Erik Ribsskog
#6625271 Twitter Support: update on "Offensive content - HarryWeird"
Erik Ribsskog
Mon, Dec 10, 2012 at 12:11 AM
Twitter Support <support+id6625271@twitter.zendesk.com>
this person writes I should start selling sex to other men ++.
Still you don't think it's offensive.
Could I please have this escalated for a second opinion?
Erik Ribsskog
On Thu, Dec 6, 2012 at 12:06 AM, GigiMessina <notifications-support@ twitter.zendesk.com> wrote:
##- Please type your reply above this line -##
GigiMessina, Dec 05 04:06 pm (PST): Hello,
We understand that everyone has different levels of sensitivity towards content, and that you may feel uncomfortable with the posted content. However, Twitter provides a communication platform, and users may use our service to discuss controversial subject matter.
Here are some quick tips to help you with your situation:
* Do not respond to the user. We have found overwhelmingly that responding to a user who is intentionally attempting to aggravate you encourages that user to continue their behavior.
* Block the user. You can block the user using the blocking feature described here: https://support.twitter.com/
* Learn more about how to deal with abusive users: https://support.twitter.com/
If you believe the content or behavior you are reporting is prohibited in your local jurisdiction, please contact your local authorities so they can accurately assess the content or behavior for possible violations of local law. If Twitter is contacted directly by law enforcement, we can work with them and provide assistance for their investigation as well as guidance around possible approaches. You can point local law enforcement to our Law Enforcement Guidelines here: https://support.twitter.com/
If you’re concerned for your physical safety, please contact your local authorities for further assistance. Please let us know if you believe the behavior has escalated or otherwise violates our rules.
Twitter Trust & Safety
johncons, Nov 16 01:55 am (PST): How can we help?: Offensive content
Reported user: @HarryWeird
Offensive Tweet: https://twitter.com/
Text of Tweet: @johncons Mangler penger? Selg sex til andre menn, da vel. Mange som er interessert, veldig mye penger å tjene.
Tweet time: Nov 16 2012 03:53:51 via web
What are you reporting?: This user keeps sending me @replies and I don't want to receive them.
Blocked user(s): Yes
How long ago did this begin?: 24 hours ago
How many times has this happened?: Only once, (but this seems to be a new account dedicated to attacking me).
I've sent you tens of similar reports in the last days.
This seems to be organised.
Further description of problem: The account suggest I should sell sex to other men.
I think this is very rude, inpolite, offensive and harassing.
I wanted to report this as I don't like this kind of comments.
Please change your policy so that I can know who this person is.
Your full name: Erik Ribsskog
I understand that Twitter may provide third parties, such as the affected user, with a copy of this report.
Twitter username: @johncons
Email address: eribsskog@gmail.com