lørdag 14. november 2015

Og enda enda mer om nettmobbing

Erik Ribsskog
Klage/Fwd: Urgent: Banned
Erik Ribsskog     Sat, Nov 14, 2015 at 7:02 AM
To: juridisk

dette er trakassering som følge av ID-tyveri, (virker det som).
(Jeg har ikke kontaktet disse).
Vennligst rydd opp!
Med hilsen
Erik Ribsskog
Jeg sender fortsatt om ID-tyveri til Datatilsynet, (siden at det ikke virker helt klart, hvem andre jeg burde sende om dette til, synes jeg).

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Beliefnet - Laissez Faire Club
Date: Thu, Nov 5, 2015 at 2:09 PM
Subject: Urgent: Banned
To: eribsskog@gmail.com

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Urgent: Banned

Dear Erika,

Get ready.

Because a major scandal has broken.

It has to do with what we believe to be a conspiracy between the U.S. government and some of the biggest food producers in America.

This topic of this story is so controversial, Fox News banned a story on it from being aired… and fired the two reporters who covered it.

If you're happy with the president, do not watch this presentation.

It's so serious that many will look to IMPEACH Obama for what he's done.

This could be the one that finally brings him down.

CLICK HERE for the shocking story.

I'm warning you, though. What you're about to see might turn your stomach.


Doug Hill

Director, Laissez Faire Club

This email was sent on behalf of Laissez Faire Club.
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