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Gmail - Water bill. (Customer Account Number: 409 563 4376)


Erik Ribsskog

Water bill. (Customer Account Number: 409 563 4376)

Erik Ribsskog

Sun, Apr 3, 2011 at 6:03 PM

Customer Services <>


I'm refering to your bill, from 28/3.

I have a payment-plan with you, on £25 a month.

I'm still unemployed, so I can't afford to pay the £134.56, that you want.

But I'm working on a web-shop, and applying for a lot of jobs, so I think I'm going to get more founds soon.

In the mean-time I can only offer to pay £25 a month, like I have been paying, the last months.

Hope this is alright!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

Her må man prøve å tenke rasjonelt, mener jeg. Er det kriminelt å brenne en koran, som man eier selv? Nei. Er det kriminelt å myrde? Ja, selvfølgelig

må tenke klart


For eksempel, da vi var ferdige med ungdomsskolen, på Svelvik Ungdomsskole, våren 1986 vel.

Så brant Rune Bingen, i klassen min, han brant salmeboka, husker jeg, (utafor Svelvik Samfunnshus, like ved Svelvik Ungdomsskole).

Skulle da Tore Allum fra Sand, (vår tidligere klasseforstander, på barneskolen, som var kristen).

Skulle han da dra hjem til Rune Bingen og drepe ham?

Nei, det skjedde ihvertfall ikke såvidt jeg vet.

Nei, kanskje Rune Bingen var djeveldyrker/illuminist, og derfor ikke likte salmeboka?

Hvem vet.

Men han har vel rett til å brenne salmeboka da.

(Siden han vel eide den selv, mener jeg).

Skulle man vel tro.

Så sånn er vel det.

Så vi får se hva som skjer.

Vi får se.


Erik Ribsskog

Nå kjøpte jeg domenet, i tilfelle jeg skal starte en potetgull-butikk også. Så vi får se om jeg får tid til det. Vi får se

Gmail - @


Erik Ribsskog
<> @


Sun, Apr 3, 2011 at 3:33 PM


Kjære Erik Ribsskog

Velkommen til og takk for at du valgte som din internettleverandør for domenet

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Jeg sendte en ny e-post til Solvit

Gmail - Oppdatering/Fwd: Problemer med ødeleggelse av merkenavn


Erik Ribsskog

Oppdatering/Fwd: Problemer med ødeleggelse av merkenavn

Erik Ribsskog

Sun, Apr 3, 2011 at 2:01 PM



nå har de Stabek-supporterne laget en ny 'reklame', med bilde av meg med en øks, osv.

Jeg ønsker ikke at de skal lage reklamer for min virksomhet, i det hele tatt.

Jeg synes det ødelegger for meg, når jeg prøver å bygge opp som en merkevare.

Så dette ser jeg gjerne at dere slår ned på.


Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: 2011/4/1
Subject: Problemer med ødeleggelse av merkenavn
To: Solvit Norway <>


jeg har kontaktet dere tidligere, angående at QXL nekta meg å selge Isbre-mint, fra England, på deres tjeneste.

Nå har jeg designet, og selger godteri fra England der.

Noen Bærumsfolk ødelegger merkenavnet mitt, ved at de har laget en 'døll' reklame, for å få min nettbutikk til å se dum ut.

(Jeg lurer på om det er CIA, for jeg har en arbeidssak mot Microsoft, og ble nektet innreise i USA, i 2005, uten noen god grunn.

Jeg er kongelig etter min mormor, Ingeborg Ribsskog f. Heegaard, (som var danskfødt, men norsk statsborger, og mine andre besteforeldre var norske), som var direkte etter Løvenbalk, så kanskje det er derfor?).

Politiet i Norge, Sverige og Danmark nekter å ta imot mine anmeldelser.

Og politiet her på Merseyside, kaller meg 'Miss Erik Ribsskog', så jeg synes det blir for nedverdigende, å ha noe særlig med de å gjøre.

Så da sender jeg dette til dere.

Link til nettsted:

Den reklamen, (jeg sender også med skjermbilde), er noe de har laget for å få, til å se døll ut vil jeg si.

Jeg gikk markedsføringslinja, på handel og kontor, det andre året på videregående, på Sande VGS., så dette med markedsføring skjønner jeg meg på egentlig.

Jeg regner markedsføring for å være en av mine nøkkelferdigheter.

Så dette tørr jeg si helt sikkert, at dette er for å ødelegge mitt merkenavn.

Jeg har også hatt markedføring på universitetsnivå, på NHI.

(De bruker også et bilde av meg, som jeg har rettighetene til, uten min tilatelse).

