fredag 2. desember 2011

Jeg sendte en ny e-post til Northumbria-politiet

Gmail - Report of crime/Fwd:


Erik Ribsskog

Report of crime/Fwd:

Erik Ribsskog

Fri, Dec 2, 2011 at 2:46 PM


gbrlo <>


someone just kicked me out of an irc-channel for no reason at all.

I wanted to report this as harassment-crime.


Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Date: Fri, Dec 2, 2011 at 2:44 PM


Session Start: fr des 02 00:00:02 2011
Session Ident:#Norway
[00:00] <xpfisk> u should be taught tolerance

[00:00] <xpfisk> in norwegian schools
[00:00] <xpfisk> so norwegian teens dont start killing

[00:00] <OldGnom-> fuck that
[00:00] <xpfisk> no
[00:00] <xpfisk> u must be educated as sheeps
[00:00] <xpfisk> lol
[00:00] <OldGnom-> fuck that

[00:00] <xpfisk> brainwashed by communists
[00:00] <xpfisk> lol
[00:00] <xpfisk> fuck fuck
[00:00] <OldGnom-> not more of that shit
[00:00] <xpfisk> u learned that from me

[00:00] <OldGnom-> that only promotes the losers in the society
[00:00] <xpfisk> fuck
[00:00] <OldGnom-> and losers is what keeps mankind behind
[00:00] <xpfisk> u want a more violent society?

[00:01] <xpfisk> where individuals kill each other at anger?
[00:01] <OldGnom-> survival of the fittest
[00:01] <xpfisk> norway is not a jungle
[00:01] <OldGnom-> no

[00:01] <OldGnom-> I dont want people killing each other
[00:01] <OldGnom-> but who cares
[00:01] <OldGnom-> I wasnt involved or anyone I'm related to
[00:02] <OldGnom-> death comes to each and everyone of us

[00:02] <xpfisk> we live in a jungle
[00:02] <xpfisk> but it is a psychological one
[00:02] <xpfisk> invisible forces put pressure on our minds
[00:02] <xpfisk> and we must keep an appearance of normality

[00:02] <xpfisk> to society laws
[00:02] <xpfisk> fuck that
[00:03] <xpfisk> i hate society and conformance
[00:03] <OldGnom-> only to those who wants to live in that society

[00:03] <xpfisk> it is hard to escape slavery of society laws
[00:03] <OldGnom-> only to those who wants to live in that society
[00:04] <xpfisk> u live
[00:04] <OldGnom-> take you for instance

[00:04] <xpfisk> deeply inside society
[00:04] <OldGnom-> you want to fit in by becoming rich
[00:04] <xpfisk> no no
[00:04] <xpfisk> take u
[00:04] <xpfisk> lol

[00:04] <xpfisk> u are in a more advanced society
[00:05] <OldGnom-> the only way I interact with society is that I'm a registered tax payer of Norway
[00:05] <OldGnom-> but within 10 years that will change

[00:05] <xpfisk> u have more degrees of freedom and self-development
[00:05] <xpfisk> norway is 150 years ahead of romania
[00:06] <xpfisk> both economically and as people mentality

[00:07] <xpfisk> i cannot wait 150 years to be given the opportunities i need
[00:07] <xpfisk> i must move to norway while i am alive
[00:07] <OldGnom-> why?
[00:07] <OldGnom-> you said earlier we sucked

[00:08] <xpfisk> why should i stay a shitty slaveass all my life?
[00:08] <xpfisk> all human beings want to evolve
[00:08] <OldGnom-> why do you want to be a shitty slaveass in Norway?

[00:08] <OldGnom-> for the money?
[00:08] <xpfisk> u have more respect for humans
[00:08] <OldGnom-> we do?
[00:08] <xpfisk> obviously
[00:08] <OldGnom-> humanity is what keeps mankind from evolving

[00:09] <xpfisk> lol
[00:09] <xpfisk> u contradict yourself
[00:09] <xpfisk> humans must stay humans
[00:09] <xpfisk> not become animals
[00:09] <OldGnom-> havent we always been animals?

