Jeg fortsetter å søke på jobber. Denne gang som Store Manager Designate

Gmail - Store Manager Designate - Ellesmere port


Erik Ribsskog

Store Manager Designate - Ellesmere port

Erik Ribsskog


Mon, Mar 11, 2013 at 9:19 PM



I read about this vacancy, on the DirectGov-website, and wanted to please apply for this job.

I've worked as a Store Manager, at Rimi Lambertseter, (Rimi is a grocery-chain, owned by ICA), in Oslo, in Norway, from 1998 to 2000.

I've also worked as a Store Manager, at Rimi Kalbakken, in Oslo, in Norway, from 2000 to 2001.

And I've also worked as a Store Manager, at Rimi Langhus, in the municipality Ski, in Norway, from 2001 to 2002.

I attach my CV, and hope to hear back from you!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

CV - Erik Ribsskog.doc

Mer fra Posegodt


Det siste kjøpet, fra Posegodt, det var to poser Skittles, som ble bestilt, 6. mars.

Disse to posene, de kostet tilsammen £2.80.

Og boblekonvolutten, (som er en mindre type, for små ordre, nemlig for leveringer på en eller to poser med godteri, da).

De koster et pund, for fem konvolutter.

Så konvolutten, den koster £0.20.

Og porto, for denne leveringen, den var £4.22, fant jeg ut, på postkontoret, i dag.

£2.80 + £0.20 + £4.22.

Det blir tilsammen £7.22.

Og kunden betalte 79.80.

Og da fikk jeg £8.39, fra PayPal.

Så dekningsbidraget, for denne bestillingen, det ble £8.39 minus £7.22.

Noe som ble £1.17.

Det vil si cirka en tier, i norske penger.

Og det er litt lite, kanskje.

For det bryet som jeg hadde, med å sende dette.

Så jeg regner med at prisene blir satt opp til 49.90 igjen, fra og med neste måned.

For jeg føler meg litt dum, når jeg gjør såpass mye arbeid, bare for noen mynter, liksom.

Men ut denne måneder, (mars måned), så kommer prisene ihvertfall til å være 39.90, (hele måneden), da.

Så sånn er det.

Bare noe jeg tenkte på.


Erik Ribsskog


Jeg tror jeg får gjøre det sånn.

At jeg lager en kalkyle, over innkjøpspris, porto og emballasje, for alle varene.

Og så selger varene, med null dekningsbidrag, for en vare.

Og da vil jeg tjene penger, når folk kjøper mer enn en vare, av gangen.

For da da vil portoutgiftene bli mindre, per vare.

(Ved bestillinger på mer enn en vare).

For ellers så kommer dekningsbidraget til å variere, ettersom hvilke varer, som kundene kjøper.

Og da blir det litt dumt av meg, å stille prisene, opp og ned, etter dette.

Så jeg kommer nok til å begynne med differensierte priser, (utregnet etter en slik nevnt kalkyle), fra en gang, i april eller mai.

Og hvis noen spekulerer i de lave mars-prisene, forresten.

Og det begynner å dukke opp, masse bestillinger, som jeg taper penger på.

Så kommer jeg nok til å sette prisene opp, rimelig fort, (for å si det sånn).

Men jeg skal prøve å holde disse lave prisene, (39.90), ut mars.

Så lenge ingen begynner å liksom sabotere, da.

Da setter jeg de nok opp igjen, til 49.90, en del raskere.

Men når jeg må skrive akkurat dette, (om mulig sabotasje osv.).

Så føler jeg meg litt dum.

Så kalkyle er nok veien å gå, tenker jeg nå.

Så det kommer jeg nok til å begynne med, (å regne ut differensierte priser), en av de neste månedene.

Så sånn er det.

Bare noe jeg tenkte på.

Jeg sendte en e-post til the Post Office

Gmail - Post Office Ref: 1-2433956351


Erik Ribsskog

Post Office Ref: 1-2433956351

Erik Ribsskog


Mon, Mar 11, 2013 at 3:33 PM

"" <>


ok, I've read your answer now, and I think it seems like you take custommer-service seriously, (perhaps unlike other retail-companies, etc., I think a bit).

So that I think is very fine.

Thank you very much for the reply!

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

On Mon, Mar 11, 2013 at 12:56 PM, Paula Loach <> wrote:

Customer Service Centre
PO Box 740
S73 0ZJ
Tel 0845 722 33 44
Fax 01226 273690
Textphone (for people who are deaf

or hard of hearing) 08457 22 33 55

Ref: 1-2433956351
Dear Mr

Thank you for letting me know about your experience at County Road Post Office® branch on 21 February 2013.

I am sorry that the Branch Assistant who served you was rude towards you and had closed down his work station despite the branch still being open.
I also understand that you have concerns over the actions of the Branch Manager.  I do appreciate the concern that this matter has caused you and please accept my sincere apologies for this.

