onsdag 14. mai 2014

Jeg sendte en e-post til the Jobcentre

Gmail - Update Wednesday/Fwd: New update/Fwd: Update/Fwd: Your letter of 29/4, from Birkenhead Benefit Centre. Reference: SG270967D


Erik Ribsskog

Update Wednesday/Fwd: New update/Fwd: Update/Fwd: Your letter of 29/4, from Birkenhead Benefit Centre. Reference: SG270967D

Erik Ribsskog


Wed, May 14, 2014 at 9:42 AM

Contact-Us <Contact-Us@jobcentreplus.gsi.gov.uk>

CONTACT-US <CONTACT-US@dwp.gsi.gov.uk>, Colin Simber <colin.simber@linskills.co.uk>

l.kennedy@easylaw.co.uk, "emb.london" <emb.london@mfa.no>, HRW UK <hrwuk@hrw.org>, amnestyis <amnestyis@amnesty.org>, Politikk Høyre <politikk@hoyre.no>, Phso Enquiries <phso.enquiries@ombudsman.org.uk>, post <post@mfa.no>, Akademikerforbundet <post@akademikerforbundet.no>, LHT Customer Service <csc@lht.co.uk>, Pia Ribsskog <pia@nfunorge.org>, Bjørn Ribsskog <bribsskog@gmail.com>, she <she@topdanmark.dk>, "hv-02.kontakt" <hv-02.kontakt@mil.no>, "anne-kathrine.skodvin" <anne-kathrine.skodvin@ica.no>, post <post@spesialenheten.no>, "EUteam@amnesty.org" <EUteam@amnesty.org>, "SCT@amnesty.org.uk" <sct@amnesty.org.uk>, hofmarskallatet@kongehuset.dk, Liverpool Direct <liverpool.direct@liverpool.gov.uk>, Vernepliktsverkets kontaktsenter ved Wenche Molstad <vpv.kontakt@mil.no>, post@slottet.no, Runcorn Office <runcornoffice@taroe.org>, Lars Aasen <lbf@lbf.no>, Info <info@tpas.org.uk>, Benefits Service <benefits.service@liverpooldirectlimited.co.uk>, "steve.rotheram.mp" <steve.rotheram.mp@parliament.uk>


yesterday Jude from Birkenhead Benefit Centre adviced me to call

Huyton Jobcentre on 0845 604 3719, (dial 7).

I then go to speak with Linda, and explained the problems to her.

She told me I couldn't speak with anyone at Huyton Jobcentre, but they

could call me back.

She gave me a time-slot.

It was between 4 PM and 5 PM yesterday.

And the time-slot continued, so it was also between 7 AM and 9 AM today.

But I haven't gotten a call from them.

(They were supposed to call me on my mobile).

Those time-slots are a bit strange perhaps, (since they run over two days).

And also, why couldn't I get to speak with Huyton Jobcentre when I

called them yesterday.

And also, why haven't Huyton Jobcentre called me today, like agreed.

This is complaint one hundred or so, (that I have against the

Jobcentre), since I became unemployed, in 2008.


Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>

Date: Tue, May 13, 2014 at 3:43 PM

Subject: New update/Fwd: Update/Fwd: Your letter of 29/4, from

Birkenhead Benefit Centre. Reference: SG270967D

To: Contact-Us <Contact-Us@jobcentreplus.gsi.gov.uk>

Cc: CONTACT-US <CONTACT-US@dwp.gsi.gov.uk>, Colin Simber



I haven't used Skype, (since then people sometimes complain about the

line), since I lived in Leather Lane, (where I moved from in 2011).

So I managed to call the wrong number, I noticed now.

I tried to call again now, and spoke with Jude, (I think her name

was), on 0345 6088545.

She said the claim was open with Birkenhead Benefit Centre.

But it was closed with Huyton Jobcentre, it seemed.

So she gave me a number for them, (0845 604 3719), that I'm going to

try to call now.

My last payment-date was 1/5 she said.

But she couldn't say when my next payment was due.

Huyton Jobcentre said, (like I've explained in the e-mail from 6/5),

that I was going to get a letter about a phone-interview.

But I haven't gotten any such letter.

(Even if Alan at Huyton Jobcentre told me I would get a letter like that.

In a meeting, at Huyton Jobcentre, on 17/4).

But I'm going to try to call them now, (since the e-mails I send you

aren't that effective, it seems).