[00:09] <xpfisk> mankind doesnt need to evolve
[00:09] <xpfisk> u want a dangerous thing
[00:09] <xpfisk> u want communism
[00:09] <xpfisk> to turn humans into animals

[00:09] <OldGnom-> I want the best from humans
[00:10] <OldGnom-> not to keep everybody on a medium
[00:10] <xpfisk> u cannot ask one human more that he can
[00:10] <OldGnom-> so that nobody feels left out

[00:10] <xpfisk> the first principle is to keep people alive
[00:10] <OldGnom-> then that humans has no place in society
[00:10] <xpfisk> and i think u dont agree with that

[00:10] <OldGnom-> and should not be threated equal
[00:11] <xpfisk> all ppl are equal before law
[00:11] <OldGnom-> but only be given minimum so that he can live a fulfilling life

[00:12] <OldGnom-> if we can pay people with mentally disabilities 5 NOK per hour to crush beer cans, why cant we pay the same to lazy people on welfare?
[00:12] <xpfisk> why give?
[00:12] <xpfisk> work or die

[00:13] <OldGnom-> yes
[00:13] <xpfisk> we are exponentially approaching a moment of truth
[00:13] <OldGnom-> for the greater good
[00:13] <xpfisk> where overpopulation will crush all principles of humanity and a survival unethical war will start

[00:13] <OldGnom-> work for the greater good for your country
[00:13] <OldGnom-> I will survive
[00:14] <xpfisk> u will be dead
[00:14] <xpfisk> or very old

[00:14] <xpfisk> i estimate it will start in 2050
[00:14] <OldGnom-> Norway is the biggest producer of ammonition in the world
[00:14] <xpfisk> your ammo is nothing
[00:14] <xpfisk> there will be h-bombs

[00:14] <OldGnom-> me
[00:15] <OldGnom-> no good using them on us
[00:15] <OldGnom-> you will only kill a couple of hundreds each time
[00:15] <xpfisk> alfred kaslter wrote a book

[00:15] <OldGnom-> better to nuke Bucuresti
[00:15] <xpfisk> he is a french physicist
[00:15] <OldGnom-> were you will kill millions!
[00:15] <xpfisk> he said hbombs will be used in africa

[00:15] <xpfisk> *alfred kastler
[00:16] <OldGnom-> cheaper to give them AIDS
[00:16] <xpfisk> !g alfred kastler h bombs africa
[00:16] <@DonnieD> 3,170 results | Famous Physicists @ | 1966 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia @ | East German Civics Textbook @

[00:16] <OldGnom-> there are some countries where 75% of the population has AIDS
[00:16] <xpfisk> Alfred Kastler 1902-1984 French discovered and developed optical methods for studying the Hertzian resonances that are produced when atoms interact with radio waves or microwaves

[00:16] <OldGnom-> mosambique or somewhere around there

[00:17] <@MorganS> URL: HIV/AIDS in Africa - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
[00:18] <xpfisk> what is your plan?
[00:18] <xpfisk> buy ammo
[00:18] <xpfisk> and food?

[00:18] <OldGnom-> doing nothing
[00:18] <xpfisk> and hide in a bunker?
[00:18] <OldGnom-> let everything sort itself out
[00:19] <xpfisk> i hope u know nothing will save u from the horrors of an unknown crazy destiny

[00:19] <xpfisk> in this dangerous life
[00:19] <OldGnom-> what could possibly happen?
[00:19] <xpfisk> money will not save u
[00:19] <OldGnom-> I dont care about money

[00:19] <xpfisk> paper money can become useless overnight
[00:19] * __Meee ( has joined #Norway

[00:19] <xpfisk> you are dead without money
[00:20] <OldGnom-> how?
[00:20] <xpfisk> no money for fodd
[00:20] <xpfisk> food
[00:20] <OldGnom-> I grow my own then

