søndag 18. mars 2012

Mer fra #Norway

Session Start: sø mar 18 00:00:10 2012
Session Ident:#Norway
[00:00] <HypnoToad> we're drawing penises.. it's fun
[00:00] <OldGnom> !time jokkmokk
[00:00] <Theisen> Jokkmokk, Sweden: March 18, 1:00 AM CET

[00:00] <OldGnom> !time bucuresti
[00:00] <Theisen> Bucuresti, Romania: March 18, 2:00 AM EET
[00:00] <OldGnom> !time lima pe
[00:00] <Theisen> Lima, Peru: March 17, 7:00 PM PET

[00:01] <HypnoToad> !time kvikkjokk
[00:01] <Theisen> Kvikkjokk, Sweden: March 18, 1:01 AM CET
[00:07] <chrisxp> can i at least see?
[00:07] <chrisxp> the end product

[00:07] <@Meowlant> !current LKN
[00:07] <Theisen> Leknes, Norway: Cloudy and 32°F/0°C | Heat Index: NA°F/NA°C | Winds From the West at 18 MPH | Windchill: 21°F/-5°C | Pressure: 29.53in/1000mb | Humidity: 76% | Dew: 24°F/-3°C | Visiblity: 6.2mi/10.0km

[00:07] <chrisxp> of your cretin efforts
[00:07] <OldGnom> !current bgn
[00:07] <Theisen> Bruggen Air Base, Germany: Clear and 48°F/9°C | Heat Index: NA°F/NA°C | Winds From the South at 10 MPH | Windchill: NA°F/NA°C | Pressure: 29.92in/1013mb | Humidity: 82% | Dew: 43°F/6°C | Visiblity: 6.2mi/10.0km

[00:07] <chrisxp> FUCK NORWAY
[00:07] <OldGnom> fuck you
[00:10] <chrisxp> you are fat
[00:10] <chrisxp> you dont care
[00:10] <chrisxp> fat and round and nice

[00:10] <chrisxp> dumb and lucky
[00:12] <chrisxp> I WANT TO DRAW A PENIS , TOO !!! :((((((((
[00:12] <chrisxp> but zuckerberg doesnt let me
[00:12] <+Warlord_> chrisxp: say no to .no

[00:12] <HypnoToad> oldgnom was useless.. he only drew shitty animals nobody could guess
[00:12] <chrisxp> OldGnom respects himself
[00:12] <chrisxp> he would never draw a penis

[00:13] <chrisxp> HypnoToad: did gnom draw me?
[00:13] <HypnoToad> yes
[00:13] <HypnoToad> when he drew a penis
[00:13] <chrisxp> i guess u can send a link to fb pic = drawing?

[00:13] * ManOfIce (mirc@d150-220-8.cust.tele12.it) has left #Norway
[00:13] <chrisxp> so i can see
[00:13] <chrisxp> plz show me your efforts

[00:13] <HypnoToad> im out of the game
[00:13] <chrisxp> allie: ?
[00:13] <chrisxp> allie: plz
[00:14] <chrisxp> show me art
[00:14] <chrisxp> idiotic new age art

[00:14] <chrisxp> from the age of facebook grown up kids
[00:28] * m0nde (63ffe489@webchat.xs4all.nl) Quit ( http://webchat.xs4all.nl (EOF) )

[00:29] * allie (~aber@ Quit ( Ping timeout: 258 seconds )
[00:30] * allie (~aber@ has joined #Norway

[00:30] * chrisxp (Mibbit@ Quit ( http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client )
[00:35] * Commando sets mode +l 53 for #Norway

[00:37] * allie (~aber@ Quit ( Ping timeout: 258 seconds )
[00:42] * Meowlant (~chatzilla@ti0152a380-2980.bb.online.no) Quit ( Ping timeout: 258 seconds )

[00:48] * Meowlant (~chatzilla@ti0152a380-2980.bb.online.no) has joined #Norway
[00:51] <OldGnom> jeje

[00:51] <@MorganS> URL: } { Combichrist - This Is My Rifle - Sgt. Hartman Mix} { - YouTube} {
[00:52] <Meowlant> LOL
[00:52] <Meowlant> supernatural: or in tromsoe. WHERE THE HELL IS TROMSOE. Norway you moron!!

