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Gmail    Erik Ribsskog
FW: Confidence
Erik Ribsskog     Tue, Aug 25, 2015 at 3:32 AM
To: juridisk

dette er trakassering som følge av ID-tyveri, (virker det som).

(Jeg har ikke kontaktet disse).

Vennligst rydd opp!

Med hilsen

Erik Ribsskog


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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Elizabeth at Bridge Publications
Date: Wed, Aug 12, 2015 at 11:33 AM
Subject: FW: Confidence
To: eribsskog@gmail.com

Hi Erik,

In case you didn't see my last email... here are some life-changing questions you may want to ask yourself:

Why don’t you have everything you want in life?

Why aren’t you dating people you really want to go out with?

Why do you have a job you don’t like, working for a boss you despise?

Why don’t you enjoy life more?

Why don’t you have more friends whom you really like and feel close to?

Why aren’t you happier?

You may not know. But L. Ron Hubbard did.

That’s why more than 22 million people own his classic work Dianetics—on the New York Times best-seller list for 126 weeks. People from all walks of life—from ordinary working folk to superstar athletes and actors—credit Dianetics for transforming their lives. So they could achieve their goals and have everything they want. Now, you can too...


L. Ron Hubbard’s great discovery in Dianetics was a psychological barrier to success called an engram.

Engrams are subconscious memories of bad experiences. They hold you back from achieving your full potential while causing painful emotions and negative thinking. In Dianetics, you’ll discover a technique for clearing your subconscious mind from all the engrams it contains.

When you rid yourself of these harmful emotions and thoughts, you gain control of your emotions.

Negative thoughts, which can cause emotional stress and unproductive behavior, are no longer triggered without an obvious reason.

Once you purge the engrams from your mind, you’ll enjoy greater confidence, more courage, and a positive viewpoint that will enable you to get all you want out of life.

You’ll be fully aware of the world around you and possessed of a rationality based on experience.


After a 12-year layoff, Phillipe de Henning won Le Mans in a C2 class racecar. He says: “Dianetics technology was the key to our success. I would never have been able to handle the stress and strain of racing without it.”

“My life really changed after I read Dianetics,” says Hollywood stunt pilot Jorj Baker. “Now I’m in control. You can get your life under control, too!”

“Dianetics put me into the big time,” says actor John Travolta. “I always had the ability to be somewhat successful, but Dianetics freed me up to the point where something really big could happen, without interference.”

“Hubbard’s best-seller has helped millions, and it should be read and used by all who are searching for a true understanding of the mind and a solution to such problems as self-doubt, stress, anxiety, and depression,” says World Reporter Newspaper.


The best way to master the technology of Dianetics quickly is with The Complete Dianetics How-to Kit.

Dianetics How-To KitYour Kit includes:

• 677-page book Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health (value: $25).

• 2-DVD course How to Use Dianetics (value: $25).

• 5-CD set with transcript, the L. Ron Hubbard Dianetics: Lectures and Demonstrations (value: $50)

The total value of the Kit’s contents is $100. But order now and your investment in mastering the life-changing Dianetics technology is just $75—a savings of 25%.

When your Kit arrives, read the book. Watch the DVDs. Listen to the CDs. Put the Dianetics technology to work.

Then, if you do not see a dramatic improvement in your life, or are not 100% satisfied for any other reason, simply return the Kit and its contents to us within 30 days for a full product refund. That way, you risk nothing. To order The Complete Dianetics How-to Kit, click here:

Change Your Life with Dianetics Now <--- br="" nbsp="">
You can also call toll-free 800-722-1733 today.


Elizabeth Hinojosa
Bridge Publications, Inc.
Toll Free (800) 722-1733

PS: If you don’t want the DVDs and CDs, you can order just the 677-page Dianetics book for only $25. Same money-back guarantee.

NOTICE: The new edition of Dianetics has been created with one purpose in mind—ease of understanding. From the thumb tabs to the inside cover flaps that serve as bookmarks, no detail has been spared in the presentation of this book. The text and layout have been designed to meet the highest standards for readability. The extensive glossary is so complete that virtually every word you might run into has been defined.

You owe it to yourself to read the new edition. So great has been the demand for the new book that for a limited time only we are making the following offer for those who own an edition of Dianetics printed before 2007:

Return your earlier edition of Dianetics and get the new edition at 50% off, plus a FREE DVD.

Come in and see the bookstore at your local Church of Scientology to take advantage of this offer.

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This email was sent to eribsskog@gmail.com from 5600 E. Olympic Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90022