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>

Date: Tue, May 13, 2014 at 3:10 PM

Subject: Update/Fwd: Your letter of 29/4, from Birkenhead Benefit

Centre. Reference: SG270967D

To: Contact-Us <Contact-Us@jobcentreplus.gsi.gov.uk>

Cc: CONTACT-US <CONTACT-US@dwp.gsi.gov.uk>, Colin Simber



like I wrote in the forwarded e-mail, I haven't been given information

about when my signing date is now.

Huyton Jobcentre told me some weeks ago, that they were going to send

me letters in the post, with signing on forms, and regarding a signing

on meeting by phone.

I still haven't heard from them, or gotten any reply to the forwarded e-mail.

So I try to send an update.

Yesterday, I downloaded Skype and bought some credit for that


But when I tried to call Birkenhead Benefit Centre, (on 0345 6088545), now.

To hear about why I haven't heard from Huyton Jobcentre, (and about

when I get the next Jobseekers Allowance-payment).

Then I just got to hear an answering-machine, which says, that: 'This

department don't accept voice-phone'.

(Something like that).

And the Jobcentre phonenumbers are expensive to call from pay as you go-mobiles.

(I'm from Norway, so I'm not in the electoral register, so it's

difficult for me to get monthly-mobiles).

And when I got Virgin to install a broadband-line here last year, then

they were here four times with a lot of different staff.

And I also get a lot of 'funny' emails, phone-calls, letters,

pizza-guys on the door and more or less funny police on the door, all

the time.

So I'm being bullied by someone big time, and don't want any more

funny Virgin-staff in my flat.

So you aren't kind to jobseekers I think.

You tend to not reply to e-mails as a general rule, it seems, (the

Council are much better at this).

You don't accept Skype-calls.

And it's expensive to call your numbers from pay as you go-mobiles.

How about free numbers for the Jobcentre's, I was wondering.

Then I wouldn't have to go to LHT and borrow their phone all the time,

when there are problems with the Jobcentre.

Just an advice.


Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>

Date: Tue, May 6, 2014 at 4:13 PM

Subject: Your letter of 29/4, from Birkenhead Benefit Centre.

Reference: SG270967D

To: Contact-Us <Contact-Us@jobcentreplus.gsi.gov.uk>

Cc: CONTACT-US <CONTACT-US@dwp.gsi.gov.uk>


you write that I can't have Jobseekers Allowance from 8. March to 30. March.

You say my claim was to late.

But I have been on a new regime, (like you call it), with Aintree

Jobcentre, since last automn.

So I've been detail-run by you, more or less.

And then you said you hadn't gotten my letter which I'd sent in the

post in a normal way.

And also I got to borrow the phone from LHT and then I told a Maria

with you that I didn't have money for rail to Huyton Jobcentre.

She adviced me to make a new claim.

Then I explained when you called that I didn't have money for rail to

Huyton Jobcentre.

Then I got an apointment with Aintree Jobcentre.

Then Aintree Jobcentre changed this apointment for one at Huyton Jobcentre!

So it's you at the Jobcentre who have the blaim since I didn't get to

claim the allowance earlier.

I've really been unemployed since late in 2008, and this is just due

to administrative problems, (and that I've been charged with crime I

haven't done against your staff), this with the two new claims.

The meetings I've been at at Huyton Jobcentre also haven't been fine.

Gary there refused to speak with me on the first apointment.

And then he squeezed to meetings into one on the second apointment, it seemed.

He 'overloaded' me with information, and I misunderstood about the

next sign on meeting.

Since he put me on a new programme on my first proper meeting at that Jobcentre.

And the booklet he gave me to write in seemed like something one get

at primary school.

Also Alan there, told me, in my second meeting there, (about this 'new

claim'), that I would be sent a letter with info about a

telephone-sign on-meeting.

I have not received any such letter, (or signing on forms).

And those forms were due to be sent back to the Jobcentre today, if

I'm not mistaking.

A week ago I got a text-message telling me my claim had been awarded.

But I haven't gotten the money for the signing on forms I sent you two

weeks ago.

So I have no electricity of food.

There's also more.

You are poor at giving exact information.

(Like how much is the least one have to do each week to get the allowance.

When do I get the allowance).

A Norwegian writer Norulf Oevrebotten sais the difference between how

it is and how people think things are, is called the 'negative room'.

If there isn't information and openes, then e.g. communist-mafia can

play with people in this negative room, according to him.

Just to warn.

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog