torsdag 15. august 2013

Jeg sendte en ny e-post til Tesco

Gmail - Tesco


Erik Ribsskog


Erik Ribsskog


Thu, Aug 15, 2013 at 1:21 PM

Executive Response <>



On Thu, Aug 15, 2013 at 10:49 AM, <> wrote:

Dear Mr Ribsskog

Please be aware that due to the nature of your email, we will no longer be entering into any further correspondence with you.


Dawn Clark
Executive Response Team Leader.

Tesco Logo

.................. Original Message ..................

Received: 15/08/2013

Subject: Update/Fwd: New complaint/Fwd: Email to the Chief Executive's Office


Just something more I thought about after reading your e-mail from yesterday.

One of the guys working there (in this store) looked very gay. Homos should not have public jobs like this, I think.

It makes me want to vomit when I think where his hands and mouth have been. Homos should be torched on a fire.

If we were supposed to pound each other in the ass all day long I'm sure god would have made some natural lube.

This seems strange to me.

Also, there are many niggers who seem to work for Tesco in this store, and some other guy looked like a jew.

And I've worked in retail for many years, and haven't seen workers acting like that in the shops I've worked in.

I think that Tesco should do things properly and not hire people that makes me sick just looking at. So I think enough 'strange stuff' is going on, at the Tesco store.

(Something like this).

Why haven't there been sent information about this, I'm wondering a bit here.

Since I sent you an e-mail yesterday, I mean.

I thought I could try to send an update today as well.

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

This is a confidential email. Tesco may monitor and record all emails. The views expressed in this email are those of the sender and not Tesco.

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