[00:52] <CCCP_USSR> im making pizza
[00:52] <CCCP_USSR> meow
[00:53] <CCCP_USSR> also i ordered some dj equipment

[00:53] <CCCP_USSR> i am excited for it to get here
[00:53] <OldGnom> cool
[00:54] <OldGnom> nå er det snart kveld

[00:54] <CCCP_USSR> 17:53 <@kexxey> most norwegians are assholes on the net
[00:54] <OldGnom> vil tro vi har kvalitetsikra promillemåleren nok til at vi kan bruke den på jobb

[00:54] * subsub (indigo@cmb2-250.dial-up.arnez.si) has joined #Norway
[00:56] <OldGnom> tell him to come here

[01:01] <@MorganS> URL: No title found.
[01:05] * subsub (indigo@cmb2-250.dial-up.arnez.si) has left #Norway

[01:13] * subsub (indigo@cmb2-250.dial-up.arnez.si) has joined #Norway

[01:20] <@MorganS> URL: } { [Epic Fail] Narrow Mountain Snowmobile Hill Climb *w/ Music} { - YouTube} {
[01:23] * subsub (indigo@cmb2-250.dial-up.arnez.si) has left #Norway

[01:33] <@ShadowDog> 18.10: En Up-patrulje på motorsykkel stopper en bilist i hundresonen på E 18. Bilisten måles til 142,84 kilometer i timen, noe som nesten imponerer Up-patruljen.
[01:33] <@ShadowDog> :/

[01:33] <@ShadowDog> – Patruljen var forbauset over at en Volkswagen Transporter pickup kunne kjøre så fort, sier operasjonsleder Hans Petter Osaland ved Agder politidistrikt.
[01:34] <Meowlant> hahahah

[01:56] * goldielox (ore83@78-25-36.ip.zebry.lt) has joined #Norway
[02:11] * goldielox (ore83@78-25-36.ip.zebry.lt) has left #Norway

[02:13] <Meowlant> ::
[02:30] * Meowlant (~chatzilla@ti0152a380-2980.bb.online.no) Quit ( Ping timeout: 258 seconds )
[02:48] * goldielox (ore83@78-25-36.ip.zebry.lt) has joined #Norway

[02:57] * goldielox (ore83@78-25-36.ip.zebry.lt) has left #Norway
[03:20] <CCCP_USSR> pizza sauce is cooking
[03:32] * MANofHONO (MANofHONO@ has joined #Norway

[03:33] <MANofHONO> hola
[03:34] <MANofHONO> ann-helen, new here?
[03:35] <Ann-Helen> sort of
[03:36] <MANofHONO> you are from norway?
[03:36] <Ann-Helen> yep

[03:36] <MANofHONO> can't sleep?
[03:38] <cons_away> anne på landet tissa i spannet sier jeg
[03:39] <MANofHONO> ?
[03:39] <cons_away> hørt den?
[03:39] ->> You are now known as _cons_

[03:39] <_cons_> its a norwegian ryme
[03:39] <MANofHONO> ok
[03:39] <_cons_> anne from the land pissed in the span
[03:40] <MANofHONO> its anne or helen, didnt get that.

