Erik Ribsskog
PHP Developer Opportunity - Old Trafford, Manchester!
Erik Ribsskog
Tue, Mar 5, 2013 at 1:53 AM
John Browning <john.browning@senitor.com>
when it comes to web-design, PHP is the last skill, that I've started learning, (after I studied IT, at Oslo University College from 2002 to 2004).
When I studied IT at Oslo University College, (and also when I studied Information Management, at NHI, (Norwegian College of Information Technology), in the academic years 1989/90 and 1991/92), I focused mostly on programming.
(Since many of the modules were group-work-orientated, with some of the students being managers, some being coders, etc).
I focused on Java-programming on Oslo University College, and Pascal-programming at NHI.
So I've only recently started learning PHP.
But I remember I also had to do the group-Perl-coding, on Oslo University College.
And PHP is to do with Perl, as I remember reading later.
But I really was responsible for Linux, at the Linux/Perl-group-project, at Oslo University College.
But none of the other students, at the group I was on, understood Perl, so I had to do that work as well, in addition to my responsibility, which was Linux.
But PHP isn't my main IT-skill.
That's why I only mention it last, (after HTML, CSS and Javascript), in pharanteses, after 'Web Design, on my CV, in the 'Key Skills'-section.
So I doesn't usually apply for PHP-jobs, since I've only made a web-form, using PHP.
But the web-form-work, I think was quite easy.
Do to that I've had programming, (in Basic), as a hobby, during my upbringing.
(And also have learned Pascal and Java, for a total of four years, after that.
I learned Pascal for one year, at the last year, of Upper Secondary School.
Then for two years, at NHI, (which was higher education).
And then Java for the first year, at Oslo University College, (which also was higher education)).
So I would probably be a bit slow, at the start, in this job.
Since I haven't been working that much with PHP.
So usually I apply for frond-end web-design-jobs.
And not back-end web-design jobs.
I don't think I've ever applied for a PHP Developer-job.
So I wonder a bit why you send me an e-mail about this.
I guess you have my CV laying around?
But I wouldn't mind working as a PHP Developer.
But I'm more a Web Designer, I've thought myself.
Just to try to explain about this.
Best regards,
Erik Ribsskog
On Mon, Mar 4, 2013 at 2:16 PM, John Browning <john.browning@senitor.com> wrote:
PHP Developer Opportunity - Old Trafford, Manchester!
Salary - £25K - £35K depending on experience
Skills required:
- PHP5 / MySQL / MVC / Linux / JQuery
- Happy speaking with clients
- Able to work well in a team
An integrated agency situated just South of Central Manchester is looking to take on a PHP Developer with strong back-end development skills.
This agency creates online web systems in PHP5 as well as offering marketing, design, branding, print and digital services too. Working as the primary PHP Developer you would be developing the back-end of the web systems as well as the customer facing websites that are produced. You will have a team of Front-End Developers/Designers alongside you who will deliver the creative front ends.
This role will allow you to meet with clients to understand their requirements. You will then be required to produce solutions in PHP5 and MySQL. Exposure to MVC frameworks is also a must, whether its CakePHP, Zend, Codeigniter, Yii or Symfony it’s not a problem. As long as you have commercial experience working with Model-view-controller (MVC) patterns this will be fine. The agency encourage adopting the use of new technologies and want to ensure they continue to produce innovate solutions.
For more information and to be considered for this position please send me your CV now.
Kind Regards,
John Browning
Senitor Associates
0161 486 1599
07805 213 508
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