I read about this vacancy on the Direct Gov-website, and I wanted to
please apply for this job.
I have designed a lot of websites, (see CV for online portfolio),
since the late nineties, using HTML, CSS, Javascript and PHP.
I also have a degree, in IT, (named 'Høgskolekandidat', which is
comparable with a HND/Foundation Degree, here in the UK, Jet
Employability Team, has told me), which I recieved, from Oslo
University College, in 2009.
I only have an extra-job, (my web-shops Www.posegodt.net and
www.bagsofsweets.net), at the moment, so I could start as soon as
Yours sincerely,
Erik Ribsskog
 | | CV (IT) - Erik Ribsskog.doc 45K |