fredag 8. august 2014

Jeg sendte en e-post til Virgin

Erik Ribsskog

Your ref: LTR011/Fwd: Ofcom reference: 1-266978842

Erik Ribsskog Fri, Aug 8, 2014 at 9:56 PM

Bcc: OCCtelecoms , Phso Enquiries , Q&A , Legal Services Ombudsman ,,, admin , "" , post , she , Bjørn Ribsskog , "hv-02.kontakt" , Politikk Høyre , amnestyis , "" , ""

I'm refering to your letter, from 6/8, which I received today, (and
attach a scanned copy of).

I've sent about this case, to Cisas and Stephchange.

So I'm waiting to hear back from them, about this.

So I'm going to contact you back, when I hear more, from Cisas.

I didn't realize you at Virgin actually had an e-mail-address, (that
is monitored), before I read your letter.

Or else I would have e-mailed you much before, about this.

(I'm not such a big fan, of chats and online-contact-forms.

And I don't have a land-line, and have had little credit on my mobile,
due to that the Jobcentre have stopped, to send me jobseekers
allowance, (I have to say)).

Your engineer also distroyed my printer, (even if I fixed it with
super-glue, but anyway), and drilled an extra hole, in my lounge-wall,
that he filled with 'silver', like he called it.

This I wanted to complain about.

(I haven't gotten to complain to you before.

Because I haven't had your e-mail-address.

And have tried to send the complaint, by Ofcom etc., I think it was.

So this is now more than a year ago).

Also, I wanted to complain about, that you needed something like four
or five visits, to my flat, to install a broadband-line.

And you changed a box, in my wall, to do with the new broadband-line.

(Is that why Police say e-mails I haven't written are from my IP-address.

Because you've put some 'funny' stuff in my wall)?

BT only needed one visit and one engineer, when I got a new
broadband-line, on my room, in Mandeville Street, in 2006.

Yet Virgin needed like four visits, and five engineers here, to
install a broadband-line, (at my current address), last year.

This I wanted to complain about.


Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Date: Tue, Aug 5, 2014 at 5:42 PM
Subject: Re: Ofcom reference: 1-266978842
To: OCCtelecoms <>


thank you for your e-mail!

I send a copy-email to the internet adjudicator then.

I tried to look more at Virgins website now, and had a chat with Phil.

But when I tried to call the mobile-number he mentioned, then it
wasn't free, (anyway), and I'm out of credit on my mobile, since I
haven't gotten my jobseekers allowance lately.

And I attach a copy of the conversation with Phil.

I think it's strange they don't have an e-mail-address.

I used to be with BT Broadband, (from 2006 to 2011), and they were
possible to e-mail.

But when I moved to Sunderland, in 2011, then BT sent me a cheque, for
around £150, I think.

So they must have double-charged me, for some months, I think.

And then discovered this, later.

I really wanted to use a credit they had.

But I think what happened was that BT double-charged me instead.

So like some sharia, or something?

So BT freaked me out, I have to say.

And that's why I chosed Virgin now.

But if I'd known they don't use e-mail, then I would have chosen Talk
Talk, (or another internet-supplier), I think.

Just to try to update.

Thanks again for the e-mail.

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

On Mon, Aug 4, 2014 at 1:39 PM, OCCtelecoms <> wrote:
> Ofcom reference: 1-266978842
> 04 August 2014
> Dear Mr Ribsskog
> Thank you for contacting Ofcom about Virgin Media Ltd.
> Although we are unable to get involved in individual disputes, I realise
> that you have approached us for help and will explain how you can progress
> your complaint.
> If you have already contacted Virgin Media Ltd and feel you have been dealt
> with poorly or unreasonably, you can ask them to take your complaint to a
> higher level. You can find out how to do this from your service provider’s
> code of practice. This should detail their full complaints procedure and
> will be available through its website and customer services. Some service
> providers also print complaint information on the back of their phone bills.
> You are likely to resolve your dispute by following the complaints
> procedure, but if you exhaust this and remain unhappy, you should ask your
> service provider to send you a letter outlining their final position. This
> is known as a ‘deadlock’ letter.
> Once you have received a deadlock letter, you may be able to take your
> dispute to an Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) scheme. You can also take
> your dispute to an ADR scheme if it remains unresolved 8 weeks after you
> first complained.
> An ADR scheme is an important piece of consumer protection which every
> service provider has to belong to. They are free and independent services
> available to residential or small business (up to 10 employees) customers.
> Service providers must abide by an ADR’s decision, but if you are
> dissatisfied with the outcome you are free to consider legal action.
> For information, Virgin Media Ltd is a member of the Communications and
> Internet Services Adjudication Scheme (CISAS) for the purpose of ADR. You
> can contact CISAS at:
> International Dispute Resolution Centre
> 70 Fleet Street
> London
> EC4Y 1EU
> Phone: 020 7520 3827
> Email:
> Website:
> With regards to the quality of customer service given by your provider,
> whilst this does not fall under our remit, it is in a provider’s own
> interest to treat their customers well. Additionally, we record all of the
> complaints we receive, so can identify issues of general consumer concern.
> If we notice a particular increase in similar complaints against the same
> provider, we may raise this with them for internal review.
> I hope you find this information helpful and can confirm that I have
> recorded details of your experience. If you need more advice, you can visit
> our website at: or phone the Consumer Contact Team on: 0300
> 123 3333 or 020 7981 3040. You should quote the reference number at the top
> of this letter.
> Yours sincerely
> Charlotte Sperry
> Consumer Contact Team
> ________________________________
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