søndag 23. desember 2012

Jeg sendte en ny e-post til Liverpool Housing Trust

Gmail - Key to gate (again)


Erik Ribsskog

Key to gate (again)

Erik Ribsskog


Sun, Dec 23, 2012 at 1:01 AM

LHT Customer Service <csc@lht.co.uk>



I understand it if you are tired of all my e-mails, (to do with the Housing Benefit).

But I have earlier informed you that I haven't been given the key to the gate, when I moved in, in May.

The gate goes into lock, automatically, at night.

And if I go out at night, to buy a meal etc.

Then I sometimes strugle to get in, because it's difficult to open the lock, with ones fingers.

(Even if I'm a programmer and a cashier, from earlier years, so I have strong fingers).

So it would have been better to have a lock, I think.

I don't want to risk standing outside in the cold, all night, freezing to death.

That gate is a death-trap, I think.

I saw one person standing there, some months ago.

And I didn't realise that he was trapped out, (which I now think must have been the case).

Am I in some kind of house arrest, where I can't go out at night?

Is this the free west?

The code-display, (which Sarah explained about when she sneaked in with the electricians), isn't being used any longer.

So it isn't easy to understand, for new tenants, how the gate works.

And this wasn't explained on the induction.

It's a scandalous death-trap, I think.

And why haven't you sent me a new key in the post?

I've sent about this to Tpas earlier, (as I remember it, at least).

They haven't replied.

So I copy this e-mail to them, (and try again).

What has happened to the world, when you have death-traps and ignorance like this, from every organisation, it seems.

Did you wait for the world to go under, like the Norwegian internet-papers have written about?

The World didn't end, so please send my key to the gate in the post.

(You don't need to send Sarah here, on an unanounzed visit again).

If you want, I can go to your office, to pick up the key.

But do you understand which key I mean, and who should I ask for then, I was wondering.

Merry Christmas (hopefully, if I'm not caught by the death-trap-gate),

Erik Ribsskog