[00:23] <OldGnom-> you on the other hand, will fight for food in the garbage cans in Bucuresti and will be killed within 2 days
[00:23] <xpfisk> how can u grow ur food
[00:23] <xpfisk> no seeds

[00:23] <xpfisk> no water
[00:23] <xpfisk> and hungry neighbours greedy after your farm
[00:23] <OldGnom-> no water?!?
[00:24] <OldGnom-> it has been raining for 7 weeks straight now

[00:24] <OldGnom-> err
[00:24] <xpfisk> k
[00:24] <OldGnom-> 7 days
[00:24] <xpfisk> too much water is also bad
[00:24] <OldGnom-> drainage

[00:24] <OldGnom-> no problem
[00:24] <OldGnom-> seeds? no problem either
[00:24] <OldGnom-> neighbours?
[00:24] <OldGnom-> no problem there either
[00:24] <xpfisk> u live in a harsh environment up there in the mountains

[00:24] <xpfisk> no agriculture there
[00:24] <OldGnom-> just grow different crops and trade
[00:24] <OldGnom-> no?
[00:24] <xpfisk> but u can herd sheeps

[00:24] <OldGnom-> I grow garlic up here
[00:25] <OldGnom-> so not as hard as a pussy from Bucuresti predicts
[00:25] <xpfisk> u should move to sweden
[00:25] <xpfisk> more land for food there

[00:25] * norway33M ( Quit ( Ping timeout: 492 seconds )

[00:25] <@MorganS> URL: Bucharest - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
[00:25] <OldGnom->Ã…lesund#Climate

[00:25] <@MorganS> URL: Ålesund - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
[00:25] <OldGnom-> just a bit higher in summer in Bucuresti
[00:25] <OldGnom-> and possible alot colder
[00:25] <OldGnom-> and alot drier all round

[00:27] <OldGnom-> !vær bucuresti
[00:27] <VidarT> Bucuresti, Romania: mist and 27°F/-3°C
[00:27] * __Meee ( Quit ( Ping timeout: 483 seconds )

[00:27] <OldGnom-> !current bucuresti
[00:27] <VidarT> Bucuresti, Romania: mist and 27°F/-3°C | Heat Index: NA°F/NA°C | Winds Calm | Windchill: NA°F/NA°C | Pressure: 30.33in/1027mb | Humidity: 100% | Dew: 27°F/-3°C | Visiblity: 1.6mi/2.5km

[00:27] <OldGnom-> !current aes
[00:27] <VidarT> Vigra, Norway: light drizzle and 37°F/3°C | Heat Index: NA°F/NA°C | Winds From the SW at 33 MPH | Windchill: 24°F/-4°C | Pressure: 29.24in/990mb | Humidity: 81% | Dew: 32°F/0°C | Visiblity: 6.2mi/10.0km

[00:27] <xpfisk> Viagra, Norway?
[00:27] <OldGnom-> !current enov
[00:27] <VidarT> Hovden, Norway: light drizzle and 37°F/3°C | Heat Index: NA°F/NA°C | Winds From the SW at 33 MPH | Windchill: 24°F/-4°C | Pressure: 29.24in/990mb | Humidity: 81% | Dew: 32°F/0°C | Visiblity: 6.2mi/10.0km

[00:27] <xpfisk> u have a viagra village where all old men are fuckers?
[00:28] <xpfisk> we dont grow food in bucharest
[00:28] <OldGnom-> only shit
[00:28] <xpfisk> bucharest is covered by cement and asphalt

[00:28] <xpfisk> it is a hellhole
[00:28] <xpfisk> fully artificial
[00:28] <xpfisk> where people die slowly buying crap food from food city stores
[00:28] <xpfisk> it is a shit life

[00:29] <xpfisk> 3 million tired and sick people crowded
[00:29] <xpfisk> in a cement jungle
[00:29] <OldGnom-> !w berceni
[00:29] <@DonnieD> Berceni | Berceni can refer to: Berceni, a quarter in Bucharest, Romania. Berceni, a commune in Ilfov County. Berceni, a commune in Prahova County. Retrieved from "" Categories: Place name disambiguation pages. Hidden categories: All article disambiguation pages. All disambiguation pages. Article Feedback Blacklist. @

