søndag 18. desember 2011

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Gmail - Complaint/Fwd: Complaint about T-Mobile/Fwd: Update/Fwd: Could you please forward this complaint to T-mobile UK?


Erik Ribsskog

Complaint/Fwd: Complaint about T-Mobile/Fwd: Update/Fwd: Could you please forward this complaint to T-mobile UK?

Erik Ribsskog

Sun, Dec 18, 2011 at 3:35 PM



I understand that this complaint is meant to be sent to you.

(The Communication Ombudsman advice me to do, in an e-letter, from earlier this week).

Thanks in advance for any help with solving my complaint against T-Mobile.

(Please see the forwarded e-mails for the details of the complaint).

Hope this is alright!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, Nov 27, 2011 at 6:25 PM
Subject: Complaint about T-Mobile/Fwd: Update/Fwd: Could you please forward this complaint to T-mobile UK?

To: The Ombudsman <enquiries@os-communications.org>


I wanted to complain about some doubfull pracises, from T-Mobile, when it comes to custommer-support, (please see the forwareded e-mails), and hopefully get some kind of compensation for the misery, that T-Mobile have made me suffer, in connection with this complaint.

Hope this is alright!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>

Date: Thu, Nov 24, 2011 at 6:34 PM
Subject: Update/Fwd: Could you please forward this complaint to T-mobile UK?
To: Businesscare@t-mobilesupport.com

Cc: investor.relations@telekom.de


today I was again at the T-mobile-shop, at Bridges Shopping Centre, in Sunderland.

Jaqueline, who sold me the insurance I didn't want, on Saturday, without asking, wasn't there.

I checked your website, and saw that the broadband USB-stick was £29.90 and not £39.90, like your representative Jaquline told me, on Saturday.

When asked her, later that day, what the insurance was about.

She said it was part of a 'package'.

I checked your website, and it mentions no such package.

It says this item is for sale for £29.90.

So this was fraud, I think.

I'm an economist, and have learned about business-law, and from what I remember, from this module, which I had in the 80's, you have to ask first, if the customer want's a product or service.

I asked for the price of the gadget, and was presented with the price of the gadget plus insurance added togheter, without exlaining that this was including insurance.

This is fraud-crime, as far as I understand it.

I went back to the shop today, and talked with Assisting Manager Steven there.

He said _I_ had to call the insurance-company within 14 days to get a refound.

I think this is very bad customer-support.

I was tricked in you T-mobile-shop and I have to clean this up myselves.

I've worked as a Shop Manager, in three supermarkets, (Rimi/ICA), in the Oslo-area, and I think this was very, very poor customer-support, from both your Jaqueline and your Steven.

You should be ashamed of yourselves, I think.

I explained to the Assistant Manager Steven that often calling a phone-number like that is expensive, and it would probably cost me around £10 to get the £10 refund.

He didn't offer to call the insurance-company himselves, from the shop.

This was so poor customer-support I think.

On top of the fraud and lieing from Jaqueline.

To use modern language, I think your custommer-support suck.

I asked the Assistant Manager to get the e-mail addresse to T-Mobile UK and the insurance company.

He couldn't give me eighter.

He just tried to steal my pen, and stood there with tears almost in his eyes, but didn't appologise, for the fraud by Jaqueline there, on Saturday.

It's like your shop is full of criiminals I think, who have no idea about manners or customer-support.

I think how your shops in the UK are threating customers is shocking.

As a person who have worked with customer-suppport and shop-running for around 20 years, I think this was way, way below the standard one should expect from big companies like T-mobile/Deutche Telekom.

Is this your standard custommer-support?

Don't you aim higher?

I'm going to warn people, on my blog, about that T-Mobile have bad custommer-support.

And I forward this e-mail to the Police who should really investigate this as fraud, I think.

Even if they probably have enough to do with criminals on the streets, but it seems T-Mobiles hires criminals, so to give the Police even more to do.

With very disapointed regards,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>

Date: Sat, Nov 19, 2011 at 7:15 PM
Subject: Could you please forward this complaint to T-mobile UK?
To: Businesscare@t-mobilesupport.com


today I went to the shopping-centre Bridges in Sunderland to buy a mobile broadband gadget.

I first went to Carphone Warehouse, and I found the gadget I wanted in their advertising-folder, and was stopped by a man in the shop, before I got to the check-out, he wondered what I was buying and I showed him the picture.

He said they were going to get them on Monday, but didn't have them in the shop now.

I then went to the T-mobile shop, also at Bridges.

They wanted £40 for the same USB-stick that costs £35 at Carphone Warehouse.

I explained that I was a bit bored, so I thought it was ok to pay £5 more, since then I could have internet this weekend, and didn't have to wait untill Monday.

I was told by the woman there that I could get it less expensive, but then it was only for one month.

Later today, at the library, I saw that I had paid for insurance, that I hadn't asked for or even been informed about.

I'm an economist, from Upper Seconday school, so I know that these insurances are often unecessary, since customers are also proctected by law.

So I would have wanted this insurance, if I had been asked.

When I shopped some groceries at Tesco, then I dropped by T-mobile again, and spoke with the blonde woman there, (her intials were J. C. it says on the invoice).

She said the insurance was part of a package.

I told her I'd check you website, and read the details there, since T-mobile didn't have a folder like Carphone Warehouse.

That I could see there.

I had to get all the information from the sales-person.

I now read on your website, that this device is only £29.90.

It doesn't say anything about a package.

So I think your saleswoman first tricked me and then lied about a package.

It should be possible to buy this item for £29.90 without insurance according to your website.

So this with a package was just some 'bullsh*t'.

I don't like to be tricked like this, and I know that the saleswoman should have asked me if I wanted insurance and not just assumed I would have it.

And she also later lied, the way I can understand it.

So I wanted to compain about this, and I want a refund for the insurance.

I like to send e-mails to 'proper' e-mail addresses.

Since then I get a copy in my e-mail programme, etc.

But I couldn't find one for the UK.

I'm also going to this shop, to complain again, next week.

But I think I also should get compensation for the time I have to spend on this.

So I hope you send me some money for the time I have to use on this.

I'm on Ladders, (even if I'm unemployed at the moment), so my time is really worth a lot of money, so I hope you send a cheque for around £200.

Really you should pay me even more, since things like this put grey hair into peoples heads.

Erik Ribsskog
