fredag 21. mars 2014

Jeg sendte en klage til Twitter

Gmail - Complaint/Fwd: Case# 00576119: Abusive messages - KongenavBerger - [ref:_00DA0K0A8._500G0LQfDw:ref]


Erik Ribsskog

Complaint/Fwd: Case# 00576119: Abusive messages - KongenavBerger - [ref:_00DA0K0A8._500G0LQfDw:ref]

Erik Ribsskog


Fri, Mar 21, 2014 at 8:34 PM



I also wanted to complain about that your web-form don't work, when I want to report Impersonation.
Your web-form wants me to provide a 'legal alias'.

But not all people have a legal alias.

If I'm not mistaking, I've read somewhere that Twitter is one of the top-ten websites, (which is most used), in the World.

How can you have a bug like this?
What is the problem here, I'm wondering.


Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Twitter Support <>

Date: Wed, Mar 12, 2014 at 7:29 PM
Subject: Case# 00576119: Abusive messages - KongenavBerger - [ref:_00DA0K0A8._500G0LQfDw:ref]
To: "" <>



This is confirmation that Twitter has received your report.


The Twitter Trust & Safety team will review your report and take action if the user is found to be violating the Twitter Rules ( We may follow up with you if we need further information.


What else can you do?


• Do not respond to the user. We have found that responding to someone who is intentionally attempting to aggravate you or others encourages them to continue their behavior.

• Block the user. You can block the user using the blocking feature described here:

• Learn more about how to deal with abusive users:

• Learn how to flag inappropriate media here:


Contact Law Enforcement


If something has gone beyond the point of a personal conflict and has escalated to the point of actionable violent threats, whether it be online or offline, please contact your local law enforcement so they can accurately assess the validity of the issue.


If contacted by law enforcement directly, we can work with them and provide the necessary information for their investigation of your issue. You can point local law enforcement to our Law Enforcement Guidelines (


For more information on our abuse policy and how to deal with abusive behavior, please review the following:


 • Abusive behavior policy:

 • Dealing with abusive users:




Twitter Trust & Safety



Your ticket number: #00576119

System Reference: ref:_00DA0K0A8._500G0LQfDw:ref

legal alias.jpg


Her er vedlegget:

legal alias