tirsdag 2. juli 2013

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Gmail - Genealogy


Erik Ribsskog


Erik Ribsskog


Tue, Jul 2, 2013 at 1:59 PM

Karlis Beihmanis <beihmanis@gmail.com>

Ove Gedde <gedde@tdcadsl.dk>


I haven't contacted University of Latvia.

I don't understand what you mean.

I thought you read about this on my blog, (or one of my genealogy-websites).

Theres also a relative of mine in Denmark, Ove Gedde, who is after Charlotte von Geidern, like he calls her.

He think she could have been Charlotte Amelie de la Tremauille (1652 - 1732).

I send a copy-email to him, so perhaps he can explain more himself it he has the time.

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

On Tue, Jul 2, 2013 at 11:03 AM, Karlis Beihmanis <beihmanis@gmail.com> wrote:

Thank you for information. I hope it would be useful and I find from where Beichman surname came to Latvia.

You have interesting story about your past.

I am going through the church books and if I see somewhere the surname Geidern then I will inform you. Did University of Latvia answer you?

2013/7/2 Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>


my sister is named Pia Charlotte, possibly after Charlotte von Geidern (or von Geldern), of Kurlandish nobility.

(Charlotte von Geidern is one of our ancestors, it seems like, I've found in this book:


My aunt Ellen, (who used to live in Switzerland), is in a 'hippie-marriage', with Johan Diderik Beichmann, (since a few years ago).

But I live in the UK, (as a refugee, since I'm being followed by some 'mafian', in Oslo, it seems), and I haven't got contact with my sister or aunt Ellen, since they have messed with my inheritanca, after my grandmoter, (Ellen's mother), and my mother died in 1999, so I should have gotten a lot more inheritance, than I got.

So I can't ask aunt Ellen about this.

But in this link it says:

Beichmann, norsk slekt, opprinnelig fra Danmark. Kom til Norge med oberstløytnant Ulrich Friderich Beichmann (ca. 1700–74)


In English that means that Beichmann is a Norwegian family-name, but they were really from Denmark.

They came to Norway with an officer named Ulrich Friderich Beichmann, (who lived from around 1700 to 1774), at the time when Norway was in a union with Denmark, I guess.

Hope this gets you a bit further with your genaology.

On the Norwegian yellow pages it says Johan Diderik Beichmann's phone-number is: 33 18 87 53.


And my aunts e-mail address is:


But when I read her e-mails they don't make much sense to me, unfortunately.

It looks like she's on drugs, or something, I think.

Or you could try her Facebook-page:


Good luch with the genealogy.

(My genealogy-site, on My Heritage, was hi-jacked, a couple of years ago.

And My Heritage doesn't want to give it back.

So I can't link to that site, unfortunately).


Erik Ribsskog

On Tue, Jul 2, 2013 at 8:50 AM, Karlis Beihmanis <beihmanis@gmail.com> wrote:

My name is Karlis Beihmanis and I am from Latvia, Kurzeme, Liepaja. I found that you search for family names in Latvia, Kurland (now it is called Kurzeme) and you have some connection with family name Beichman.

Maybe I can help you and you can help me. Because I am searching from where (maybe Norway) has the family name Beichman came to Latvia. Because it is not latvian family name. Now this surname is written Beihmanis but my grandfather`s grandfather is Beichman.

Maybe you have some information whether Beichman family emigrated to Latvia long time ago?
