Erik Ribsskog
Update/Fwd: FW: Software Developer Vacancy with Riverside
Erik Ribsskog
Wed, Oct 31, 2012 at 4:36 PM
Contact-Us <Contact-Us@jobcentreplus.gsi.gov.uk>, CONTACT-US <CONTACT-US@dwp.gsi.gov.uk>, Melanie Wright <MWright@ingeus.co.uk>
"mail.gva" <mail.gva@efta.int>, "emb.london" <emb.london@mfa.no>, amnestyis <amnestyis@amnesty.org>
I also need to cut my hair I saw now in the bathroom-mirror.
Perhaps Mr. McEvoy has a daughter who can go here and cut my hair?
Sorry to be sarcastic but I'm tired of the Jobcentre now, I have been starving for weeks earlier due to this case.
And I've had to use some money that probably was the Housing Benefit, this month and last month.
That I got at the end of September.
But this month I haven't even gotten that, so I have no money for things like bus-tickets, stamps, barbers, etc.
I'm from Norway, and have worked as a Shop Manager there.
I'm not with being treated as bad as this.
Norway pay the EU billions of pounds etc year, so that Norwegian citizens can live and work in the EU.
And now I have to go to a food-bank due to some buraucracy.
And I'm not even sure how that works.
I'm sending this to EFTA.
Maybe Norway, should stop paying so much money to the EU.
Even if I'm really a refuge.
But the Home Office don't let me formalise that.
Erik Ribsskog
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Oct 31, 2012 at 4:11 PM
Subject: Re: FW: Software Developer Vacancy with Riverside
To: "Wilson, Margaret" <Margaret.Wilson@liverpool.
Cc: Contact-Us <Contact-Us@jobcentreplus.gsi.
ok, the Jobcentre haven't sent my Jobseekers-allowance, for more than two months now, so maybe Mr. McEvoy can sort that at the same time then.
Maybe you could send him an e-mail about this, so that I can get some money for the bus there?
Because I don't have money for eighter stamps or a bus-ticket, at the moment, (due to the problems with the Jobcentre, unfortunately).
Best regards,
Erik Ribsskog
On Wed, Oct 31, 2012 at 2:06 PM, Wilson, Margaret <Margaret.Wilson@liverpool. gov.uk> wrote:
Hi Erik
You need to post or hand deliver the application form back to ;!
Joe McEvoy | Employer Adviser
Edge Hill Jobcentre Plus, Kinglake House,
Shenstone Street, Liverpool, L7 3PF
please make sure that they fully complete Section 4 and fill in the questionnaire correctly
Liverpool City Council I
Municipal Buildings IDale Street I
Liverpool I L2 2DH
T: 0151 233 4645 M:07736883830 E: margaret.wilson@liverpool.gov.
; www.liverpoolinwork@liverpool.
From: Erik Ribsskog
[mailto:eribsskog@gmail.com] Sent: 31 October 2012 13:58
To: Wilson, Margaret
Subject: Re: FW: Software Developer Vacancy with
thank you very much for your e-mail!
Is it ok if I scan the form, when I've finished filling it out, and e-mail it back to eighter you or the Jobcentre.
Thanks in advance for any reply!
Best regards,
Erik Ribsskog
On Wed, Oct 31, 2012 at 10:06 AM,
Wilson, Margaret <Margaret.Wilson@liverpool.
It's worth mentioning that
Iceland will not consider applicants with visible tatoos (hands, neck, face etc). - this is via Joe at jcp !!
Sub client to core and email
Iceland application form to client( I will email it to you all)
To give your customer the best chance, please make sure that they fully complete
Section 4 and fill in the questionnaire correctly!
and return to
Joe McEvoy | Employer Adviser
Edge Hill Jobcentre Plus, Kinglake House,
Shenstone Street, Liverpool, L7 3PF
Liverpool City Council I
Municipal Buildings IDale Street I
Liverpool I L2 2DH
T: 0151 233 4645 M:07736883830 E:
; www.liverpoolinwork@liverpool.
Donaldson, Emma Sent: 30 October 2012 14:01
To: Wilson, Margaret
Subject: FW: Software Developer Vacancy with
Recruitment Advisor
Dale Street I
Liverpool I L2 2DH
T: 0151 233 1933 M: 07964676421
I www.liverpoolinwork.org
Erik Ribsskog [mailto:eribsskog@gmail.com]Sent: 29 October 2012 16:34
To: Donaldson, Emma
Cc: Melanie Wright
Subject: Re: Software Developer Vacancy with
thank you for your e-mail.
Iceland, (Retail Assistant 607105):
I wondered if you could please send me an application-form for that job.
Yours sincerely,
On Thu, Oct 18, 2012 at 4:02 PM,
Donaldson, Emma <Emma.Donaldson@liverpool.gov.
Thank you for applying for the position of Software Developer with
Please can you visit the following site to apply and state that you saw the vacancy on
Liverpool in Work website.
You will need to register and download the job description.
Good luck!
Recruitment Advisor
Dale Street I
Liverpool I L2 2DH
T: 0151 223 1933 M: 07964676421
I www.liverpoolinwork.org
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