[03:40] <Ann-Helen> "span"? :p lol
[03:40] <_cons_> means one should be carefull with women named anne i guess
[03:40] <Ann-Helen> good thing I'm not named Anne

[03:40] <_cons_> for det er så stor forskjell på anne og ann
[03:40] <MANofHONO> so whats your name?
[03:40] <_cons_> men men
[03:41] <_cons_> helen is greek i think

[03:41] <Ann-Helen> Ann-Helen
[03:41] <Ann-Helen> klart, forskjell er forskjell
[03:41] <Ann-Helen> Ann is hebrew and Helen is greek
[03:41] <_cons_> so your jewish-greek

[03:41] <Ann-Helen> of course
[03:41] <_cons_> kind of
[03:41] <MANofHONO> i am jewish
[03:42] <_cons_> guss is the way the old people warned about anne/jewish women

[03:42] <_cons_> with that ryme
[03:42] <Ann-Helen> lol
[03:42] <_cons_> in norway
[03:42] <_cons_> like never trust an anne shes going to piss in your well or something

[03:42] <MANofHONO> there is antishmitisem there?
[03:43] <Ann-Helen> yes, there is antisemitism. many muslims here ;p
[03:43] <_cons_> well, a class-mate of mine, named frode

[03:43] <_cons_> he told me he'd found a book on the loft from before the war with the work 'jødelort' in it
[03:44] <Ann-Helen> frode, frode, pissa i kommode
[03:44] <MANofHONO> i see

[03:44] <_cons_> jødelort meaning jewish shit
[03:44] <_cons_> something like that
[03:44] <MANofHONO> your mother is jewish?
[03:44] <Ann-Helen> I don't think the common Norwegian is an antisemitist though

[03:45] <MANofHONO> i see
[03:46] <_cons_> well the jewish philosofer rudolf hess sais that's the whole history is a war between the jews and the arians
[03:46] <MANofHONO> i am jewish by defenition but i look like polish or russian man.

[03:46] <_cons_> so i wonder a bit if its the other way around
[03:46] <Ann-Helen> are you hot?
[03:46] <Ann-Helen> jk ;p
[03:46] <MANofHONO> maybe but i am 40.

[03:47] <Ann-Helen> I see
[03:47] <MANofHONO> you must be young

[03:47] <Ann-Helen> nah, mid-twenties
[03:47] <@MorganS> URL: Värstingen &#8211; intervju med sionistkritikern Lasse Wilhelmson | Lasse Wilhelmson
[03:48] <MANofHONO> thats young

[03:48] <Ann-Helen> yay
[03:48] <MANofHONO> look lovely?
[03:48] <_cons_> also what about the jews who protest against the other jews
[03:48] <_cons_> thats a bit strange isn't it

[03:49] <_cons_> the amish ones
[03:49] <_cons_> or what they're called
[03:49] <Ann-Helen> huh, ashkenazis?
[03:49] <Ann-Helen> amish = christian
[03:49] <_cons_> nope

[03:49] <MANofHONO> amish are christian
[03:49] <_cons_> the ones who protest against the ashkenazis
[03:49] <Ann-Helen> orthodox?
[03:50] <MANofHONO> ashkenzis is europian jews

[03:50] <Ann-Helen> yep
[03:50] <Ann-Helen> and most jews are ashkenazis
[03:51] <MANofHONO> ann-helen you are the second angel i found today...strange day indeed.
[03:51] <_cons_> the ashenazis weren't really a jewish people but they converted to jewism in the middle ages

[03:51] * carl_ (roqqa@217-20-120-56.internetssurviceteam.com) has joined #Norway
[03:51] <MANofHONO> are you blondy?
[03:51] <_cons_> after they were thrown out of kiev by the vikings

[03:51] <_cons_> i think it was
[03:53] <MANofHONO> i thought norway is jewless.
[03:53] <Ann-Helen> almost
[03:53] <MANofHONO> you are blond?
[03:54] <Ann-Helen> sorry, brunette ;p

[03:54] <MANofHONO> =)
[03:56] <MANofHONO> visited israel once?
[03:59] * carl_ (roqqa@217-20-120-56.internetssurviceteam.com) has left #Norway

[03:59] <MANofHONO> eyes blue?
[04:00] <@MorganS> URL: Varangians - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

[04:00] <_cons_> norway isn't jewless, because norway have masons
[04:01] <_cons_> every mason becomes a jew instead of being norwegian
[04:01] <MANofHONO> masons are christian

