torsdag 15. august 2013

Jeg sendte en ny e-post til the Post Office

Gmail - Post Office Ref: 1-2609935163


Erik Ribsskog

Post Office Ref: 1-2609935163

Erik Ribsskog


Thu, Aug 15, 2013 at 4:20 PM

"" <>


thank you for your e-mail.

Yes, I used to print out the 'stamps' from PayPal's website earlier,
for my web-shop.

But I noticed that if I got to the Post Office after closing-time, the
next day, then the stamps weren't valid any longer.

(I only run this business part-time, so I try to multi-task they
job-tasks inbetween my grocery-shopping, etc).

So that's why I started buying 'stamps' at the Post Office.

But I can try to use the bulk-certificate of postage-forms.

And see how that goes at the Post Office.

(And if I don't run out of ink, on my printer).

Any comments to my other emails?

Why was the sign on the other Post Office in County Road not fixed,
for like a year, (from spring 2012 to spring 2013, I think it must
have been).

About one third of the sign was missing.

So it said Pos Pet Shop ffice.

Or something like that.

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

On Thu, Aug 15, 2013 at 2:28 PM, Paula Loach <> wrote:
> Customer Service Centre
> PO Box 740
> Brampton
> S73 0ZJ
> Tel 0845 722 33 44
> Fax 01226 273690
> Textphone (for people who are deaf
> or hard of hearing) 08457 22 33 55
> Email
> Ref: 1-2609935163
> Date: 15 August 2013
> Dear Mr Ribsskog
> Thank you for your email dated 14 August 2013.
> I understand you would like to know if you are able to use the online Bulk
> Certificate of Posting form for each individual customer.  I confirm that
> this form can be used from 1 to 30 customers, there is no minimum
> requirement.
> It may help if I explain that you can also print an individual Certificate
> of Posting once you have bought a postage label by Royal Mail Online Postage
> or through eBay. The certificate needs to be stamped by Post Office staff to
> be a valid proof of postage.
> I do hope that the above information will be of assistance.
> If we can be of any further assistance please do not hesitate to contact us
> again by emailing or by clicking reply to this
> message.
> Yours sincerely
> Paula Loach
> Paula Loach
> Customer Care
> Telephone: 08457 22 33 44
> Textphone: 08457 22 33 55 (For the deaf and Hard of Hearing)
> Email address:
> If you have difficulty reading this e-mail, it is available in a different
> format free of charge. Just telephone 08457 22 33 44
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