onsdag 14. november 2012

Enda mer om jobbsøking i England

Gmail - RE: update


Erik Ribsskog

RE: update

Erik Ribsskog


Wed, Nov 14, 2012 at 1:35 PM

Steven Moore <steven@recruitmentdirect.net>

Richard Benton <RBenton@ingeus.co.uk>, Contact-Us <Contact-Us@jobcentreplus.gsi.gov.uk>, CONTACT-US <CONTACT-US@dwp.gsi.gov.uk>, Melanie Wright <MWright@ingeus.co.uk>


yes, I was told in the phone-call today, (by Rachel), that I was going to get an English and a Norwegian language-test sent.

I haven't gotten them yet.

The job starts on 19/11, if I remember it right.

If I get a contract, I could go to the bank, and ask to get an overdraft.

I also have a steph-cousin living in Dorset, (in Bournemouth, Andrea Lea Ingebrigtsen, perhaps she can help).

And of course I'll copy this e-mail to Ingeus, so perhaps they can lend me the money, if they want me to find employment.

Last time I was there they complained about me not speaking Finnish.

So you should hope you don't get Ingeus in Ireland.

Anyway, thank's for the e-mail!

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog


The e-mail I got from Rachel was perhaps not from you?:

Job Opportunity

Erik Ribsskog


Tue, Nov 13, 2012 at 5:31 PM

Recruitment Direct <recruitmentdirect@hotmail.com>

Melanie Wright <MWright@ingeus.co.uk>


I see now that I've manage to leave the phone on 'silent'.

(It's a quite new mobile, and I've had some problems earlier with strange calls, on my last number).

But I've put it back on normal now, so you could just try to call me again tomorrow.

Sorry about the problems with this!

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

On Tue, Nov 13, 2012 at 10:40 AM, Recruitment Direct <recruitmentdirect@hotmail.com> wrote:

Hi Erik

I've been trying to contact you to discuss a Job Opportunity in Dorset.  Could you please call me on 0044 28 9051 7023 or tell me a suitable time to contact you.

Many Thanks

Recruitment Direct Ltd

Belfast Office
3rd Floor    
Premier Business Centre
20  Adelaide Street

Main Tel:  02890 517023          
Office Mobile: 07889137401                                                                  
Fax: 0845 1308447

On Wed, Nov 14, 2012 at 1:13 PM, Steven Moore <steven@recruitmentdirect.net> wrote:

Hi Erik

I was surprised about your email last night (your email today explaining it was not you that sent it is reassuring), let me know if you find out about  the money allowing you to relocate if successful.


Steven Moore

Recruitment Direct

Direct Dial :00442895 810882
Switchboard: 00442890 517023

Skype: steven.moore751