tirsdag 4. september 2012

Jeg sendte en ny e-post til ICE

Gmail - your ICE enquiry


Erik Ribsskog

your ICE enquiry

Erik Ribsskog


Tue, Sep 4, 2012 at 12:22 PM

DWP ICE gateway team <ICE@dwp.gsi.gov.uk>


I'm also waiting for my Jobseekers-allowance, today.

I usually get around £145 at the night between Monday and Tuesday.

On the days when I've signed at the jobcentre, on the Thursday before.

I signed at the Jobcente, (in Aintre), on Thursday, but still no money has gotten into my bank-account today.

I've sent an e-mail to the Jobcentre about this, (to their contact-us team), but they haven't replied.

Am I supposed to starve to death here?

I use these money for foods, clothes, electricity, etc.

These are money that I budget with, so I don't understand how the Jobcentre can not send them.

I've sent an e-mail and asked them what's going on, but they haven't replied.

This is some kind of serious power-abuse or warfare, I think.

They've also done this to me before, a sanction which was over-turned.

(At the Job-centre in Williamsson Sq.

I had gone to the wrong Sencia-address, but immideiatly explained to both them and the Jobcenter.

Still I got an unfair sanction, which was over-turned.

But I acted as a business-man, I think, and updated and explained to everyone at once, about the misunderstanding.

Still they just sanction.

They don't understand that people aren't machines, but need food to not starve to death, etc.

This is in-humane, I think).

But then they told me in advance.

I've learned from an earlier land-lady, (my half-brothers steph-mother, Mette Holter), that I shouldn't just accept it when someone f*ck with peoples money.

So I had to react, I thought.

Since the woman there ignored what I said, and was just very cold, I think.

So I kicked a litter-bin there, since I was listened to when I explained it was a misunderstanding.

I was just threated very cold.

How am I supposed to get food etc., when I don't get my jobseekers allowence?

Are you trying to make me in to a criminal, and force me to steal to get food?

What kind of country is this?

Erik Ribsskog

On Tue, Sep 4, 2012 at 11:56 AM, DWP ICE gateway team <ICE@dwp.gsi.gov.uk> wrote:

Mr Erik Ribbskog

** by email **

4 September 2012

ICE Ref No: DWP00602/12

Dear Mr Ribbskog

Further to your emails to this office on 16, 18 and 24
August 2012.

Once your details have been processed, we aim to contact you
as soon as we can. However, at this time, we are currently experiencing a high
volume of complaints, and apologise that this might not be for some weeks.

For your information, the Independent Case Examiner looks into maladministration (poor
service) by the Department for Work and Pensions and its Agencies, for example,
delay in taking appropriate action, taking incorrect action, failure to respond
adequately to correspondence, misinforming customers etc. However, this office
cannot look into complaints about legislation or policy. This includes
calculations of maintenance liability and benefit entitlement. Those matters
must be challenged via the appropriate appeal process.

Please let us know if you have any special requirements. For
example, if your sight or hearing is impaired; if English is not your first
language, if you are dyslexic. (This list is not exhaustive.) We will do our
best to accommodate your requirements when we communicate with you.

Can you provide us with your new postal address. It is also
important you let us know if you change address or have a new contact phone
number whilst your complaint is with this office.

The Independent
Case Examiner
service is free to you as a complainant
and is designed to be accessible to all. You should not need to employ legal or
other third party representatives in order to benefit from the ICE service,
though you are free to do so if you choose and at your own expense. You should
note that, while the ICE office is happy to engage with your personal or
professional representative when asked to do so, we would generally not ask the
Department for Work and Pensions to consider reimbursing representatives' fees
or other expenses.

If you wish to find out more about the Independent Case
Examiner service and standards, details can be found at www.ind-case-exam.org.uk. If you
are unable to access the website and would like a copy of our service and
standards leaflet please contact us on the number below.

Yours sincerely

Anita Kenny

Front Line Administrator



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