[04:01] <Ann-Helen> here are about 1000 jews in Norway
[04:01] <Ann-Helen> "real" jews
[04:01] <Ann-Helen> there *
[04:01] <Ann-Helen> with a Jewish mother

[04:02] <MANofHONO> ok

[04:02] <@MorganS> URL: johncons: Jeg blir behandla sånn negerslavene ble behandla i Sørstatene, før den amerikanske borgerkrigen, av pressen og resten av eliten inne i Oslo
[04:03] <MANofHONO> i never been to norway

[04:03] <_cons_> 'broderen dør som nordmann i 3. graden og gjenfødes i 4.-5. graden som kunstig jøde'
[04:03] <_cons_> (PS 3 fra linken ovenfor)
[04:04] <MANofHONO> but look like the people there are nice.

[04:04] * DiKKyAFK (~dikky@ti0013a380-dhcp1317.bb.online.no) Quit ( Read error: Connection reset by peer )
[04:04] <Ann-Helen> there are nice people, and not-so-nice-people here, like most places ;)

[04:04] <_cons_> translates to: the brother dies as a norwegian in the third grade and is reborn in the fourth and fifth grade as an fake jew
[04:04] * dikky (here@ti0013a380-dhcp1317.bb.online.no) has joined #Norway

[04:04] <Ann-Helen> o_O
[04:04] <_cons_> (in PS 3 above)
[04:05] <MANofHONO> oldgnom is a real moron...=)
[04:05] <_cons_> its about freemasonary
[04:07] <_cons_> Ann-Helen: are you in the south of norway?

[04:07] <Ann-Helen> Bergen
[04:07] <_cons_> ok
[04:07] <Ann-Helen> how come?
[04:08] <_cons_> just thought bkkb was from kristiansand or something
[04:08] <_cons_> just curious

[04:08] <Ann-Helen> ah
[04:09] <_cons_> i used to work with a woman from bergen here in uk some years ago
[04:09] <_cons_> vivian steinsland
[04:09] <_cons_> do you know her by any chance

[04:09] <MANofHONO> you used to be tjaden girl friend?
[04:10] <Ann-Helen> me? nah
[04:10] <Ann-Helen> _cons_, are you British?
[04:11] <_cons_> no im norwegian, but ive lived in uk since 2004

[04:11] <Ann-Helen> ah ok ^^
[04:11] <_cons_> ive studied at the university of sunderland and worked in liverpool etc
[04:11] <_cons_> i used to work as a shop manager in oslo

[04:11] <_cons_> in different rimi-shops
[04:11] <Ann-Helen> England > Oslo
[04:12] <_cons_> what do you mean?
[04:12] <MANofHONO> ann-helen did you date shadowdog?

[04:12] <_cons_> i used to work as a shop manager in oslo from 1998 to 2002
[04:12] <Ann-Helen> haha, haven't dated anyone on this channel
[04:13] <_cons_> and then i studied IT at Oslo University College from 2002 to 2004

[04:13] <_cons_> and then I moved to the UK
[04:13] <Ann-Helen> why UK?
[04:13] <_cons_> well oslo university college co-operated with university of sunderland
[04:13] * tidalwave (tidalwave@170-201.82-139.bia.tkbb.net.pl) has joined #Norway

[04:13] <_cons_> and i used to go to the UK a lot on summer-school in the 80's
[04:14] <_cons_> so it's almost like a second home-land for me
[04:14] <_cons_> kind of

[04:14] <Ann-Helen> cool
[04:14] <_cons_> what about yourselves then Ann-Helen, do you study IT yourselves or work as a shop manager?
[04:15] <CCCP_USSR> wow...
[04:15] <CCCP_USSR> asot 550 is fucking off the hook...

[04:15] <_cons_> *drinks lemonade, slow weekend*
[04:15] <Ann-Helen> I'm going to study datateknologi in the autumn
[04:15] <_cons_> ok not bad
[04:15] <MANofHONO> i.t.