Kan dere skyte de bærums-sossene, eller ihvertfall få dem til å fjerne de sossete pailabbene sine fra meg og mine virksomheter?

Si at hvis de ikke slutter så skal jeg stappe et sånt pyro-rør, som de har, opp i ræva på dem, (og tenne på).

Litt for tull, men det forklarer litt hvor mye disse kødder.

De prøvde også å lure meg med en aprilsnarr sendt fra PST, i dag.

Så disse er veldig dedikerte (CIA-spioner e.l.), for å ødelegge for meg, virker det som.

Så dette ser jeg gjerne at dere rydder opp i.

Det er bare sosser ute i Bærum, (for å tulle litt), så de kan dere kanskje banke røde og blå, eller hvilke farger Stabæk spiller i igjen.


Erik Ribsskog

2 attachments
ødelegger merkenavn.JPG
ny epost solvit.JPG


Her er vedlegget:

ny epost solvit

Enda mer fra #blablatemp

Session Start: Sun Apr 03 00:38:33 2011
Session Ident:#blablatemp
[00:38] * Einstein2 sets mode -b *!* for #blablatemp

[01:40] * rubena ( has joined #blablatemp
[01:40] <rubena> so i guess your landlord will deliver your goodbye gift today

[01:41] <rubena> maybe he will deliver your rights?
[01:43] * rubena ( Quit ( Client Quit )

[03:12] * rubena ( has joined #blablatemp
[03:13] <rubena> is it correct that you are not making any plans for where to live after tomorrow?

[03:25] <@cons_> yeah i plan to live here
[03:25] <@cons_> what is this
[03:25] <@cons_> are you a reporter?
[03:26] <@cons_> why do you bring up this again and again?

[03:26] * rubena was kicked by cons_ ( Reason (get a life)
[03:27] * cons_ sets mode +b *!* for #blablatemp


Noen mener at jødene tok et statskupp, i Norge, i 1945.

Det skulle ikke forrundre meg, sånn som jeg blir behandla av nordmenna.

Dem bare sitter på bakendene sine, og ser på at jeg blir kødda med av briter, og det som er.

Er det sånn at ingen i Norge har kontroll?

Hvem vet.

Det virker ihvertfall sånn for meg, når jeg gjerne vil ha rettighetene mine.

At i Norge, så er det bare spioner og rask som styrer, virker det som.

Men men.

Så sånn er nok det.


Erik Ribsskog

PS 2.

Her er mer om dette:

statskupp 1945

Mer fra #blablatemp

Session Start: Sat Apr 02 00:20:07 2011
Session Ident:#blablatemp
[00:20] * Wizz0 was kicked by cons_ ( Reason (idle)

[04:55] * gakjeir ( has joined #blablatemp
[04:55] <gakjeir> hei
[04:56] <gakjeir> det er jo lørdag i dag

[04:56] <gakjeir> og på mandag blir du kastet ut, som kjent
[04:56] <gakjeir> to dager igjen
[04:56] <gakjeir> i morgen kommer vel han Kieron med en avskjedsgave
[04:56] <gakjeir> har du fortsatt lapp på døren?

[04:57] <gakjeir> har politiet hentet den nye øksen ennå?
[04:58] <gakjeir> Kieron skrev vel at du måtte tømme leiligheten og vaske osv.
[04:58] <gakjeir> og være ute i tide

[04:59] <gakjeir> kommer du til å gå ut frivillig på mandag?
[04:59] <gakjeir> eller vil du la politiet bære deg ut?
[05:00] <gakjeir> jeg antar at hvis du ikke fjerner tingene dine selv, så vil kieron leie noen til å fjerne og kaste alt innboet ditt

[05:00] <gakjeir> husk å få med deg laptopen når du går, hvertfall ;-)
[05:01] <gakjeir> hvor skal du sover når det lir mot kvelden på mandag?
[05:01] <gakjeir> er det for kaldt til å sove i parker osv. i liverpool nå?

[05:02] <gakjeir> du er Erik Ribsskog!
[05:03] <gakjeir> Alle tiders Erik Ribsskog!
[05:04] <gakjeir> Hipp hipp!
[05:04] <gakjeir> Litt respekt for Erik Ribsskog!

[05:05] * gakjeir ( Quit ( Quit: (EOF) )
[10:17] * gorg ( has joined #blablatemp

[10:18] <gorg> Hei c. I morgen er det den tredje, var det ikke da Mr. Grimes kom innom med avskjedsgave?
[10:18] <gorg> Hva er det, mon tro
[10:18] <gorg> Marsipankake?

