, and please just contact me if I've forgotten to explain
about anything.

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded
message ----------

From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>

Fri, Jun 3, 2011 at 6:12 PM

Subject: Re: Regarding Court Order, Flat 3, Hope Chambers

To: "Liverpool County, Enquiries" <enquiries@liverpool.countycourt.gsi.gov.uk>

Cc: customerservicecshq@hmcts.gsi.gov.uk


well, why haven't you
told me that before?

I contacted you about
this at once when I got the court-order.

I'm unemployed and
haven't got any savings so I can't afford a fee of £80.

This is a joke.

There's fraud involved even, probably British inteligence, since he called
himselves George, like in St. George.

I send this to the Crowns
Court, I've had enough of the County Court, you even send phoney e-mails.

Why haven't you got the police to investigate that?

Erik Ribsskog


I can't contact the Law Society,
they and the Law Firms have just messed with me in earlier plots.

This is probably something to do with that I've overheard in
I'm followed by the 'mafian', and then noone has told me who they even are, and
noone has leveled at all, and police and inteligence have messed with this case
for years, it seems to me, without leveling at all, and using up my rights.

This is just a joke.

I send this as a complaint about the
Liverpool County Court, (and
the World), to the Complaint handling team.

Get real!

On Fri, Jun 3, 2011 at 4:49 PM, Liverpool County, Enquiries <enquiries@liverpool.countycourt.gsi.gov.uk>

you for your emails received by the court both dated of today's date

note that the order states "
Note: This order was made without a hearing. Within 14
days of its being served, either party may apply for it to be set aside or
If you wish to do
this then you need to make a formal application on form N244 (please find
attached) and there is a fee of £80.00, a letter cannot be taken as an
application. You may wish to seek some legal advice as the court staff are not
legally qualified and cannot give legal advice.


Lee Walker



County Court

0151 296


From: Erik Ribsskog [mailto:eribsskog@gmail.com]

June 2011

To: Lorna Murphy

County, Enquiries

Subject: Regarding Court Order,
Flat 3, Hope Chambers


I'm refering to your letter under my door today.

The County Court haven't replied but I sent them an appeal, on the day the
Court Order got to my flat.

I also dispute the
figures you write.

There has been a person name George sent here by Lorna, who have collected the
rent, for around half a year.

Figures which you haven't put on the statement.

I've also paid for a
washing machine, furniture and a dish-washer, since you don't do repairs, (or
wait for years with doing them).

You also waited for two
years with repairing the boiler.

I've lived here for five
years now, so I think there should have been a court-hearing.

This has not been told to
me, that this is short-term rent.

You lie about the
garbage-throwing arrangement, and says it's open 24/7, while it's in the
bin-store of a neighbour resturant, only open their opening hours, and one have
to walk past a lot of guests eating dinner or drinking there, to throw ones

You also kept my original
of my last tenancy-reference, from
Mandeville St.

This was explotation I think, why did Mr. Grimes want the original and not a

The court are sending fake e-mails, so it's not easy to deal with them.

I own some property in
Norway, in a co-ownership with some
relatives there, which I've contacted a laywer about that I want to sell.

So I have money, but not
at the moment.

But I think the rent claim is to high.

I think I have receipts and even a picture of George, showing that he has
collected the rent here.

Why haven't you put these money on the statement?


This must be fraud.

I also send about this to the law firm in
Norway and the police
and the Norwegian embassy.


Erik Ribsskog


Now I found on my blog, copies of recepts, from George, (who never was here on
the dates agreed but often later. I did not ask him to go here, but I
complained about Lorna there, since she never got the boiler ordered fixed, and
I didn't have hot-water for two years).

I attach copies of these recepts, (which are only a few, that I found on my
blog just now).

PS 2.

So I'll await the result of my appeal, sent to the County Court, the week
before last.

Then I'll decide what to
do, when I receive that correspondence from the court.

Hope this is alright!

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