[00:29] <xpfisk> i used to live in berceni
[00:30] <xpfisk> its full of gypsies and poor romanians in tall communists blocks of apartments

[00:30] <xpfisk> sordid conditions
[00:30] <OldGnom-> where do you live now? Rahova?
[00:30] <xpfisk> no
[00:30] <OldGnom-> Giulesti?
[00:30] <xpfisk> no

[00:30] <OldGnom-> Ferentari?
[00:30] <xpfisk> no
[00:31] <xpfisk> i give u a hint
[00:31] <OldGnom-> giurgiului
[00:31] <xpfisk> let me look on map

[00:31] <OldGnom-> progresul!
[00:31] <xpfisk> lol
[00:31] <xpfisk> where do u get that shit from?
[00:32] <OldGnom-> so you live in Progresul!
[00:32] <xpfisk> no

[00:32] <OldGnom-> timpuri noi?
[00:33] <xpfisk> i am afraid to tell u where
[00:33] <xpfisk> u want to kill me
[00:33] <OldGnom-> cotroceni?
[00:33] <xpfisk> u were close

[00:33] <xpfisk> with giurgiului
[00:33] <xpfisk> luckily there are thousands of ppl here
[00:33] <xpfisk> so its hard to locate me
[00:33] <OldGnom-> oltenitei?

[00:33] <xpfisk> no
[00:34] <xpfisk> how do i pinpoint on google maps
[00:34] <xpfisk> so i can give u link
[00:35] <OldGnom-> rahova!
[00:36] <OldGnom-> 13 septembrie?

[00:36] <OldGnom-> you live somewhere in sector 5
[00:36] <OldGnom-> I'll just walk around in Google Streetview 'ill I find the same view as from your apartment
[00:36] <xpfisk> how do u know the same view?

[00:36] <xpfisk> show me the pic i sent

[00:37] <@MorganS> URL: My\ Saved\ Places\ -\ Google\ Maps
[00:37] <xpfisk> a close location
[00:37] <xpfisk> but not my exact location
[00:38] <xpfisk> just to give u an idea

[00:38] <xpfisk> do u see the blue pinpoint?
[00:38] <xpfisk> on that map
[00:38] <OldGnom-> multumesc
[00:43] ->> Connection closed from

[00:51] ->> You joined channel #Norway

[00:51] ->> Topic set by ShadowDog! on 23.11.2011 00:32:35
[00:51] ->> Channel Modes are: +tnl 56
[00:51] ->> Channel created on 23.04.2006 19:41:24

[00:57] <OldGnom-> no
[00:57] <OldGnom-> that would ruin the fun
[00:57] <OldGnom-> but we will visit you around easter
[00:57] <OldGnom-> expect us!
[00:58] <xpfisk> you're an idiot

[00:58] <xpfisk> show me what u got
[00:58] <xpfisk> i must move then
[00:58] <xpfisk> so u dont find me

[01:03] <@MorganS> URL: } { OB5582steinars kanal} { - YouTube} {
[01:07] <xpfisk> who made that video for oelen?
[01:07] <xpfisk> do u appear in it?
[01:07] <OldGnom-> dunno

[01:08] <OldGnom-> I appear here though
[01:08] <@MorganS> URL: Object moved

[01:09] <xpfisk> voldtekt?
[01:09] <xpfisk> wtf
[01:09] <xpfisk> u lied
[01:09] <xpfisk> stop joking
[01:10] * ZeRoW0lF ( has joined #Norway

[01:10] <OldGnom-> what voldtekt?
[01:10] <@MorganS> URL: Object moved

[01:10] <OldGnom-> 02:20
[01:10] <OldGnom-> guess who
[01:17] ->> You joined channel #Norway

[01:17] ->> Topic set by ShadowDog! on 23.11.2011 00:32:35
[01:17] ->> Channel Modes are: +tnl 56
[01:17] ->> Channel created on 23.04.2006 19:41:24

