mandag 26. mars 2012

Jeg sendte feedback til MAS

Gmail - To Steven, Feed-back on painting

Erik Ribsskog

To Steven, Feed-back on painting

Erik Ribsskog


Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 1:13 PM

masl65bj <>


today one of the paintes started an argument, in my room.

(They said I could go to my room, and that they were finished, but then one of them came back later to use some wood-paste on the window, and he started to argue, when he came in to my room).

He said he'd been speaking with Steven.

And that it wasn't right I hadn't been told about the painting.

Since he told me on Friday, that they'd paint my room today.

But they started painting downstairs on Monday.

My complaint was that noone had informed me about that the house was going to be painted at all.

Noone had informed me that my room was part of the painting-project, I had to ask.

(It's a bit like the candid camery I think, when suddently someone are painting everywhere and you haven't been told).

This is just feed-back.

I don't want to complain since MAS is a charity.

But I'm just trying to give feed-back.

Hope this is alright!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog


Norge ligger jo på sotteseng.

Dere hjelper ikke deres landsmenn, men lar britene kødde med meg.

Dere står ikke opp.

Dere bare ligger på sotteseng.

Det er ynkelig synes jeg.

God bedring landsmenn.

Erik Ribsskog