lørdag 19. november 2011

Jeg sendte en klage til T-Mobile

Gmail - Could you please forward this complaint to T-mobile UK?


Erik Ribsskog

Could you please forward this complaint to T-mobile UK?

Erik Ribsskog

Sat, Nov 19, 2011 at 7:15 PM



today I went to the shopping-centre Bridges in Sunderland to buy a mobile broadband gadget.

I first went to Carphone Warehouse, and I found the gadget I wanted in their advertising-folder, and was stopped by a man in the shop, before I got to the check-out, he wondered what I was buying and I showed him the picture.

He said they were going to get them on Monday, but didn't have them in the shop now.

I then went to the T-mobile shop, also at Bridges.

They wanted £40 for the same USB-stick that costs £35 at Carphone Warehouse.

I explained that I was a bit bored, so I thought it was ok to pay £5 more, since then I could have internet this weekend, and didn't have to wait untill Monday.

I was told by the woman there that I could get it less expensive, but then it was only for one month.

Later today, at the library, I saw that I had paid for insurance, that I hadn't asked for or even been informed about.

I'm an economist, from Upper Seconday school, so I know that these insurances are often unecessary, since customers are also proctected by law.

So I would have wanted this insurance, if I had been asked.

When I shopped some groceries at Tesco, then I dropped by T-mobile again, and spoke with the blonde woman there, (her intials were J. C. it says on the invoice).

She said the insurance was part of a package.

I told her I'd check you website, and read the details there, since T-mobile didn't have a folder like Carphone Warehouse.

That I could see there.

I had to get all the information from the sales-person.

I now read on your website, that this device is only £29.90.

It doesn't say anything about a package.

So I think your saleswoman first tricked me and then lied about a package.

It should be possible to buy this item for £29.90 without insurance according to your website.

So this with a package was just some 'bullsh*t'.

I don't like to be tricked like this, and I know that the saleswoman should have asked me if I wanted insurance and not just assumed I would have it.

And she also later lied, the way I can understand it.

So I wanted to compain about this, and I want a refund for the insurance.

I like to send e-mails to 'proper' e-mail addresses.

Since then I get a copy in my e-mail programme, etc.

But I couldn't find one for the UK.

I'm also going to this shop, to complain again, next week.

But I think I also should get compensation for the time I have to spend on this.

So I hope you send me some money for the time I have to use on this.

I'm on Ladders, (even if I'm unemployed at the moment), so my time is really worth a lot of money, so I hope you send a cheque for around £200.

Really you should pay me even more, since things like this put grey hair into peoples heads.

Erik Ribsskog



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