Erik Ribsskog
Council Tax Reference No: 44439152/Fwd: Update/Fwd: Council Tax/Fwd: Act Now Alert
Erik Ribsskog
Sat, Jun 1, 2013 at 1:29 PM
Benefits Service <benefits.service@liverpooldirectlimited.co.uk>
Contact-Us <Contact-Us@jobcentreplus.gsi.gov.uk>, LHT Customer Service <csc@lht.co.uk>
I'm refering to your Council Tax Bill-letter, from 29/5, which I recieved today.
I paid you around £10 the other day, (like it says in your mentioned letter), on my Council Tax, for 2013/14.
I also recieved a letter from the Jobcentre today.
And from that letter it seems a bit unclear if they are going to deduct my Council Tax-arrears, from around 2007, from my Jobseekers Allowance, after 7/6.
If you at the Council wants me to.
Then I could pay you £14 a month, when I pay my Council Tax.
(In stead of £7 a month, which is the amount mentioned, in your letter).
Then half of the money I pay, could be deducted, from my arrears, from around 2007.
Then you don't have to deduct this from my Jobseekers Allowance.
Since that's now almost like a farce, I think.
Since it's being changed, 'all the time', if the debt is going to be deducted, from my Jobseekers Allowance, or not.
I think it would perhaps be more practical if I just pay a montly payment, by Visa-card, from your website, (like I did the other day, when I paid you the mentioned £10.02).
I hope this is ok.
(Since I really don't understand what the Jobcentre has in mind, regarding the mentioned Council Tax-arrears.
From their mentioned letter).
I attached both the mentioned letter from the Council, and the mentioned letter from the Jobcentre.
Hope this is alright!
Yours sincerely,
Erik Ribsskog
From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, May 31, 2013 at 1:57 AM
Subject: Update/Fwd: Council Tax/Fwd: Act Now Alert
To: Benefits Service <benefits.service@
Cc: LHT Customer Service <csc@lht.co.uk>, Contact-Us <Contact-Us@jobcentreplus.gsi.
today, (Thursday), I got the three missing Jobseekers Allowance-payments on my bank-account.
I've just now sent you the Council Tax-payment due on 28/5, that is £10.02.
(I paid from your web-site).
I'm not sure if the Jobcentre have updated you, about their desition, about my Jobseekers Allowance.
But I think this, (that I've gotten my allowance back), shows that there wasn't really a change, in my income.
(Like I've written to you earlier).
So I hope to hear from you about that I've gotten the Housing Benefit and the reduced Council Tax back.
The Jobcentre have sent my letters to the wrong address.
(They've sent them to 15 Keith Court.
While I live in 10 Keith Court).
So I haven't gotten a letter, sent to another address than mine, (from the Jobcentre), in January.
It seems.
So this is the reason, I think, for that the Jobcentre stopped my Jobseekers Allowance.
But if I had gotten their letter, (which was sent to the wrong address), in January.
Then I could have updated the Jobcentre earlier.
And then I don't think the Jobcentre would have sent a letter to the Council, about a 'change' in my income.
I don't know the details, about the correspondence, between the Council and the Jobcentre.
But I'm trying to guess what has been going on.
Anyway, now my Jobseekers Allowance is back again, (I got the three missing fourthnightly payments, on my bank-account, yesterday, (Thursday)).
So now it should be ok with both the Jobseekers Allowance, Housing Benefit and the reduced Council Tax, I think.
I almost starved to death, (I think I have to say), around the time, when Aintree Jobcentre sent me to Walton and Fazakerly One Stop Shop, for a voucher for the food-bank, which the One Stop Shop didn't produce.
I was just given a phone-number, to call.
(And it wasn't clear to who that phone-number belonged to).
And when I explained I'd used all the credit on my mobile up, for calling Birkenhead Benefit Centre, about the mentioned Jobseekers Allowance-case.