[04:15] <_cons_> tell me what you think of the web-shop i'm working on

[04:16] <@MorganS> URL: No title found.
[04:16] <@MorganS> URL: Godtebutikken.net

[04:16] <_cons_> if you're going to study web-design
[04:17] <Ann-Helen> hehe, very simple design
[04:17] <MANofHONO> you sell candy?
[04:17] <_cons_> i've also made one in english:

[04:17] <@MorganS> URL: Goody Shop
[04:17] <_cons_> yeah it says in the 'about'

[04:17] <_cons_> in the link above
[04:17] <_cons_> why i started doing that
[04:17] <_cons_> it was because they stopped selling the glacier mints in norway
[04:17] <MANofHONO> but you need to ship it

[04:18] <_cons_> and people on message-boards complained they missed it
[04:18] <_cons_> yes, like it says in the 'about' i've sent between 50 and 100 deliveries to norway

[04:18] <_cons_> and one to the united states
[04:18] <_cons_> the last year or so
[04:18] <MANofHONO> ok
[04:18] <_cons_> but it's not enought to make a living of yet

[04:18] <_cons_> but maybe it gets popular
[04:19] <_cons_> we'll see
[04:19] <_cons_> then i get to try to keep up with my it skills as well
[04:19] <_cons_> they didn't have facebook-buttons in 2004 when i studied IT

[04:20] <MANofHONO> ok
[04:20] <_cons_> but i sell to the whole world now
[04:21] <_cons_> so if you live in eastern europe you could buy from the www.goodyshop.eu shop

[04:21] <_cons_> that shop sells to mainland europe, in euro
[04:22] <_cons_> i thought it would be fun to sell to whole world, so i made several shops
[04:22] <_cons_> while i was at it

[04:22] * xtor_ (~extor@adsl-69-211-97-178.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net) has joined #Norway
[04:22] <MANofHONO> ok
[04:22] <_cons_> Ann-Helen: you could check out how one put the sweets in the basket

[04:23] <_cons_> it's like if you click on the picture
[04:23] <_cons_> so that's why i chose to have the rest of the design in a simple way
[04:23] <_cons_> since the sweets blink

[04:23] <_cons_> if you see what i mean
[04:23] <MANofHONO> if i like ann-helen you can ship her too?
[04:23] <Ann-Helen> ah, understand
[04:23] <_cons_> i don't think i can, since I live in the UK

[04:24] <Ann-Helen> haha
[04:24] <_cons_> she's in norway
[04:24] <_cons_> so you would have to ask someone in norway i think

[04:24] <Ann-Helen> and I'm not for sale
[04:24] <Ann-Helen> ;P
[04:24] <MANofHONO> borrow for a day or two =)
[04:25] <_cons_> maybe you can send some women from the eastern europe

[04:25] <_cons_> there are a lot of polish people here in the uk btw
[04:25] <_cons_> there are so many polish people here so they have own polish food-shops everywhere
[04:26] * xtor (~extor@adsl-69-211-122-41.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net) Quit ( Ping timeout: 258 seconds )

[04:26] <MANofHONO> my grandfather was polish
[04:26] <_cons_> i hear east-european all the time at lidl etc as well
[04:26] <_cons_> but i can't tell if it's russian or polish

[04:26] <MANofHONO> ok
[04:27] <_cons_> those languages sounds the same to me i think i have to admit
[04:27] <MANofHONO> i think polish is like german
[04:28] <_cons_> yeah that could be

[04:28] <_cons_> i lived in a shared house with some polish people some years ago here in the UK
[04:28] <MANofHONO> russian sound a little like japanese
[04:28] <_cons_> but i didn't speak that much with them

[04:28] <_cons_> they were a bit younger than me etc
[04:30] <_cons_> in sunderland where i studied there were a lot of japanese students, but i didn't think they spoke russian
[04:30] <_cons_> but it maybe sounds like that if one are poland

[04:30] <_cons_> from poland
[04:30] <MANofHONO> ok
[04:30] * tidalwave (tidalwave@170-201.82-139.bia.tkbb.net.pl) has left #Norway

