tirsdag 22. april 2014

Jeg sendte en e-post til Liverpool Direct

Erik Ribsskog

Your email dated 19/04/2014

Erik Ribsskog Tue, Apr 22, 2014 at 5:18 PM
To: "Darcy, Helen"
Cc: "emb.london" , Politikk Høyre , Akademikerforbundet , she@topdanmark.dk, Bjørn Ribsskog , Pia Ribsskog , "mail.gva" , "steve.rotheram.mp" , britemb , FN-sambandet Norge

I haven't been in contact with any Careline earlier, so I don't
understand where you've gotten my contact-details from.

Also, the Police, who were on my door, (there names were Colin and
something a bit similar with Alan, I think), told me, that they were
sent, from 'Social Services Liverpool':

(I asked them if they were sent by the Council.

And they just said Social Services Liverpool.

A name that doesn't make much sense to me).

It isn't clear, who initiated this.

(You say it's the Police, and they say it's Social Services Liverpool).

Like I told Alan? and Colin?, I didn't have time, to stand there all
day, and chat with them.

And I told them that they didn't need to write down my phone-number,
(so to give it on to someone).

Still you contact me now.

I think this is something sweaty and clammy, like something by Orwell or Kafka.

I want to escalate this complaint to your line-manager, please.

The Police make up phoney e-mails and charges that they say I've sent,
and which I've complained to the IPCC about.

They just harass me the whole time.

I lived in Oslo for fifteen years, before I moved to the UK, and I
never had the Police on my door a single time, and I never was in
contact with soup-kitchen, or anything like that, because I never
needed to, I always had a job and money for food, etc.

So this contact from you and the Police, is something I don't like.

It isn't even clear who initiated this contact.

Then it's like some CIA or something spy on me, I think.

Since the police said 'Liverpool Social Services'.

That's what an American CIA-guy dressed up as a British Police-officer
would have said I think.

So this case isn't fine, I think.

So I send to the Norwegian Government etc. about this.

And you at 'the soup-kitchen' don't need to contact me anymore about
this clammy case.

Erik Ribsskog


And 'thanks you'.

What that supposed to mean, in your e-mail?

Is this to try to ridicule me, because I'm from Norway?

The Merseyside Police have earlier called me 'Miss Erik Ribsskog' in a letter.

is this some type of harrassment against people from Norway?

On Tue, Apr 22, 2014 at 10:46 AM, Darcy, Helen
<helen.darcy@liverpooldirectlimited.co.uk> wrote:
> Hello Mr Ribskogg, in relation to your email I can tell you that we got your
> telephone number from our own records.
> The information regarding your finances was gained from the police who sent
> us a fax following a visit to your property.
> Thanks you
> Helen D’Arcy
> Social Work Deputy Team Leader
> Careline (Adult Services)
> Liverpool Direct Limited
> First Floor Venture Place
> Sir Thomas Street
> Liverpool
> L1 6BW
> Tel 0151 233 3700
> Fax 0151 225 2275
> helen.darcy@liverpooldirectlimited.co.uk
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