tirsdag 12. juli 2011

Jeg sendte en ny anmeldelse til Merseyside-politiet

Gmail - Report of crime/Fwd: idiot


Erik Ribsskog

Report of crime/Fwd: idiot

Erik Ribsskog

Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 9:23 PM



I wanted to report this e-mail from my father as harassement.

I have reported him earlier to the police, since he let me live alone since I was nine years old, and has been terrorising me on the phone a couple of years ago, and has also sent other e-mails I've reported.

I think it's strange that the Police let this go on.

I hope you aren't biased in any way.

Hope this is alright!

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Arne Mogan Olsen <arnemogan@gmail.com>

Date: 2011/7/12
Subject: idiot
To: eribsskog@gmail.com

Du Erik du må komme til Norge vårt land her får du full pakke. Og det med at jeg var drita det er vel drittprat fra

deg din jervlia jåk. du husker sylvia hun brukte alltid det samme utrykke. hilsen din biologiske far.

arne belinda.


Her er mer om dette:

mer om arne belinda
