Erik Ribsskog
*****7867/Fwd: CCCS
Erik Ribsskog
Fri, Sep 28, 2012 at 2:33 PM
Correspondence Queries <client@cccs.co.uk>
offers <offers@wescot.co.uk>
thank you for your e-mail!
Yes, I send a copy of this e-mail to Wescot as a reminder of my token-payment-offer, of one pound a month untill I find new employement.
Yes, I send a copy of this e-mail to Wescot as a reminder of my token-payment-offer, of one pound a month untill I find new employement.
I thought it was like you write here, with the budget-form etc., from when I went to business-school, in the eighties.
Even if that was in Norway, I think business-law is mostly the same in the western world.
Mostly based on old British business-law, if I'm not mistaking.
Thank you very much for the help with this!
The information I sent to Capital One was a new token payment-offer after I had to move to Sunderland for some months last year.
If I remember it right.
I now found a letter on my blog, from Capital One, from 2009, when they also complained about my signature, (so this has happened in both 2009 and 2011), which I attach.
Thanks again for the advice!
Best regards,
Best regards,
Hi Erick
Thank you for your email about your Wescot and Capital One accounts.
If you have concerns over the wording of the letter from Wescot, I would advise you to raise a complaint directly with them.
The complaint procedure can take up to 8 weeks and if you are unhappy with any response they give you, you can raise this further with the financial ombudsman service.
You don’t need to fill out the budget form that Wescot have sent you. You have advised them that you have already completed a budget with us. Both forms cover the same areas. If you need a copy of the budget that you completed with us, please let me know as I can send this out to you. The budget can also be sent to Capital One.
I wouldn’t advise you to stop making payments towards the Wescot account. It is in your best interest and benefit that you carry on making a token payment. It will show that you are willing to pay the account off.
If you don’t make a payment, the creditor can take further action.
I understand you would like to keep the contact in writing but it is also best that you call them to discuss your concerns. This will eliminate any responses about them not receiving your letters.
You can ask for a Data Access Request from them which will provide you with all the notes made on your account. There may be a charge for this request.
Can you advise me what information you sent to Capital One for them to reject your signature? If your signature hasn’t changed, I would advise you to contact Capital One and ask for a further explanation, i.e. are they comparing your signature to the signature on the original credit agreement?
Again, you can ask for a Data Access Request to see what has been noted on your account and there may be a charge for this request.
I hope this has been helpful.
If you have any further queries, please contact us on 0845 272 5400, lines are open 8am to 6pm, Monday to Friday, you can email us at client.service@cccs.co.uk.
Kind regards
Paul Marshall
Correspondence Co-ordinator
From: Erik [mailto:eribsskog@gmail.com]
Sent: 26 September 2012 00:05To: Correspondence Queries
Subject: Re: *****7867/Fwd: CCCS
I've gone to business-school and letters shouldn't contain lies even if they are standard letters.
Here it's obvious that the standard letter is used wrongly.
I'm not making a token-payment here, you haven't read up.
Please escalate to your line manager.
Erik Ribsskog
And I don't think it's a good idea to call these companies.
It's better to keep the correspondence in writing, so to keep documentation about what has been agreed.
PS 2.
You haven't commented on that Capital One told me my signature wasn't mine.
I want to please escalate this to your line-manager.
Hi Erik
Thank you for contacting us about your account with Wescot.
Creditors will often send standard collection letters out to you. Standard letters will include certain phrases that may not fit entirely, such as "we have not received a reply".
Thank you for contacting us about your account with Wescot.
Creditors will often send standard collection letters out to you. Standard letters will include certain phrases that may not fit entirely, such as "we have not received a reply".
Unfortunately even though you are making a token payment we cannot stop creditors from contacting you. You should continue to keep your creditors up to date with your financial situation and offer them the most fair and reasonable offer you can.
It may be best to call your creditors and speak to someone directly. That way all issues can be discussed there and then.
If you have any further questions or need some more advise, you can call us on 0845 272 5400. Lines are open from 8am to 6pm, Monday to Friday. You can also email us at client.service@cccs.co.uk.
