Erik Ribsskog
To Managing Director Sue Westwater/Fwd: To: Allan Eveleigh, North Neighbourhood Team Leader, Complaint Reference Number 734494//Fwd: Complaint/Fwd: Undeliverable: Re: Reply
Erik Ribsskog
Sun, Jan 27, 2013 at 12:06 AM
LHT Customer Service <csc@lht.co.uk>
Info <info@tpas.org.uk>, LbF Leieboerforeningen <lbf@lbf.no>
Harry Erwin <harry.erwin@sunderland.ac.uk>, l.kennedy@easylaw.co.uk
I'm refering to the attached letter, from Allan Eveleigh, (from 24/1), which I recieved yesterday, (Friday).
I've read an advice once, that if I'm not sure who to send to, then send it to the top.
So I thought I'd send this to the Managing Director.
Because I think Mr. Eveleigh is a bit inpolite, in his letter.
Since he is accusing me of sending e-mails of a personal nature, to your staff.
I haven't done that.
In July or August, (I think it must have been), LHT invited me, to a meeting, at your Kirkdale office, and I thought this was to discuss the problems with the electricity and heather etc., which I had reported to you.
So I was shocked, when I got to the meeting, and LHT wanted to discuss adoption!!!
I explained that I hadn't sent you any e-mails about adoption.
But that it must have been someone in Norway, (I guess), who terrorise me.
I've recieved a lot of spoofing myself, (like this is called), and I've tried to report it, to the Police, but without much results, so far.
The Police have acused me of sending personal e-mails, to Ingeus, (which I haven't sent).
So I send a copy of this e-mail to my lawyer.
And even if someone are sending e-mails, in my name, it doesn't mean my e-mail account has been hacking.
Hacking and spoofing isn't the same.
I'm sure LHT have an IT-department, which you can contact.
Your IT-department should be able to explain more about this, to you.
And they should also be able to find out more about who has sent these funny e-mails, in my name, (by using e-mail tracking systems etc).
I have a degree in IT, so I thought it was a bit inpolite, (like I wrote in my previous e-mail), that LHT wanted to 'drag' me, to your Kirkdale-office again, to discuss IT.
(Especially after the embarrasing adoption-meeting, which you invited me to there, last summer).
So I rather want to keep this in writing, if that's alright.
Because, (like I wrote in my previous e-mail), then this doesn't take that much of my time.
And I think landlords should mainly stick to 'landlord-stuff', like I wrote in my previous e-mail.
Also, the last two letters from you, I've gotten delivered on my door.
That freakes me out a bit, I must admit.
I don't like it that the Landlord/Housing Trust goes to close, (especially now, after all the problems which have been, which I've complained about, and which I'm really trying to calm down, since I need this appartment, since it's the only appartment I have, really).
Why don't you send the letters with the post, I'm wondering.
(It seems to me, who earlier have collected stamps, (as a boy, in the 1970's and 80's), that these letters from you, haven't been sent in the post.
So I'm just a bit currious about this.
It seems you are very interested in me then, if you go with the letter on my door yourselves, i think.
Just to try to level about this).
Other than that, I'm happy now, since I've finally gotten a key to the gate, and can enjoy my freedom a lot more, than before, when I sometimes wondered if I would be able to get passed the gate, (when I got home), when I was out.
Thans again for sorting the problem with the key to the gate!
I hope what I tried to explain about, in this e-mail, was possible to understand.
Yours sincerely,
Erik Ribsskog
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Subject: To: Allan Eveleigh, North Neighbourhood Team Leader, Complaint Reference Number 734494//Fwd: Complaint/Fwd: Undeliverable: Re: Reply
To: LHT Customer Service <csc@lht.co.uk>
Cc: Info <info@tpas.org.uk>, LbF Leieboerforeningen <lbf@lbf.no>
I'm refering to your letter of 18/1, (which I attach a scanned copy of), which I recieved earlier this week.
You ask if the matter has been solved to my satisfaction.
Yes, I'm happy I've finally gotten the key to the gate, but I still want to comment about, on a few other things.
1. The gate.
You write in your letter that you belived that the key to the gate was no longer in use.
But in the forwarded e-mail, (which I send in this e-mail), I twice, (on 12/9 and 14/9), complained to your LHT-collegue Shirley McFarlane, about that I hadn't been given the key to the gate.