[04:31] <MANofHONO> its crazy that some one europian have to stuy 10 languges only to communicet
[04:32] <_cons_> yeah i know, i was in jugoslavia, as a ten year old, in 1980, with my fathers family

[04:32] <_cons_> but i couldn't communicate with them because they learned german in school
[04:32] <MANofHONO> its not that big.
[04:32] <_cons_> no we were in istra, which is in croatia today

[04:33] <_cons_> in norway we learn english as a second language, but in jugoslavia, in 1980, they learned german as a second language
[04:33] <_cons_> so it was a bit tricky
[04:33] <MANofHONO> i know but if you have one currency you should all speak the same.

[04:34] <_cons_> yes perhaps, but norway don't have euro, so i don't think that goes for norway
[04:35] <MANofHONO> english should be second language for sure.
[04:35] <_cons_> yeah in the usa now lots of people speak spanish i've read

[04:36] <_cons_> and here in liverpool some street-signs are in both english and chinese
[04:36] <MANofHONO> ok cause first is english but in franch for instance they should study english as second

[04:36] <_cons_> yeah i've been to france, they don't speak that good english
[04:37] <_cons_> i had to try to learn to speak a bit french
[04:37] <_cons_> but i have a cousin who is from switzerland so i knew at least one french word

[04:37] <_cons_> salute
[04:37] <_cons_> so i said that all the time
[04:37] <MANofHONO> i know some people from europe the know 5 or 6 langueges thats crazy.
[04:38] <MANofHONO> thats why the euro zone is in trouble

[04:38] <_cons_> well my grandmother from denmark said that norwegian, danish and german was the same to her
[04:38] <_cons_> so the languages are related kind of
[04:39] <_cons_> i guess

[04:39] <_cons_> yeah that might be true
[04:39] <_cons_> but which language should the eu have?
[04:39] <MANofHONO> english
[04:40] <_cons_> ok, but i don't think the germans and french are going to like that

[04:40] <_cons_> since germany is the biggest country
[04:40] <_cons_> and the french like to take care of their own culture
[04:40] <MANofHONO> ok so second must be english.

[04:40] <_cons_> yeah norway aren't in the eu
[04:41] <_cons_> so i don't know how they do that in the eu
[04:41] <_cons_> unfortunately
[04:41] <MANofHONO> it look like a babylonic mess

[04:42] <_cons_> MANofHONO: is it you who has chatted here earlier from bulgaria?
[04:42] <MANofHONO> no
[04:42] <_cons_> are you from the EU yourself?
[04:42] <MANofHONO> no , israel.

[04:43] <_cons_> ok israel ok
[04:43] <_cons_> sorry im a bit slow
[04:43] <_cons_> i used to answer calls from israel when i worked on the microsoft scandinavian product activation

[04:43] <_cons_> run by arvato
[04:43] <_cons_> in 2005 and 2006
[04:43] <_cons_> when it was overflow
[04:44] <_cons_> on the hebrew line
[04:44] <_cons_> and i think the jewish men were aggressive but the women were polite

[04:44] <MANofHONO> israel is ok but we got lots of problem with the arabic/muslims.
[04:44] <CCCP_USSR> SO FUCK4
[04:44] <MANofHONO> ok
[04:45] <_cons_> there also were two jewish women working there

[04:45] <_cons_> vivian morris
[04:45] <_cons_> and her daughter
[04:45] <_cons_> i don't remember her name now
[04:45] <MANofHONO> ok
[04:45] <_cons_> but the hebrew calls stopped

[04:45] <_cons_> so they had to answer scandinavian calls
[04:46] <_cons_> and then vivian morris always transfered the calls to me, when the caller didn't understand her
[04:46] <_cons_> for some reason

[04:46] <MANofHONO> she was norweigian?
[04:46] <_cons_> no she was jewish
[04:46] <_cons_> she didn't speak norwegian
[04:46] <MANofHONO> from?
[04:47] <_cons_> israel i think