[01:24] * _zer0cool ( has joined #Norway
[01:31] ->> Connection closed from

[01:32] ->> Connection closed from
[01:33] ->> Connection closed from

[01:33] ->> Connection closed from

[01:37] ->> You joined channel #Norway

[01:37] ->> Topic set by ShadowDog! on 23.11.2011 00:32:35
[01:37] ->> Channel Modes are: +tnl 56
[01:37] ->> Channel created on 23.04.2006 19:41:24

[01:37] * Xcopy sets mode +l 59 for #Norway
[01:38] * john_cons (~v_beider@ Quit ( Ping timeout: 608 seconds )
[01:41] <xpfisk> they didnt interview u

[01:41] <xpfisk> maybe u were the tall guy pouring cement?/
[01:41] <xpfisk> u appear like 5 seconds?
[01:41] <xpfisk> or less
[01:41] <xpfisk> your 5 seconds of fame

[01:41] <xpfisk> lol
[01:41] <xpfisk> on national tv
[01:42] <xpfisk> u should be proud
[01:42] <xpfisk> tell me exact minute and second u appear
[01:43] <xpfisk> frames between 3'03" and 3'06" ?

[01:43] <xpfisk> u failed actor
[01:45] <OldGnom-> still
[01:45] <OldGnom-> better than you
[01:45] <xpfisk> ?
[01:45] <xpfisk> i am more famous

[01:45] <xpfisk> a true celebrity
[01:45] <xpfisk> compared to u
[01:45] <xpfisk> even in norway
[01:46] <xpfisk> i have the video to prove it
[01:46] <OldGnom-> must be because of your level of stupidity

[01:46] <xpfisk> who cares?
[01:46] <xpfisk> being known means cash
[01:46] <OldGnom-> wich is all you care about
[01:46] <xpfisk> all sorts of useless stupid people wait to appear on NRK

[01:46] <xpfisk> because they cannot do better
[01:47] <OldGnom-> and you have, in what way?
[01:47] <xpfisk> it's the same on all televisions in all countries
[01:47] <xpfisk> i have what?

[01:48] <xpfisk> tell me where do u appear
[01:48] <xpfisk> in that nrk video
[01:48] <xpfisk> what is Polarbase AS?
[01:48] <OldGnom-> I will, when you give me your exact adress in Bucuresti or your last name

[01:48] <xpfisk> :(
[01:48] <@allieL> hey
[01:49] <@allieL> ah coool
[01:49] <@allieL> got ops
[01:49] <xpfisk> beluga !!
[01:49] <@allieL> =)

[01:49] * allieL is now known as allie
[01:49] <@allie> hei
[01:49] <xpfisk> hei
[01:49] <@allie> fiskebolle?
[01:49] <xpfisk> nei
[01:49] <xpfisk> runkegutt

[01:49] <OldGnom->
[01:49] <@allie> jo for faen
[01:49] <@MorganS> URL: POLARBASE AS - Forsiden

[01:49] <xpfisk> ja

[01:49] <@allie> negerpikk
[01:50] <xpfisk> fitta
[01:50] <xpfisk> tjukk fitta
[01:50] <@allie> kan noen skaffe meg jobb i norge?
[01:50] <xpfisk> oedelegt kvinne

[01:50] <xpfisk> nei
[01:50] <xpfisk> du er dum
[01:50] <@MorganS> URL: POLARBASE AS - Sidevisning

[01:50] * xpfisk was kicked by allie (~aber@2001:470:dce3:0:20b:cdff:fe27:fc12) Reason (fag)
[01:50] * xpfisk (Mibbit@ has joined #Norway

[01:51] <xpfisk> dyke
[01:51] <@allie> nice try, chrisxp
[01:51] <xpfisk> :)
[01:51] <@allie> ok
[01:51] <@allie> so
[01:51] <@allie> anyway

[01:51] <@allie> whats up!
[01:51] * allie sets mode +o Outsider for #Norway
[01:52] <OldGnom-> same old
[01:52] <@allie> det er heftig
[01:53] <xpfisk> allie: SLUT AA SKRIVE NORSK!

[01:53] <xpfisk> du er amerikan
[01:53] <OldGnom-> og du er rumensk
[01:53] <xpfisk> ja
[01:53] <xpfisk> men jeg kan mer norsk
[01:53] <OldGnom-> poenget er?

[01:53] <xpfisk> ingen ting
[01:53] <@allie> det kan du faen ikke
[01:53] <@allie> din jaevla tiggerpikk
[01:53] <xpfisk> skal du hjelpe allie aa laere norsk, OldGnom- ?

[01:53] <@allie> kom deg ut av norge
[01:53] <OldGnom-> heller henne enn deg
[01:54] <xpfisk> allie: ja , jeg har TIGER dick
[01:54] <xpfisk> og jeg skal pule deg

[01:54] <OldGnom-> no wonder you never get laid
[01:54] <@allie> du onske
[01:54] <xpfisk> lol
[01:54] <xpfisk> jeg oensker aa pule allie
[01:54] <@allie> rumenerne forsopler norge

[01:55] <xpfisk> allie er ikke beluga
[01:55] <xpfisk> hun kan bra norsk
[01:55] * bjerge ( has joined #Norway

[01:55] <xpfisk> noe er rart
[01:55] <xpfisk> hva skjedde?
[01:56] <@allie> jeg skal faen meg grisejule deg din forpulte roma-same
[01:56] <xpfisk> har hun begynne aa laere bra norsk fra martin homser?

[01:56] * xpfisk was kicked by allie (~aber@2001:470:dce3:0:20b:cdff:fe27:fc12) Reason (xpfisk)
[01:56] * xpfisk (Mibbit@ has joined #Norway

[01:56] <@allie> lol u mad?
[01:56] <@allie> lol u mad?
[01:56] <xpfisk> allie: du skal lage mat for meg i jul 2011
[01:56] <@allie> lol u mad?
[01:56] <@allie> lol u mad?

[01:56] <@allie> lol u mad?
[01:56] <@allie> lol u mad?
[01:56] <@allie> lol u mad?
[01:56] <@allie> lol u mad?
[01:56] <@allie> lol u mad?

[01:56] <@allie> lol u mad?
[01:56] <@allie> lol u mad?
[01:57] <xpfisk> ja
[01:57] <xpfisk> jeg er skremt naa
[01:57] <xpfisk> er du fisk?

[01:57] <xpfisk> blblblblblb

[01:57] <@allie> hun skal lage mat til meg og jeg skal drite det ut i trynet ditt
[01:57] <xpfisk> friskusen paa restaurant
[01:57] <@allie> you will wish u had a can of fiskeboller

[01:57] <xpfisk> norsk humoer er daarlig
[01:57] <xpfisk> men jeg liker det
[01:57] <@allie> ja du gjor vel det
[01:57] <xpfisk> har du godt humoer, allie ?

[01:57] <@allie> pervert fuck
[01:58] <xpfisk> allie er Tjaden- !!!
[01:58] <xpfisk> horrible
[01:58] <@allie> laer deg norsk din neger
[01:58] <OldGnom-> nah

[01:58] <xpfisk> martin/
[01:58] <xpfisk> ?
[01:58] <OldGnom-> I think Martin is there
[01:58] <xpfisk> martin is a swedish idiot
[01:58] <@allie> u know no grammar bitch r u using google translate?