And I also explained about this, to Housing Manager Sarah Vermiglio, when she 'sneaked in with the electricians', on 10/9.
Also, I think LHT should have investigated how the gate worked, when you bought these former appartments for the elderly, a few years ago.
It seems LHT have just bought Keith Court, but you haven't learn how the gate works, and it was also a community care-microphone, in the appartment, when I moved in.
So LHT haven't done their job, when they bought Keith Court, I think.
Also, there is a code-display, on the gate.
But Housing Officer Sarah Vermiglio told me, on 10/9, that the code isn't being used any longer.
Then it's confusing, to have a code-display, beside the gate, I think.
New tenants might think they've not gotten the code then, when the problem really is that they haven't gotten the key.
On 11/9, I saw a person, (who I then thought was a drunk), urinating on his fingers, outside the gate.
This could be because he couldn't open the gate any longer, with his fingers, so he needed to warm them, by urinating on them, it seems to me now.
If that person, (who I called the Police and e-mailed the Council about), had gotten a key for the gate, then that wouldn't have happened.
LHT should inspect the property they buy, and learn how things like the gate works, when they buy new buildings, I think.
Someone haven't done their job here, I think.
2. The outside lamp
The lamp haven't been fixed yet, I noticed today.
3. The electrician fixing the outside lamp
Your in-house electrician, (I think he is), knocked on my door, to ask which lamp it was, that needed to be fixed.
But this lamp was in the court.
So that wasn't to do with my appartment.
I don't work in LHT.
I used to work as a Shop Manager.
If one of the custommers reported that one of the frezers were broken.
Then I wouldn't have sent the repair-guy on the custommers door, to ask which freezer, that the custommer meant.
I would have the custommer about this, and then explained this, to the repair-guy.
So LHT should ask me which lamp I meant.
And then explain this to the electrician.
LHT should understand what they are doing, I think.
But if you send the electrician, on my door, then someone aren't doing their job, I think.
If I as a Shop Manager had sent a repair-guy, to a custommer, who lived close to the shop I ran, to ask questions about the repair.
Then I would have been fired, I think.
This was an invasion of my privacy, I think.
And is this an in-house electrician?
Then he should explain that he works in LHT, I think.
And he should at least make an appointment, if he needs to knock on someones door, to ask questions about a repair.
Then it would have been alright, I think.
I'm not used with getting unanounsed visitors, from where I lived earlier.
It has always been an apointment made, before the visit.
Or else it's inpolite, I think, to just knock on someone's door, (and invade their privacy), without an apointment.
And I don't work in LHT, so this was like some kind of unanoused inspection, by LHT, I think.
And the lamp still isn't fixed.
Landlords have a bit power over their tenants, sine housing is a primary need.
So landlords shouldn't go to close, I think.
Other places I've lived, visits from landlords have always been anounced, in letters, a long time in advance.
Once place I lived for eight years, and the landlord was only there once, and it was anounced many weeks in advance.
4. Letter from Housing Officer Sarah Vermiglio
Earlier this week, I got a letter from Housing Officer Sarah Vermiglio.
(Which I attach a scanned copy of).
She wants me to go to LHT, in Kirkdale, tomorrow, to discuss IT-security.
That's very strange to me.
Like I explained under point 3, I lived one place, (in Oslo), for eight years, and the landlord was only in my flat once, during these eight years.
I don't understand what LHT want with me, at your office, in Kirkdale, tomorrow.
To discuss IT-security?????
I have a degree in IT!!!
This is an insult.
And a total irrelevant thing for a Landlord to use their time on.
Why this interest in my IT-skills?
It's very strange I think.
It's very strange I think.
It's an insult to me, who have a degree in IT.
And also an insult to the academies I've studied IT/Information Management/Computing I think.
(That's University of Sunderland, Oslo University College and Norwegian College of Information Technology).
A Landlord should stick to Landlord-stuff, I think.
You want me discuss IT-stuff?
You've earlier dragged me there to discuss adoption!!
Have the World gone insane.
Have the World gone insane.
I have better use of my time than going to your office, to entertain your staff, with conversation.
You have no respect for people, when you drag them to your office, to discuss things they aren't interested in discussing.
That's very harassing.
I therefore also copy this e-mail to my Ecommerce-lecturer, Dr. Erwin, at University of Sunderland.