[04:47] <_cons_> she spoke hebrew and english
[04:47] <_cons_> so she took the scandinavian calls in english
[04:47] <_cons_> and if the scandinavians didn't understand english

[04:47] <_cons_> then she sent them to me
[04:47] <_cons_> all the time
[04:47] <_cons_> for some reason
[04:48] <_cons_> alway to me
[04:48] <MANofHONO> ok

[04:48] <_cons_> but i guess thats how jews are
[04:48] <_cons_> if you send them one call once
[04:48] <MANofHONO> mybe
[04:48] <_cons_> they're going to send you a lot of calls back

[04:49] <_cons_> do you have like vendetta in israel?
[04:49] <MANofHONO> no
[04:49] <_cons_> ok
[04:49] <MANofHONO> its an arabic custom.
[04:49] <_cons_> ok, i didn't know that

[04:50] <_cons_> is like they have vendetta in sicilia and in mafia-countries etc
[04:50] <MANofHONO> yes
[04:50] <_cons_> they've copied the arabs then perhaps
[04:50] <MANofHONO> vendetta is not jewish.

[04:50] <_cons_> ok np
[04:50] <_cons_> but if you look at like seinfeldt
[04:50] <_cons_> on TV
[04:50] <_cons_> then they like blow things up
[04:50] <MANofHONO> yeah?

[04:51] <_cons_> like when the guy spat on an american footballer
[04:51] <MANofHONO> never see that
[04:51] <_cons_> ok i see
[04:51] <_cons_> but it's like they blow it up, if a small insult happens

[04:51] <_cons_> and never forgets about it
[04:52] <_cons_> but i guess it doesn't have to be jewish even if seinfeldt is jewish
[04:52] <MANofHONO> there is no blood vandeta in the jewish

[04:52] <_cons_> ok, but what's this slaughterhouse-stuff
[04:52] <_cons_> is that jewish?
[04:53] <MANofHONO> ?
[04:53] <_cons_> well you hear about the sheeple

[04:53] <_cons_> the main-stream people that are like sheep
[04:53] <_cons_> or 'goy'
[04:53] <_cons_> doesn't goy mean cattle?
[04:53] <MANofHONO> no

[04:54] <_cons_> but jews think they are gods special race
[04:54] <_cons_> who can rule the other races?
[04:54] <MANofHONO> thay can think so what
[04:54] <MANofHONO> i am not into this bullshits

[04:55] <_cons_> ok np
[04:55] <_cons_> *drinks more lemonade*
[04:55] <MANofHONO> i am very liberal
[04:55] <_cons_> i guess i'm to, libral-conservative i think

[04:55] <_cons_> one sec
[04:56] <MANofHONO> i dont like the religion its seem like vudo to me.

[05:00] <@MorganS> URL: PIC_6308 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
[05:00] <_cons_> that's from january here in liverpool
[05:00] <_cons_> it's a socialist protest
[05:00] <_cons_> it says 'crush liberal scum class-war'

[05:01] <_cons_> (more pics)

[05:01] <@MorganS> URL: johncons: Fler bilder fra Liverpool
[05:01] <_cons_> what do you think of that CCCP_USSR?
[05:02] <_cons_> it says 'crush liberal scum class-war'

[05:03] <MANofHONO> i myself 10 years out of this rat race.
[05:04] <MANofHONO> maybe the best thing is to be some kind of cave man.
[05:04] <_cons_> you live in kibutz?

[05:05] <_cons_> yeah possibly
[05:05] <MANofHONO> no
[05:05] <_cons_> must be boring without the internet i think
[05:05] <_cons_> but anyway it's late here now

[05:05] <MANofHONO> i have internet but not tv
[05:06] <_cons_> i'm really banned on this channel anywhay i think
[05:06] <_cons_> *testing*
[05:06] ->> You are now known as john_cons

[05:06] * MorganS sets mode +b john_cons!*@* for #Norway