Please be assured that complaints of this nature are taken very seriously. I have therefore phoned the Branch Manager as part of my investigation.
She has asked that I pass on her apologies and advised that the individual concerned is a relief staff member who covers when other staff members are on annual leave or on sick leave.  However she has been reminded of the polite and professional service we
expect her and her staff members to maintain in accordance with Post Office standards.

I am confident that the above action will improve the service in branch. We do rely on customer feedback to improve the
service we provide so please feel free to contact us if you have any further issues.

The details of your complaint have been included and recorded under the above reference number.  If you need to contact us again
about this matter, it would help us if you could quote our reference number to enable us to quickly access the information.

Once again please accept my apologies for any distress caused by this incident.

If we can be of any further assistance please do not hesitate to contact us again by emailing or by clicking reply to thismessage.

To help us improve the service we provide, an independent agency conducts telephone interviews with a sample of customers who have used our helpline eachmonth. All feedback is welcomed and used to further improve the service. If you are contacted and do not wish to take part, please let the interviewer know. If you prefer not to be contacted please call 020 7357 8522 within seven days of the date of this letter
and quote the reference from the top of this letter, to the agency.

If you need any further help with Post Office products and services, you can call 0845 722 33 44 between 8.15 am and 6 pm from Monday to Friday, and 8.30 am to 2 pm on Saturday. You can also access information at, the official Post Office

Yours sincerely
Paula Loach
Paula Loach
Customer Care
Telephone: 08457 22 33 44
Textphone: 08457 22 33 55 (For the deaf and Hard of Hearing)
Email address:

If you have difficulty reading this e-mail, it is available in a different format free of charge. Just telephone 08457 22 33 44


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ROYAL MAIL GROUP LIMITED registered in England and Wales at 100 VICTORIA EMBANKMENT, LONDON EC4Y 0HQ with the registered company number 04138203


Jeg sendte en e-post til Amnesty

Gmail - Liberty - your query


Erik Ribsskog

Liberty - your query

Erik Ribsskog


Mon, Mar 11, 2013 at 3:28 PM

amnestyis <>


I wonder about this organisation a bit now.

The first-name James is from John which is a crucader-name, I think.

(Like in the Order of St. John).

So to put crucaders in charge of human rights and civil rights.

I think it seems a bit like crucaders have hi-jacked this organisation, (Liberty).

If I'm allowed to say that.


Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: James Welch <>
Date: Mon, Mar 11, 2013 at 2:37 PM
Subject: Liberty - your query
To: "" <>

Dear Mr Ribsskog,

My colleague Zoë Veater has passed your correspondence to me so that I can review whether Liberty should take up your case.

Please note that nothing was intended by her failing to use “Yours sincerely” at the end of her e-mail to you.  The trend seems to be not to use the formalities associated with letter writing when writing
e-mails.  Zoë (and indeed myself) are not alone in the less formal ways that we write e-mails.

I am sorry to hear about your situation but, nonetheless, I have decided that we will not be able to assist you.  As Zoë indicated, Liberty is a campaigning organisation and we only take on cases that we think
will set a useful precedent or will lead to a change in the law in the areas of law that are of concern to us.  Moreover, our legal department is very small and this severely limits the number of cases that we can take on.

Please note that this is the final stage in the appeal process and that we will not correspond with you on this matter any further.  I am sorry that we are not able to help you any further. 

I wish you all the best.

James Welch

James Welch

Legal Director


Protecting civil liberties

Promoting human rights

Liberty House, 26-30 Strutton Ground, London, SW1P 2HR

fax: 020 7799 5306

What’s not to love about the Human Rights Act?


This communication contains information which is confidential and may also be privileged. It is for the exclusive use of the intended recipient(s). If you are not the intended recipient(s)
please note that any distribution, copying or use of this communication or the information in it is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error please notify us by e-mail or by telephone (+44 (0)20 7403 3888) and then delete the e-mail
and any copies of it. This communication is from Liberty.

Det her må da være huset til familien Sand på Sand. (Drammensfjorden i bakgrunnen)

familien sand på sand!i=2088119997&k=BXW9HQd


Det huset i bakgrunnen, med rød takstein, det tror jeg er der, hvor min tremenning Anita, fra Lørenskog, (hu som jobba på Robsrudjordet Grill og cruiseskip), har feriehus.

Hvis jeg ikke tar helt feil.

Så sånn er muligens det.


Erik Ribsskog

Jeg sendte en e-post til Kunnskapsdepartementet

Gmail - Angående klage på Lånekassa


Erik Ribsskog

Angående klage på Lånekassa

Erik Ribsskog


Mon, Mar 11, 2013 at 3:35 AM


Postmottak Sivilombudsmannen <>


jeg sender en kopi av denne klagen, til dere.

Siden jeg har sendt om dette til dere tidligere.

Og siden jeg synes at 'køddinga', fra Lånekassa, er så drøy.

Erik Ribsskog

3 attachments
lånekassa 1.jpg
lånekassa 2.jpg
lånekassa 3.jpg


Her er vedlegget:

lånekassa 1

lånekassa 2

lånekassa 3