If I wonder about IT-security I would have sent him, (or one of my other lecturers), an e-mail.
Or Googled it.
Why do want to have meetings with your tenants, about things that are completely irrelevant, to the tenancy.
This seems very odd to me.
You refer to my appartment, as a 'flat', in your letter.
But this apparment has an enterance-door, at the ground floor, and then a stairs, up to the first floor, where the rest of the apparment lays.
So this appartment is anything but flat, really.
Why do you call it flat, I was wondering.
I had some other complaints as well.
There was no carpet, in the stairs or bedroom, when I moved in.
But there are stains, after carpet-glue, (I think it must be), both in the stairs and in the bedroom.
And the smoke-detector was fitted badly, by one of the electricians, on 10/9.
(I wonder if this was an in-house electrician?
He showed up with Sarah Vermiglio, on 10/9.
But he only managed to install a smoke-detector, (although it didn't look fine).
But he couldn't fix the electricity, so he called on a second electrician.
Who sat in a car, outside Keith Court, I think.
And he had to replace a broken trip-switch, in the fuse-cabinet, I think it was.
So maybe you should have let that electrician put up the smoke-detector, as well.
Because that's what I had in mind.
When the electrician had to go to my apparment, to fix the electricity.
Then he could put up the smoke detector, while he was here, I thought.
But your in-house electrician, did this.
And the result wasn't fine at all.
But I don't want that guy here again.
The Housing Officer sneaked in with the in-house electrician.
And I thought this was an invasion of my privacy, and an unanouced inspection.
I don't want any more stuff like that.
And the missing carpets doesn't bother me that much.
I'm not that snobbed.
I'm just avarage snobbed, I think.
So I'd much rather don't have carpets in the stairs and bedroom.
Than having repair-guys/handy men here.
Because guys like that are often rude, since I'm from Norway, I think.
And they often don't put their heart in their job, I think.
So I don't want people like that, in my appartment.
And I don't want to use time on those repairs now.
Because there has been so much stress, with LHT from before.
I like it better when the landlord visits the flat once in eight years.
Than here, where I've been called to three meetings, and had one inspection, and one electrician on my door, in eight months.
It's like I have to use 50 times as much time on my landlord here, than the place in Oslo, where I lived, for eight years.
That's harassement and almost terror, I think.
So please no more 'funny' meetings now.
After all this stress, I want to now calm it down.
Maybe I'll go to a meeting, at your Kirkdale office, in eight years time.
But why 'all the time'?
Why are you so interested in me?
I think this is bullying and harassment.
It has become a nightmare have LHT as a Housing Trust, I think.
Please get a grip.
Erik Ribsskog
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Subject: Complaint/Fwd: Undeliverable: Re: Reply
To: SMcFarlane@lht.co.uk
Cc: info@tpas.org.uk, "emb.london" <emb.london@mfa.no>, Liverpool Direct <liverpool.direct@liverpool.
some boys were calling at the calling on my door three times now.
I was just at Farmfoods and spent the voucher I got in the post from you today, so I know the gate was closed.
The old guy in 9 Keith Court said it was some 'boys'.
So I think the lock should be changed in the gate.
But I haven't gotten a key for it.
Because I checked all the six keys I got from you, when I moved in, in May.
And none of them worked on the gate.
But the lock isn't proper so one can get in without a key.
And the code-display is a bit confusing.
If one get the wrong keys, and no information.
It maid me think I needed a code, like I've reported to you earlier.
Just as an update.
Thanks again for the voucher :)
Best regards,
Erik Ribsskog
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Subject: Fwd: Undeliverable: Re: Reply
To: McFarlane Shirley <SMcFarlane@lht.co.uk>
Cc: info@tpas.org.uk
I send this to you since it was some problems with your other e-mail it seems.
Hope this is alright!
Best regards,
Erik Ribsskog
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From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
To: LHT CSC Duty Managers <LHTCSCDutyManagers@
Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2012 19:54:02 +0100
Subject: Re: Reply
it says in your letter that I'd get a voucher in the New Tenant Meeting.
So that should be at your office then I think.
It says in your letter: 'To show our appreciation for your time, if you complete and return our New Tenant Survey to us we will give you £10 in high streets vouchers at _your_ New Tenant Visit within the next few weeks'.