Then I wasn't offered to borrow the phone there, or something.
When I was a study abroad studend, at University of Sunderland, in 2004/05.
When I was a study abroad studend, at University of Sunderland, in 2004/05.
Then I was offered to borrow the phone once, to call my home university, I remember.
From the International Office.
But I wasn't offered this, by eighter Aintree Jobcentre or Walton and Fazakerly One Stop Shop.
So I almost starved to death, due to that I wasn't given a voucher for the food-bank, Monday one and a half week ago, (I think it was).
So this I thought was inhumane.
Because I got a strong dizzyness-attack, one evening.
So I didn't dear to go to bed, because I was afraid I wouldn't wake up again.
Because I have been very week, now in parts of April, since I have been starving.
And I also felt like I had a hang-over, one morning, even if I hadn't been drinking.
So I was also perhaps a bit dehydrated, during April, when I didn't get any Jobseekers Allowance.
So I was also perhaps a bit dehydrated, during April, when I didn't get any Jobseekers Allowance.
And also I almost couldn't walk, one week ago.
After I'd been at Aintree Jobcentre and Asda Walton.
(Thursday last week).
I found a five pence coin, on the street, when I walked to Aintree Jobcentre, Thursday last week.
And I had a five pence coin, from before, (which I had found on the street, in Walton, some days earlier).
And I had two pence, on my Barclays account.
So I bought a tin of mushy peas, on Asda Walton, Thursday, last week.
Because that was all I could afford, that day.
And then I almost couldn't walk, the last hundred meters, on my way home.
I was to starved, I think it must have been.
So I nearly died, from starvation, in April, I think I have to say.
At least I was dizzy, I felt like I had a hang-over, without having been drinking.
And I almost couldn't walk.
And I almost couldn't walk.
So this that my Jobseekers Allowance was stopped.
That was a scandal, I think.
And also that Aintree Jobcentre, (and Walton and Fazakerly One Stop Shop), refused to make me a voucher, for the food-bank, on Monday one and a half week ago, (I think it must have been).
That was also a scandal, I think.
Anyway, now I have the Jobseekers Allowance back.
But I haven't heard from the Council, about the Housing Benefit and the reduced Council Tax, for job-seekers.
(Even if I've explained to the Council, at the beginning of April, (I think it must have been).
That there haven't been a change, in my income).
So I now wait to hear, (from the Council), that I've gotten my Housing Allowance and reduced Council Tax back.
But I guess that should just be a formality.
Now that I've gotten the Jobseekers Allowance back, (at last).
I hope that you at the Council can please confirm that I've gotten the Housing Benefit and reduced Council Tax back now.
Thanks in advance for the help with this!
Yours sincerely,
Erik Ribsskog
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Subject: Council Tax/Fwd: Act Now Alert
To: "revenue.service" <revenue.service@liverpool.
Cc: Benefits Service <benefits.service@
I had to cancel the Council Tax-direct debit today, unfortunately.
The reason is that the Jobcentre haven't sent me my three last jobseekers allowance-payments, and I have no money on my bank-account.
I send a copy e-mail to the Jobcentre so perhaps they'll send me the money soon.
I'll pay the mentioned part-payment as soon as I get the money the Jobcentre owes me.
Hope this is alright!
I guess you need my National Insurance Number, it's: SG 270967 D.
Sorry about the delay with this!
Yours sincerely,
Yours sincerely,
Erik Ribsskog
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From: RBS <DigitalBanking@information. rbs.co.uk>
From: RBS <DigitalBanking@information.
Date: Tue, May 28, 2013 at 7:38 AM
Subject: Act Now Alert
To: ERIBSSKOG@gmail.com
Transactions on your RBS account ending 827 mean that you currently do not have enough money in this account to cover all payments you have requested.
We recommend that you pay in cleared funds to correct the position on your account by 12.00pm today, 28May. This will allow items to be paid and prevent Overdraft fees being applied.
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