[11:15] <gorg> Risperdal?
[11:24] <gorg> Abonnement på Gaylord Online?
[11:59] * cons_ sets mode +b *!* for #blablatemp

[11:59] * gorg was kicked by cons_ ( Reason (gorg)
[13:46] * Quizzie2 ( Quit ( Ping timeout: 244 seconds )

[14:00] * Einstein2 sets mode -b *!* for #blablatemp
[20:53] * rubena ( has joined #blablatemp

[20:53] <rubena> Israel?
[20:53] <@cons_> hva med israel?
[20:53] <rubena> You're not popular there
[20:54] <@cons_> oh?
[20:54] <@cons_> i have never been there

[20:54] <@cons_> so that seems strange
[20:54] ->> rubena is ([585878da] I <3 EFnet)

[20:54] ->> rubena is on: #blablatemp
[20:54] ->> rubena using (slower traffic keep right)
[20:54] ->> rubena :End of /WHOIS list.

[20:54] <rubena> but it's not really
[20:55] <rubena> You're a well known Israel hater, on the Internet
[20:55] <@cons_> i can't say i'm an israel hater

[20:55] <rubena> but why do you hate Jews/Israel/zionism?
[20:56] <@cons_> well i'm trying to find out what zionism is
[20:56] <@cons_> i'm writing about 'world-zionism'

[20:56] <rubena> see, there you go again
[20:56] <rubena> that's anti-semitic
[20:56] <@cons_> well, i haven't invented that term
[20:57] <@cons_> is it anti-semitic to mention world sionism?

[20:57] <rubena> yes
[20:57] <@cons_> well for the first it's freedom of speach
[20:57] <@cons_> i'm trying to understand what that term means
[20:57] <@cons_> that has nothing to do with rasism

[20:57] <rubena> why are you in doubt?
[20:58] <@cons_> well it's not in my vocabulary
[20:58] <@cons_> we didn't learn at school in norway
[20:58] <@cons_> about what sionism

[20:58] <@cons_> or world-sionism
[20:58] <@cons_> means
[20:58] <rubena> "Zionism (Hebrew: ×¦×™×•× ×•×ªâ€Ž, Tsiyonut) is a Jewish political movement that, in its broadest sense, has supported the self-determination of the Jewish people in a sovereign Jewish national homeland"

[20:58] <@cons_> ok i'm not against that
[20:58] <@cons_> but i see the guaridan using the term 'world-zionism'
[20:58] <rubena> you write a lot about Jews and Zionism at your blog

[20:59] <@cons_> so i'm wondering what that's about
[20:59] <@cons_> not really that much
[20:59] <@cons_> i write about the illuminati and everything
[20:59] <@cons_> i'm just trying to understand what's going on

[20:59] <@cons_> i'm not writing in a bombastic way
[20:59] <rubena> why do you write about the Illuminati?
[20:59] <@cons_> so i'm not a hater or anything
[21:00] <@cons_> why this and why that

[21:00] <@cons_> there's freedom of speach isn't it?
[21:00] <@cons_> but you shouldn't worry in israel
[21:00] <rubena> i'm not sure
[21:00] <@cons_> i'm not a jew-hater or anything

[21:00] <@cons_> i'm not writing in a bombastic way
[21:00] <@cons_> i'm just trying to find out what's going on
[21:00] <@cons_> in the world
[21:01] <@cons_> i'm not that interested in the midle-east to be honest

[21:01] <@cons_> never been there
[21:01] <@cons_> the closest is cyprus
[21:01] <@cons_> so i'm sorry if i've offended anyone in israel
[21:01] <@cons_> i haven't meant to do that

[21:01] <rubena> You spent your childhood in Yugoslavia, right?
[21:01] <@cons_> my blog is mostly a norwegian project really
[21:01] <@cons_> no
[21:01] <@cons_> i was there for two week a summer-holiday, the summer i was 10 years

[21:02] <@cons_> i've lived in norway all my life
[21:02] <rubena> and now you're about 50 or so?
[21:02] <@cons_> (except for the latest 5 years or so)
[21:02] <@cons_> no, i'm 40 y.o.

[21:02] <@cons_> who are you rubena?
[21:02] <rubena> Rubena
[21:02] <@cons_> ok
[21:02] <rubena> a native of
[21:02] <rubena> the USA

[21:03] <@cons_> okey, i see you use a norwegian ISP
[21:03] <rubena> that's right
[21:03] <@cons_> if i'm not mistaking
[21:03] <rubena> now i live in norway

[21:03] <@cons_> ok
[21:03] <@cons_> rubena is a female name, is that right?
[21:03] <rubena> yes
[21:04] <@cons_> ok, well i don't hate anyone really, i'm just trying to get my rights really

[21:04] <@cons_> ok,
[21:04] <rubena> do you have children?