I've marked 'your', because it should be _mine_ visit at your office then, surely.
And not your visit at my address.
It's like an inspection I haven't asked for this, I think.
And an invasion of my privacy.
I didn't like that.
This seems strange to me.
Sarah didn't even want the form.
That was supposed to go to another office, she said.
And your letter, with the quote in was from 6/9.
So it makes no sense, because Sarahs visit was on 10/9, two or three days after I got the letter.
I don't this add up, because she didn't want to give me a voucher.
And she didn't want the form that came with the letter with the quote.
So this is something akward, I think.
I think you should treat people like adults.
People don't need visits like this.
Get a general enquiry e-mail, and they'll just send you an e-mail if they wonder about something.
Sorry if I'm harsh, but I've rented both in Norway and the UK a lots of times earlier, and have never heard of New Tenants Visits.
I'm not sure if I think that's a good idea, with those meetings.
It's like you patronise people, then I think.
I haven't gotten a key for the gate.
But the lock is very easy to open with ones fingers, without a key.
So the security isn't fine.
I think you should inform people when they move in that the code isn't being used.
I can try to paint the roof myself, after the electricians.
I don't want to be unreasonable, and ask you to send repair-people here all the time.
So that's alright.
I just don't want to get the blaim for this bad repair at a later stage.
I also think you should put a general enquiry e-mail address on your web-site.
Sarah told me you bought these flats from Serenity, some years ago.
And that Serenity used them for older people.
But you rent them to 'normal' people.
But the community-care-system is in all rooms.
You should inform people when they move in, that the community care system is from Serenity.
I don't understand why you kept that community care-system.
The people at their central can hear anything that's being said in the flat, I think.
And when I moved in, I didn't understand what does strings were, and I pulled one to see what they were connected with and someone started talking to me on the community-care.
I think this is a bit strange.
But anyway, thanks very much for your e-mail.
Like I told Sarah I never thought I'd live this close to Goodison Park.
My mother was an au-pair in the UK, in the late 60's, and she supported Everton.
So I also started supporting Everton, since I lived with my mother, in the 70's.
So it's very fun to have a view to Goodison Park, I think :)
Thanks again for your e-mail!
Best regards,
Erik Ribsskog
On Wed, Sep 12, 2012 at 7:33 PM, LHT CSC Duty Managers <LHTCSCDutyManagers@ symphonyhousing.org.uk> wrote:
Dear Mr Ribsskog,
Thank you for your email. I would like to take to opportunity to reply to the points you have raised and hopefully resolve any queries.
I am sorry for any confusion over the gate security. I have spoken to Sarah who has informed me that the code is no longer in use,
but that each resident has been issued with a key to lock/open the gate. Please let me know if you do not have the relevant key.
Regarding your electricity key, LHT do not have any role in providing electricity keys, as this relationship is between the electricity
provider who you select and yourself. If any of your wiring or sockets etc were faulty we would repair these. I am sorry to hear that you were without electricity for a period, but am pleased to hear that you have been able to resolve this.
I have raised the issue of chewing gum whilst speaking to customers with the relevant officer and apologise if any offence was caused.
You have asked about why Sarah attended with the contractors. As Sarah explained she was attending to carry out your New Tenant Visit.
This is a standard visit which is carried out for new Tenants in the first few months of the Tenancy at the property, to ensure that new Tenants have moved in and are settling in ok, and that the property is being looked after, and basically see if there areany problems that we can help address. The nature of this visit means that it has to be carried out at the property and not in the office. The reason Sarah came at the same time as the contractors was to try and minimise the disruption to yourself as we are
aware that you value your privacy as you have mentioned. This meant that we only had to disturb you once rather than Sarah coming separately. I hope this clears up any confusion regarding the visit. The reason Sarah didn’t take the form is because this goes
to a separate department in LHT who issue the voucher. I will forward your scanned form to them, and I thank you for taking the time to complete it.
I have noted the picture you sent of the smoke detector and I agree that this seems to have been poorly finished. I can arrange to
have this rectified if you wish, but I note that you have said you do not want the contractors to come out again. Let me know if you want us to arrange an appointment to make good the painting.
Allan Eveleigh
Neighbourhood Team Leader
Liverpool Housing Trust
211 Walton Road
L4 4AJ
Liverpool Housing Trust is part of Symphony Housing Group
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