mandag 24. september 2012

Enda mer fra Spexhost

Erik Ribsskog <>  Mon, Sep 24, 2012 at 3:15 PM 
Cc: "mail.gva" <>, CONTACT-US <>, Contact-Us <>, Q&A <>, Melanie Wright <>, "hv-02.kontakt" <>, amnestyis <>, specialistsupport <>, DWP ICE gateway team <>, gbrlo <
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the Jobcentre still haven't sent me the payments that I budget on.
So they have attacked my budget, (which I have in co-operation with
the CCCS), I think I have to say.
The Jobcentre have missed two payments now.
I don't have electricity in my home, and have to sit and write this at
the library.
None of the organisations which I send to about this helps me.
This is like a Kafka-plot.
I'm going to try to pay as soon as possible when the Jobcentre stops
ruining my life.
Erik Ribsskog
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On 9/24/12, <> wrote:
> Due Date: 09/10/2012
> Invoice # 7421
> ATTN: Erik Ribsskog,
> You currently have an overdue invoice of $9.98 due on your account with
> SpexHost, LLC.
> Invoice Description:
> Web A (Legacy):, 09/10/2012 thru 10/09/2012 $4.99
> Web A (Legacy):, 09/10/2012 thru 10/09/2012 $4.99
> Total Due: $9.98
> Payment Instructions:
> 1) Log into our Billing Center at with your
> email and password
> 2) Click on the "Billing" tab
> 3) Select the invoice you want to pay
> 4) Click on pay invoice
> We greatly appreciate your efforts to ensure that payment is received in a
> timely matter.
> If you have any questions regarding your account or if you wish to pay by
> check, please feel free to contact us.
> Note: This E-mail will serve as an official invoice for this payment.
> Regards,
> The SpexHost Team
> ~ Billing Department
> ~ SpexHost, LLC