[01:58] <OldGnom-> no
[01:58] <OldGnom-> worse than a swede
[01:58] <OldGnom-> sørlending...
[01:58] <xpfisk> damn
[01:59] <@allie> LOL

[01:59] <xpfisk> allie: er du martin?
[01:59] <@allie> ahahahaha
[01:59] <@allie> nei
[01:59] <@allie> jeg er allie,
[01:59] <@allie> duh
[01:59] <xpfisk> nei

[01:59] <xpfisk> du kan norsk
[01:59] <@allie> jooo
[01:59] <xpfisk> du er ikke allie
[02:00] <@allie> jeg skal flytte til norge sa jeg kan selvfolgelig norsk

[02:00] <@allie> martin laerte meg det pa ett par timer
[02:00] <xpfisk> nei
[02:00] <@allie> jeg har mye iq og laerer fort
[02:00] <xpfisk> martin pulte deg

[02:00] <OldGnom-> hmmm
[02:00] <xpfisk> men han er dum
[02:00] <@allie> correction
[02:00] <@allie> martin IS fucking me
[02:00] <OldGnom-> so, how long is Martin staying?

[02:00] <xpfisk> lol
[02:00] <xpfisk> martin puler seg selv
[02:00] <@allie> lol
[02:00] <@allie> ircing during sex
[02:00] <@allie> ahahaha

[02:00] <xpfisk> martin er runkegutt dust idiot drittung
[02:01] <@allie> i enjoy it so much
[02:02] <xpfisk> du er sinnsyk
[02:02] <xpfisk> og pervers

[02:02] <xpfisk> drit og dra
[02:02] <xpfisk> fy faen
[02:02] <xpfisk> du hora
[02:02] <@allie> jeg kommer
[02:02] <OldGnom-> ma-ta ta-ma
[02:02] <@allie> HAHA

[02:02] <@allie> in reality
[02:02] <@allie> we are sitting here
[02:02] <OldGnom-> ma-ta sugi ta-ma
[02:02] <@allie> printing labels for our invites
[02:02] <xpfisk> and fucking

[02:02] <@allie> ....aaaaand
[02:02] <@allie> he just farted.
[02:02] <@allie> loudly.
[02:02] <@allie> and i bet its going to smell like shit in a few mins

[02:02] <xpfisk> you farted
[02:02] <@allie> yep
[02:02] <xpfisk> from vagina
[02:02] <@allie> hee just git yuo
[02:02] <@allie> reekjghr;jeg

[02:02] <@allie> haghqha
[02:02] <xpfisk> OldGnom-: who is allie ?
[02:03] <xpfisk> a stupid bitch?
[02:03] <xpfisk> cocksucking
[02:03] <xpfisk> white trash

[02:03] <xpfisk> crazy brown peruvian
[02:04] <OldGnom-> xpfisk: el cuy
[02:04] <@allie> he just tried kissing my belly button
[02:04] <@allie> but i didnt let him

[02:04] <@allie> but i didnt let him
[02:04] <@allie> now he is trying to molest my hesar
[02:05] <OldGnom-> horny southener
[02:05] <OldGnom-> all they care about is øl, rægår og bollemus

[02:05] <xpfisk> martin is ugly
[02:05] <OldGnom-> compared to you he is brad pitt
[02:06] * allie is now known as allieAFK
[02:07] <OldGnom-> ooooh
[02:07] <OldGnom-> guess what is happening now!

[02:07] <xpfisk> ooooooh
[02:07] <xpfisk> what?
[02:07] <xpfisk> a goat came by?
[02:07] <xpfisk> u will have sex with a talking goat, OldGnom- ?
[02:07] <OldGnom-> goats arent as common as in Bucuresti around here

[02:07] <OldGnom-> so no
[02:07] <xpfisk> we have no goats :(
[02:07] <OldGnom-> I was thinking more of allieAFK
[02:07] <xpfisk> i have no fuck
[02:08] <xpfisk> allie was not allie?

[02:08] <xpfisk> should we care?
[02:08] <xpfisk> about that beluga cunt?
[02:09] <xpfisk> u will get tired of her
[02:09] <xpfisk> stalking u
[02:09] <xpfisk> in vartdal

[02:10] * xpfisk (Mibbit@ Quit ( ajax IRC Client )
[02:13] * ZeRoW0lF ( Quit ( Read error: Connection reset by peer )

[02:21] * allieAFK is now known as allie
[02:21] <@allie> ok
[02:21] <@allie> back
[02:21] <@allie> jusst had some steamy hot sex
[02:21] <@allie> mmmmm

[02:21] <@allie> chrisxp u jelly?
[02:21] <@allie> i am allie
[02:21] <@allie> so fuck you
[02:23] <OldGnom-> wow
[02:23] <OldGnom-> almost 15 minutes!