[21:04] <@cons_> no, why?
[21:04] <rubena> do you want children?
[21:05] <@cons_> are these some kind of threats?
[21:05] <rubena> ?
[21:05] <rubena> why would they be threats?

[21:06] <@cons_> ok, you changed the subject a bit fast that's all
[21:06] <@cons_> it's not so easy on the net
[21:06] <rubena> i came to think of baby names, because of the link i posted

[21:06] <@cons_> oh ok
[21:07] <@cons_> well i guess, sometime in the future if i find a wife and have a job and a house, or at least a flat
[21:07] <rubena> do you think you would be a good father?

[21:08] <@cons_> why these personal questions?
[21:08] <@cons_> have you been drinking?
[21:08] <rubena> no
[21:08] <rubena> i don't drink
[21:08] <rubena> I'm very religious

[21:08] <@cons_> ok, are you a muslim?
[21:08] <rubena> no
[21:08] <@cons_> ok, you are jewish?
[21:08] <rubena> yeah
[21:08] <@cons_> ok

[21:09] <@cons_> i don't think i've chatted with many jews before
[21:09] <@cons_> so that's a new experience for me
[21:09] <@cons_> there aren't that many jews in norway

[21:09] <@cons_> but there are many muslims
[21:09] <rubena> you have written on your blogs that you are persecuted by the Jews. Maybe that's the reason
[21:10] <@cons_> well i don't think i've written that in a bombastic way

[21:10] <@cons_> but maybe i've been wondering what's going on
[21:10] <rubena> i've read it
[21:10] <rubena> that's really anti-semitic
[21:10] <@cons_> ok sorry then

[21:10] <@cons_> i don't know that many jews, so i don't mean to be inpolite, or hurt
[21:10] <rubena> what *is* really going on, did you find out eventually?
[21:10] <@cons_> no

[21:11] <@cons_> i have the order of st. john
[21:11] <@cons_> in my fathers new family
[21:11] <@cons_> so it could be them who are following me as well
[21:11] <@cons_> i can't say for sure unfortunately

[21:11] <rubena> why would they follow you?
[21:11] <rubena> Order of St. John nowadays is a religious fringe group, afaik
[21:11] <@cons_> maybe because the couldn't control me as a child

[21:11] <@cons_> i'm wondering
[21:12] <@cons_> ok, i guess it could be the illuminati or something
[21:12] <rubena> why would they want to control you as a child?

[21:12] <rubena> that sounds paranoid
[21:12] <@cons_> well, my mother sent me to my father when i was nine years old
[21:12] <@cons_> and then my father let me live alone from i was nine years old

[21:13] <@cons_> so something must have been going on
[21:13] <rubena> what has that got to do with the Order of St John?
[21:13] <@cons_> i also remember strange episodes

[21:13] <@cons_> well my father found a new woman, and her daughters half-brother is in that order
[21:13] <@cons_> and i had to read about it in a newspaper-archive
[21:13] <@cons_> to find out

[21:13] <@cons_> noone has told me
[21:14] <@cons_> so i almost got shock when i found out
[21:14] <rubena> do you think they should have told you?
[21:14] <@cons_> and i'm wondering what this is about

[21:14] <@cons_> well yes, it shouldn't be in the way that one find out about things like this, unexpetedly, in a newspaper archive, i think
[21:15] <@cons_> it shows somethings wrong in my family at least

[21:15] <@cons_> but the reason i ran from norway
[21:15] <@cons_> was because i overheard i was followed by the 'mafian' in oslo in 2003 and 2004
[21:15] <@cons_> and i was attempted to be killed, in larvik, in 2005

[21:15] <rubena> Is this your diagnosis that's posted here:
[21:15] <@cons_> so after that i've been in the uk

[21:16] <@cons_> well it's not a real diagnose
[21:16] <@cons_> just a working-diagnose
[21:16] <@cons_> i've compained to 'helsedirektoratet' in norway

[21:16] <@cons_> about it
[21:16] <@cons_> it's just a lot of non-sense really
[21:16] <rubena> you don't believe in it?
[21:17] <rubena> you're right and they're wrong?

