I own part of a property in Norway.
(My father inherited this, (from his bachelor-uncles, after two of
them had died), in 2005, but didn't want to own it, for some reason,
and gave half of his share on to me).
My third bachelor-uncle, (Idar Sandersen), still lives there.
But he is more than 90 years old.
I want to sell it, but perhaps it's better to wait, untill my granduncle dies.
I've asked my earlier Norwegian banks, (from when I lived in Norway,
that is DNB and Nordea), if they could loan me some money, on this
But they have not given me any loans, for some strange reason.
Because this property is in a place, (Hurum), where properties like
this, are in demand, (since it's close to the sea/fjord, etc.), it
I'm not sure if you at RBS are used to dealing with properties in
Norway, so I've waited many years, with contacting you, about this.
But I guess my share of this property could easily be worth £50.000 or £100.000.
And at the same time, I have problems with the Jobcentre.
They stop my allowance, 'all the time'.
(And they also take me to court, acusing me of haveing written dirty
e-mails to their staff.
I rather want to live on the money for this propety I own, than having
to deal with the Jobcentre any longer.
If that's possible).
Can I please get a loan, on this property.
And then I can pay it back, after Idar Sandersen dies.
Since I almost starve to death, every year, (or so), due to problems
with the Jobcentre.
I've also gotten my degree, in 2009, from Oslo University College.
Could I please have a bank-account, for graduates, with an overdraft,
(for graduates), I was wondering.
Best regards,
Erik Ribsskog
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