To: Contact-Us <>
Cc: Operations Correspondence <>, Benefits Service <>, "Cc: LHT Customer Service" <>, CONTACT-US <>,,
I'm refering to one of the many letters I got from you today.
(Which I attach).
You say I work more than sixteen hours a week,
But that's not right.
Like I inform you in the forwarded e-mail, (from 17/3), I work less
than sixteen hours a week.
Best regards,
Erik Ribsskog
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Date: Mon, Mar 17, 2014 at 2:27 PM
Subject: To: Birkenhead Benefit Centre. Reference: SG270967D
To: Contact-Us <>
I'm refering to your letter, from 6/3, which I got in the post, last week.
I've now filled out this form/letter, and returnes it with this
e-mail, (all six pages).
Please just ask me if there is something more you wonder about,
regarding my work.
Yours sincerely,
Erik Ribsskog
8 attachments
| | form 1.jpg 108K |
| | form 2.jpg 41K |
| | form 3.jpg 147K |
| | form 4.jpg 109K |
| | form 5.jpg 68K |
| | form 6.jpg 81K |
| | brev jobcentre.jpg 130K |
| | brev jobcentre 2.jpg 117K |