[21:17] <@cons_> no, noone has told me i have a diagnose
[21:17] <@cons_> they can't just say 5 or 6 years later that i have a diagnose
[21:17] <@cons_> and she also gets a lot of facts about me wrong

[21:17] <rubena> and you'll be homeless by monday, right?
[21:17] <rubena> what are you going to do then?
[21:17] <@cons_> writes i'm 24 years old, while i'm 34 years old, etc

[21:18] <@cons_> well, i'm not really, my landlord can't just throw me out without a possessioning-order
[21:18] <rubena> how do you know?
[21:18] <@cons_> well i've read up about this on the net etc

[21:19] <rubena> they were quite clear on that from what i've read, viz., they are going to evict you forcefully on monday if you don't leave
[21:20] <@cons_> well anyhow, then won't have the law on their side, because the law is clear, they need a possesstion order

[21:20] <rubena> even if they don't have the law on their side, bottom line is, you will have nowhere to live, right?
[21:20] <@cons_> well, i don't take my landlord that seriously

[21:21] <@cons_> they have threaten to throw me out earlier
[21:21] <rubena> i can tell
[21:21] <@cons_> last year
[21:21] <@cons_> and nothing happened

[21:21] <rubena> why did they back off then?
[21:21] <@cons_> and they also lie all the time
[21:21] <@cons_> i don't remember
[21:21] <@cons_> after a time you stop taking companies like that seriously

[21:21] <@cons_> after so and so many lies
[21:22] <@cons_> so i'd say that's a hoax
[21:22] <@cons_> the way i see it
[21:22] <rubena> do you want to continue living there?

[21:22] <@cons_> so i don't really take it that seriously unfortunately
[21:22] <@cons_> well i haven't got anywhere else to live
[21:22] <@cons_> so i haven't got much choice the way i see it

[21:22] <rubena> you haven't been looking for a new place
[21:22] <rubena> ?
[21:23] <@cons_> i'm also trying to set up a business here
[21:23] <@cons_> no, like i'm trying to explain

[21:23] <@cons_> that landlord-company can't be taken seriously
[21:23] <@cons_> because they're lieing all the time
[21:23] <@cons_> i have to stand up for my rights i think

[21:24] <rubena> on that, i agree
[21:24] <rubena> it's really nice talking to you
[21:24] <@cons_> yeah the same
[21:25] <@cons_> so i hope you have a nice saturday night

[21:25] <rubena> do you think you will get your rights at some point?
[21:25] <@cons_> well i haven't given up at least
[21:25] <@cons_> i'll try to write less about jews and israel etc

[21:25] <@cons_> i worked for microsoft some years ago
[21:26] <@cons_> and sometimes we got calls from israel
[21:26] <@cons_> when it was overflow on the hebrew line

[21:26] <@cons_> so i remember i spoke with many nice israelian women
[21:26] <rubena> oh, a flirtatious johncons
[21:26] <@cons_> but the men where more aggressive i think

[21:26] <@cons_> no i wasn't flirting
[21:27] <@cons_> but in norway we sometimes have a tone like that
[21:27] <@cons_> nice or jolly or something
[21:27] <rubena> i see

[21:27] <@cons_> :)
[21:27] <rubena> norway is quite new to me
[21:27] <@cons_> ok, what brought to norway then
[21:27] <@cons_> if it's ok to ask
[21:27] <@cons_> work i guess

[21:27] <rubena> yes
[21:28] <@cons_> ok, is it ok to ask what you work with
[21:28] <rubena> as a barber
[21:28] <@cons_> oh
[21:28] <@cons_> ok i found it hard finding good barbers in oslo

[21:28] <@cons_> but the british ones are good i think
[21:28] <@cons_> or maybe i was the problem
[21:29] <@cons_> in norway i have to say 'short' or 'long' hair

[21:29] <@cons_> but in the uk
[21:29] <@cons_> i say 'number 4'
[21:29] <@cons_> and then they get the hair right all the time
[21:29] <@cons_> i don't think i can say 'number 4' in oslo

[21:29] <@cons_> but anyway
[21:29] <@cons_> not that important perhaps
[21:29] <@cons_> i'm working on my webshop now
[21:30] <@cons_> so maybe i should get that done before it's to late

[21:30] <@cons_> but it was very nice chatting with you
[21:30] <rubena> yes, you too
[21:30] <rubena> good bye
[21:30] <@cons_> feel free to chat more here at a later time if you want

[21:30] <@cons_> yep,
[21:30] <rubena> sure
[21:30] <@cons_> nice speaking you!
[21:30] <@cons_> bye!
[21:30] * rubena ( has left #blablatemp

[21:30] <@cons_> i'll try to write less bad about israel etc
[21:31] <@cons_> even if i'll use my freedom of speach, if that's ok
[22:34] * nils- ( has joined #blablatemp

[22:35] <nils-> Hei cons, ville bare tilby deg å ta backup av bloggen nå før 4. april
[22:36] * cons_ sets mode +b *!* for #blablatemp

[22:36] * nils- was kicked by cons_ ( Reason (nils-)