lørdag 17. november 2012

Mer fra Twitter

Gmail - #6625108 Twitter Support: update on "Impersonation"


Erik Ribsskog

#6625108 Twitter Support: update on "Impersonation"



Fri, Nov 16, 2012 at 7:31 PM

Twitter Support <support+id6625108@twitter.zendesk.com>

johncons <eribsskog@gmail.com>

##- Please type your reply above this line -##


SamuelFisher, Nov 16 11:31 am (PST): Hello,
Thank you for providing this information. We have removed the reported profile from circulation due to violation of the Twitter Rules (https://twitter.com/rules) regarding impersonation. Your faxed ID has been shredded.
Twitter Trust & Safety

johncons, Nov 16 01:16 am (PST): Previous Ticket Number: 6567578 6554731 6568032 6604778 6534002 6625019 6043190 6026989 5882629 5420650 5138816 5138782
== Reported Account Information ==
Reported user: @EricRibsskog
== How is the account impersonating you? ==
Using name in Tweets: https://twitter.com/EricRibsskog/status/269176661960970240
Using name in the account name
Using name in the account @username
Using name in the account URL
Posting content as their own in Tweets: https://twitter.com/EricRibsskog/status/269176661960970240
Posting content as their own in Tweets: https://twitter.com/EricRibsskog/status/269176451675348992
Posting content as their own in Tweets: https://twitter.com/EricRibsskog/status/269176236163616769
Posting content as their own in the account name
Posting content as their own in the account @username
Posting content as their own in the account URL
== Additional information ==
Requesting that this account be suspended
Requesting use of this username
== Wrapping up ==
Anything else? (optional): This is one in a row of accounts I've had to report for impersonation and harassment in the last days.
This seems organised.
== Reporter's information ==
Full Name: Erik Ribsskog
Legal alias: n/a
Common nickname: johncons
Your Email address: eribsskog@gmail.com
Your Twitter username (optional): @johncons
== Required statements ==
I understand that Twitter may provide third parties, such as the affected user, with a copy of this report.
I declare under penalty of perjury that all of the information provided above is accurate.
I understand that filing this report and submitting a photo identification will not result in my account being verified by Twitter.
