everyone are welcome to donate money to my rights-work.
But one have to pay with cash to buy electricity at the post-office,
so it isn't going to help much with only £5 I think.
And you donatet 50 NOK last time, and then PayPal sends me around
£4.80, so it's not enough.
I've also used my emergency electricity now, so I'm not sure if £5 is
enough to get the electricity to work again, as this is the first time
I've used all the emergency electricity.
Erik Ribsskog
On 9/19/12, Alek Halldor <alek.halldor@hotmail.co.uk> wrote:
> I can make another donation to you if you want Erik. I am scared you're
> going to run out of electricity and won't be able to cook your food and then
> starve.
> Do you want me to make a £5 donation to you like I did before? So you can
> buy some electricity.
> Regards,
> Alek