[02:28] <@allie> lol
[02:28] <@allie> zhahahaha
[02:28] <@allie> martin's pride is hurting atm
[02:28] <OldGnom-> :D
[02:29] <@allie> so

[02:29] <@allie> whats going on
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[13:33] ->> You joined channel #Norway

[13:33] ->> Topic set by ShadowDog! on 23.11.2011 00:32:35
[13:33] ->> Channel Modes are: +tnl 53
[13:33] ->> Channel created on 23.04.2006 19:41:24

[14:01] * tjadroid ( has joined #Norway
[14:03] <tjadroid> ferdig. fikk fenalår og sølvpenn. På mandag kan jeg sove 30 minutter lenger.

[14:03] <tjadroid> !vær tromsø
[14:04] <tjadroid> !seen vidart
[14:09] ->> Connection closed from

[14:10] ->> Connection closed from

[14:17] ->> You joined channel #Norway

[14:17] ->> Topic set by ShadowDog! on 23.11.2011 00:32:35
[14:17] ->> Channel Modes are: +tnl 53
[14:17] ->> Channel created on 23.04.2006 19:41:24

[14:20] <OldGnom-> ooooh
[14:36] <@Outsider> john_cons: kan du vennligst forlate kanalen?
[14:37] <john_cons> hva har jeg gjort da?
[14:37] <john_cons> nazister

[14:37] <Indra_> hmm.
[14:37] <@Outsider> john_cons: du er bare ikke ønsket her, kan du forlate?
[14:38] <john_cons> innavla nazister
[14:39] <@Outsider> så forlat?

[14:39] <john_cons> norge burde vært nedlagt
[14:39] <john_cons> det er bare idioter der
[14:40] <john_cons> og ingen har peiling på folkeskikk
[14:41] <@Outsider> for det første så legger du ut om min kanal på den mest idiotiske bloggen jeg noen sinne har sett

[14:41] <@Outsider> for det andre så trakaserer du folk så det griner etter
[14:41] <@Outsider> for det tredje
[14:41] <@Outsider> Pia Ribsskog
[14:41] <@Outsider> Hei. Ja det er jeg. Han har lagt ut journalen sin fra psykiatrien i Vestfold på boggen sin, der står det vel noe sånt som paranoid psykose. Du finner den sikert på bloggen.

[14:41] <@Outsider> Pia Ribsskog
[14:41] <@Outsider> Ja han har plaget ganske mange, det er veldig leit at han holder på sånn. Det beste er å ikke svare på e-poster osv så han ikke får mer å skrive om.

[14:41] <@Outsider> så skal du vite at din familie er oppriktig flau over deg
[14:41] <@Outsider> kan du vennligst forlate?
[14:42] <john_cons> jeg har ingen familie, jeg har noen slektninger i norge som jeg har kutta ut

[14:42] <@Outsider> kan du forlate?
[14:42] <@Outsider> eller forstår du ikke spørsmålet?
[14:43] <john_cons> hva har jeg gjort for noe galt?
[14:43] <john_cons> jeg har jo ikke sagt et ord

[14:43] <@Outsider> les igjennom bloggen din så ser du hvor mange mennesker du har hengt ufrivillig ut, så finner du fort ut av hva du har gjort for noe galt
[14:43] <@Outsider> skal jeg lempe deg ut siden du ikke forstår spørsmålet?

[14:44] <@Outsider> eller kan du forlate og aldri vise deg her igjen så lenge du lever?
[14:44] <john_cons> idiot
[14:44] <john_cons> prat for deg selv
[14:44] <john_cons> du sier du prater for andre

[14:44] <john_cons> det er bare idioter som gjør det
[14:44] <@Outsider> du har ingen stemmerett her.