Kind regards
Correspondence Advisor
We are altering the way in which we handle your correspondence to ensure we safeguard your personal information at all times.
In order for us to do this we will be making some changes to the way in which we validate your identity.
The next time you contact us, we will require you to provide us with at least 2 pieces of information from the list below:
· Client reference number
· Postal address
· Postcode
· Telephone number
· Email address
Please make sure you provide this information along with your full name on every communication you send to us. If not, we will prompt you for these details and this may delay your reply.
Thank you
The Correspondence Team
We are altering the way in which we handle your correspondence to ensure we safeguard your personal information at all times.
In order for us to do this we will be making some changes to the way in which we validate your identity.
The next time you contact us, we will require you to provide us with at least 2 pieces of information from the list below:
· Client reference number
· Postal address
· Postcode
· Telephone number
· Email address
Please make sure you provide this information along with your full name on every communication you send to us. If not, we will prompt you for these details and this may delay your reply.
Thank you
The Correspondence Team
-----Original Message-----
From: Erik ******* [mailto:eribsskog@gmail.com]
To: offers
Cc: Q&A
Subject: Your ref: ******7867/Fwd: CCCS
I'm refering to your Final Notice-letter from 17/9, which I recieved today.
You there write: 'but we have not received a replyto our previous correspondence'.
But this isn't right, I've earlier written to you e-mails a lot of times offering a token-payment.
Is this the Candid Camera?
Your partner Capital One also did a practical joke like this, when they told me my signature wasn't mine last year.
Please stop with the monkey-business, and be serious.
I hope the CCCS can stop your funny bailiff-actions and lies.
Erik ****
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Q&A <contactus@cccs.co.uk>
Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2012 17:37:39 +0100
Subject: CCCS
To: Erik******** <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Good afternoon
Thank you for your email.
There isn't anything in the Consumer credit Act that states you must supply these details to a creditor. You can always provide them a copy of the budget and list of creditors that you have done through us.
Regardless of whether they accept the offer or not please continue to make the token payment.
Kind regards
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From: Erik Ribsskog [mailto:eribsskog@gmail.com]
Sent: 19 August 2012 20:59
To: Q&A
Cc: offers@wescot.co.uk
Subject: Problems with Wescot/Fwd: Update/Fwd: Wescot reference:
*******867 (Regarding Capital One-debt).
I've told Wescot I'm unemployed and have offered them a £1 monthly token-payment untill I find new employment.
(Like I've offered my other creditors).
Wescot don't accept but wants me to fill out an income and expenditure-form.
I can't remember that you at CCCS have mentioned that I have to fill out a form like that, when I do budget-work.
It's like they go a bit to close, and this seems unecessary, to me.
What do you think at CCCS about this?
Does the law say that I have to fill out a form like that?
I attach the letter from Wescot.
Yours sincerely,
Erik *******
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, Aug 10, 2012 at 10:35 PM
Subject: Update/Fwd: Wescot reference: *******867 (Regarding Capital One-debt).
To: offers@wescot.co.uk
I got an income and expenditure-form, in the post, from you, earlier this week.
I don't understand the point in me filling out that form.
I've already told you that I'm on budget in co-operation, with the CCCS, and that I only can afford to pay a token-payment, (on £1), untill I find new employment.
So this is my offer.
I don't understand why you send me this form.
I think is unnessesary paper-work then.
None of my other creditors have sent me a form like that.
They have just accepted my token-payment-offer.
So I hope you can set up a direct debit-agreement, for £1 a month, for this debt.
Hope this is alright!
Best regards,
Erik *********
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Date: Sat, Jul 21, 2012 at 10:31 AM
Subject: Wescot reference: ******867 (Regarding Capital One-debt).
To: offers@wescot.co.uk
I'm refering to your letter from 19/7, which I got in the post today.
I'm currently unemployed, and on a budget in co-operation, with CCCS.
My offer to you is the same as to my other creditors, and that is that I pay a one pound token-payment, each month, until I find new employment.
Hope this is alright!
Yours sincerely,
Erik ********
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