torsdag 23. august 2012

Jeg sendte en e-post til Norwegian-British Chamber of Commerce

Gmail - Problems with RBS


Erik Ribsskog

Problems with RBS

Erik Ribsskog


Thu, Aug 23, 2012 at 3:58 PM



I'm a Norwegian citizen who lives in the UK.

I've set up an e-business: , after I became unemployed.

I'm still in the begining of setting up this business, after problems with hacking, etc.

But I've sold around 100 packets to Norway, (and the USA), now.

But when I contact RBS to get a business-account they tell me I have to have a business-plan.

My plan was to sell Glacier Mints on QXL after they've stopped selling Glacier Mints, (Isbre Mint), in Norway.

But QXL wanted a deposit I couldn't afford, (since I'm unemployed), so I set up my own web-show, (since I've studied IT and had programming as a hobby).

And I've also gone to business-school, (handel og kontor), economy-line, at Upper Secondary School.

But I haven't learned about business-plans.

Isn't it a bit inpolite of RBS to ask for a business-plan for an up and running business?

I've even gone to a respected private academy, in Norway, named NHI, and had business-modules there, but I haven't learned about business-plans, (as far as I can remember it at least).

Is it just RBS who asks about a business-plan if one want a business-account, for an up and running business, in the UK?

I haven't had any business earlier, eighter in Norway or the UK.

(But I've worked as a Shop Manager in Rimi, in Oslo, for several years).

So I'm not sure how to go forward regarding this.

Hope you have the chance to reply about this!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog