fredag 11. mai 2012

Jeg fikk en ny e-post fra Twitter

Gmail - #4990960 Twitter Support: update on "Brand Impersonation - godtebutikken"


Erik Ribsskog

#4990960 Twitter Support: update on "Brand Impersonation - godtebutikken"



Fri, May 11, 2012 at 12:45 AM

Twitter Support <>

Godtebutikk <>


##- Please type your reply above this line -##


JoyceanJ, May 10 04:45 pm (PDT):


Thank you for providing this information. We have removed the reported profile from circulation due to violation of our Terms of Service regarding impersonation.


Twitter Trust & Safety

Godtebutikk, Apr 01 04:10 pm (PDT):

Username of reported account: @godtebutikken
Name of person or company:

Description: They use part of my company-name, Godtebutikken(.net), they imitate my logo and marketing-style, (which is different letters in different colours), they joke about my most sold brand Glacier Mints, (Isbre Mint in Norwegian), which is the initial business-idea, because I started this business, with selling Glacier Mints to Norway, (from the UK), after the shops in Norway quite recently stopped selling them. And I've later also selling other brands. They also impersonate my shop, in tweets, to many well-known people in Norway, who probably don't always understand that this is are fake messages, I guess.

Job title: Owner
Company name: (Erik Ribsskog)
Company website (optional):
Your relationship to person or company: Owner

Full name: Erik Ribsskog
Email address:
Twitter username (optional): @godtebutikk

Anything else? (optional): Yes, they also use my name, Erik Ribsskog, in the logo, and they also use a picture of me, which I've taken myself, and have the copyright to, on the Twitter-page.

My web-shop has been the subject of hacking-attacks, several times, and it seems to me, that this Twitter-page could be part of a large, organised attack, on my e-business, (and/or myself).

This is the second time I send this form, about that Twitter-account, because I sent the first with my own e-mail adresse.

(This is e-mail should be from the web-shop email-address).

Thanks in advance for any help!
