onsdag 12. september 2012

Jeg sendte en e-post til Liverpool Direct

Gmail - Your Email Enquiry <<#22175-212367#>>


Erik Ribsskog

Your Email Enquiry <<#22175-212367#>>

Erik Ribsskog


Wed, Sep 12, 2012 at 10:40 PM

Liverpool Direct <Liverpool.Direct@liverpool.gov.uk>




no, it's just that I send to you since Tpas don't reply and you pay the Housing Benefit for my appartment.

Also, I've gotten a letter from you regarding litter in this area.

Yesterday, when I was going to the shop, a large guy with a white t-shirt was standing urinating, outside the gate to Keith Court.

And today, the guy in 9 Keith Court talked to me when I went to the shop, in his underwear.

(And he doesn't speak clearly so I didn't understand what he said).

Perhaps you should send a letter telling people not to obstruct gates, urinate and walk outside in their under-wear.

One shouldn't do things like that in streets and courts I think.

Maybe if you are alone in the forest, like one sometimes are in Norway.

But not an avenue and in a court, I think.

Perhaps something you could write about in your next letter to tenants form the Council?

Also, I was in Stanley Park now, after going to Asda in Everton, which I think is a good-shop.

(I used to be a Shop Manager you see, so I'm a bit picky on food-shops).

And it doesn't say when the gates for Stanley Park close.

But the guy in the car with the Googlish-camera on, said they close at 9 PM.

I looked for a sign when I went in to the park, but I couldn't find a sign with the opening hours on.

And I found the gates closed.

And had to walk through the park again.

Perhaps a sign with opening hours on would have been fine for Stanley Park?

Just a suggestion.

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

On Wed, Sep 12, 2012 at 8:35 PM, Liverpool Direct <Liverpool.Direct@liverpool.gov.uk> wrote:

Your email reference number is: 212367

Dear Mr. Ribsskog,

Thank you for your e-mail.

You have copied us in to a response from your housing association. Was there anything in particular you would like Liverpool City Council to assist you in this matter?

If you would like any further assistance on this matter or anything else please let me know via the e-mail address below

Kind regards


Email: liverpool.direct@liverpool.gov.uk

Website: www.liverpool.gov.uk

P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail. Thank you

Would you prefer to receive your council tax bill via e-mail? Go to www.liverpool.gov.uk and complete the easy online registration form.

--- Original Message ---
From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Received: 12/09/12 19:54:16 o'clock BST
To: LHT CSC Duty Managers <LHTCSCDutyManagers@symphonyhousing.org.uk>

Subject: Re: Reply


it says in your letter that I'd get a voucher in the New Tenant Meeting.

So that should be at your office then I think.

It says in your letter: 'To show our appreciation for your time, if you complete and return our New Tenant Survey to us we will give you £10 in high streets vouchers at _your_ New Tenant Visit within the next few weeks'.

I've marked 'your', because it should be _mine_ visit at your office then, surely.

And not your visit at my address.

It's like an inspection I haven't asked for this, I think.

And an invasion of my privacy.

I didn't like that.

This seems strange to me.

Sarah didn't even want the form.

That was supposed to go to another office, she said.

And your letter, with the quote in was from 6/9.

So it makes no sense, because Sarahs visit was on 10/9, two or three days after I got the letter.

I don't this add up, because she didn't want to give me a voucher.

And she didn't want the form that came with the letter with the quote.

So this is something akward, I think.

I think you should treat people like adults.

People don't need visits like this.

Get a general enquiry e-mail, and they'll just send you an e-mail if they wonder about something.

Sorry if I'm harsh, but I've rented both in Norway and the UK a lots of times earlier, and have never heard of New Tenants Visits.

I'm not sure if I think that's a good idea, with those meetings.

It's like you patronise people, then I think.

I haven't gotten a key for the gate.

But the lock is very easy to open with ones fingers, without a key.

So the security isn't fine.

I think you should inform people when they move in that the code isn't being used.

I can try to paint the roof myself, after the electricians.

I don't want to be unreasonable, and ask you to send repair-people here all the time.

So that's alright.

I just don't want to get the blaim for this bad repair at a later stage.

I also think you should put a general enquiry e-mail address on your web-site.

Sarah told me you bought these flats from Serenity, some years ago.

And that Serenity used them for older people.

But you rent them to 'normal' people.

But the community-care-system is in all rooms.

You should inform people when they move in, that the community care system is from Serenity.

I don't understand why you kept that community care-system.

The people at their central can hear anything that's being said in the flat, I think.

And when I moved in, I didn't understand what does strings were, and I pulled one to see what they were connected with and someone started talking to me on the community-care.

I think this is a bit strange.

But anyway, thanks very much for your e-mail.

Like I told Sarah I never thought I'd live this close to Goodison Park.

My mother was an au-pair in the UK, in the late 60's, and she supported Everton.

So I also started supporting Everton, since I lived with my mother, in the 70's.

So it's very fun to have a view to Goodison Park, I think :)

Thanks again for your e-mail!

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

On Wed, Sep 12, 2012 at 7:33 PM, LHT CSC Duty Managers <LHTCSCDutyManagers@symphonyhousing.org.uk> wrote:

Dear Mr Ribsskog,

Thank you for your email. I would like to take to opportunity to reply to the points you have raised and hopefully resolve any queries.

I am sorry for any confusion over the gate security. I have spoken to Sarah who has informed me that the code is no longer in use, but that each resident has been issued with a key to lock/open the gate. Please let me know if you do not have the relevant key.

Regarding your electricity key, LHT do not have any role in providing electricity keys, as this relationship is between the electricity provider who you select and yourself. If any of your wiring or sockets etc were faulty we would repair these. I am sorry to hear that you were without electricity for a period, but am pleased to hear that you have been able to resolve this.

I have raised the issue of chewing gum whilst speaking to customers with the relevant officer and apologise if any offence was caused.

You have asked about why Sarah attended with the contractors. As Sarah explained she was attending to carry out your New Tenant Visit. This is a standard visit which is carried out for new Tenants in the first few months of the Tenancy at the property, to ensure that new Tenants have moved in and are settling in ok, and that the property is being looked after, and basically see if there are any problems that we can help address. The nature of this visit means that it has to be carried out at the property and not in the office. The reason Sarah came at the same time as the contractors was to try and minimise the disruption to yourself as we are aware that you value your privacy as you have mentioned. This meant that we only had to disturb you once rather than Sarah coming separately. I hope this clears up any confusion regarding the visit. The reason Sarah didn’t take the form is because this goes to a separate department in LHT who issue the voucher. I will forward your scanned form to them, and I thank you for taking the time to complete it.

I have noted the picture you sent of the smoke detector and I agree that this seems to have been poorly finished. I can arrange to have this rectified if you wish, but I note that you have said you do not want the contractors to come out again. Let me know if you want us to arrange an appointment to make good the painting.


Allan Eveleigh

Neighbourhood Team Leader

Liverpool Housing Trust

211 Walton Road


L4 4AJ

Web: www.lht.co.uk

Liverpool Housing Trust is part of Symphony Housing Group

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